Achievement of Desire Essay Example
Achievement of Desire Essay Example

Achievement of Desire Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (450 words)
  • Published: September 9, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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In "The Achievement of Desire," Richard Rodriguez portrays himself as an ambitious student with a strong desire for knowledge. Being Mexican-American, he strives to excel in school to overcome his foreign identity. This dedication to education creates a divide between his life in the classroom and his home life, causing him to grow apart from his family. He refers to himself as a "scholarship boy," drawing from Hostage's book, "The Uses of Literacy." Rodriguez's thirst for education compensates for his disconnect from his immigrant background. He observes another student in the classroom who also seeks attention and praise from the teacher, understanding the feeling of belonging that comes with academic achievement (Rodriguez, 528). This quote further illustrates Rodriguez's passion for learning and his determination to acquire knowledge.He also affirms


this by expressing his desire to embody the traits of a teacher, stating, "I wanted to be like my teachers, to possess their knowledge, to assume their authority, their confidence, even to assume a teacher's persona..." (Rodriguez, 522). This illustrates his deep respect for teachers who demonstrate intelligence and confidence.

Additionally, he goes so far as to imitate them in an attempt to mimic their accents, which he does because he feels ashamed of his Hispanic culture. He explains, "There may be some things about him that recall his beginnings - his shabby clothes; his persistent poverty; or his dark skin - but they only make clear how far he has moved from his past. He has used his education to remake himself..." (Rodriguez, 528). As Rodriguez continues to describe the "scholarship boy," these references to shabby clothes, persistent poverty, and dark skin serve as

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metaphors for his own place in the classroom.

The quote demonstrates how he views his education as a means of escaping his shameful Hispanic background. He actively avoids any connection to his heritage, especially when confronted with his parents' embarrassing accents. Therefore, it is evident that he distances himself from his family life as he perceives it as an obstacle in his pursuit of enriched learning.Richard Rodriguez discusses his experience as a scholarship boy in his essay and how it created a challenging balance between his family and education. When he was younger, Rodriguez felt that his parents did not support his love for reading, causing him to distance himself from them in order to pursue academic success. Despite feeling shame about his parents' lack of education, Rodriguez prioritized his own learning. This single-minded focus on education is the defining characteristic of a scholarship boy. While this affected his family life, it ultimately led to greater academic achievements and a brighter future. As a result, Rodriguez gradually became detached from his race and his family.

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