Speech: Optimism Essay
Speech: Optimism Essay

Speech: Optimism Essay

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  • Pages: 2 (498 words)
  • Published: February 1, 2020
  • Type: Essay
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The concept of optimism elicits sentiments of hope, confidence, and joy, and its significance differs for each person. When an individual has a goal and intends to pursue it, they should prioritize both optimism and positivity. Adopting these mindsets will empower them to persistently pursue their objectives. Consequently, optimism holds importance for three key reasons.

Choosing to be optimistic creates a comfortable environment, pushes individuals to realize their full potential, and fosters openness to different ideas. Positivity and optimism should be prioritized by those who seek to achieve their goals, as stated by American philosopher Nicholas M. Butler: "Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress." I share this sentiment with Butler.

According to Butler, optimism is a crucial component in accomplishing goals and developing courage and personal growth. H


aving a positive outlook is important for individuals to reach their desired destinations and continuously strive for excellence. While choosing to be optimistic and enthusiastic may be challenging, it ultimately leads to a better way of life. This lifestyle benefits not only oneself but also the people in one's daily life. Positivity and happiness have a positive influence on others, just as negativity and pessimism do.

If someone's energy is positive or negative, it will impact their actions and spread to others, consequently influencing the attitudes of those around them. Hence, it is crucial for individuals to consciously opt for positivity as it fosters a hospitable and empathetic atmosphere for all. As humans, we often concentrate on the negative aspects of life while underestimating our own potential and abilities.

Having a positive approach towards everyday tasks, decisions, and challenges can significantly influenc

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the outcome. You can choose to either anticipate negative results and complete these tasks with minimal effort or have faith in positive outcomes and put in maximum effort to manifest optimism. Adopting an optimistic mindset towards daily endeavors and being self-assured of your capabilities will greatly contribute to accomplishing goals and fulfilling your utmost potential.

Inherently, individuals seek out environments that provide a sense of safety and comfort. They do so in order to shield themselves from divergent viewpoints that challenge their own beliefs. The intent is to avoid the potential negative consequences that may arise from accepting and embracing unfamiliar ideas. This pessimistic attitude towards alternative perspectives consequently constructs a self-imposed mental confinement. The only way to break free from this prison is by transforming one's negative mindset into a positive one. By adopting optimism and maintaining an open attitude, individuals can unlock a whole new realm of thinking and continue to educate themselves for personal growth.

Instead of hiding from potential negative experiences, it is better to embrace the unknown and take control to create something positive. Optimism is crucial for everyone, as it fosters a pleasant environment and helps individuals unlock their full potential.

Having optimism leads to a person being open-minded and receptive to understanding ideas that might differ from their own.

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