Human Resources Management Strategies Essay Example
Human Resources Management Strategies Essay Example

Human Resources Management Strategies Essay Example

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  • Pages: 11 (2844 words)
  • Published: September 26, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Human Resource Management (HRM) is a systematized method for leveraging employees to achieve two primary objectives within an organization. The initial objective involves efficiently utilizing the talents and skills of employees to accomplish collective goals. The second objective focuses on ensuring the satisfaction of each individual employee with their work and work environment.

Human resources in any organization have seven main directions, which are staffing, performance assessments, compensation and benefits, training and development, employee and labor relations, safety and wellness, and human resource research.

Key HR activities at Nando's

The human resources department at Nando's considers recruitment and selection processes as crucial activities. These processes help assess and enhance the behavioral characteristics of the workforce. It is a common practice worldwide to effectively utilize investments made in people. By implementing a well-planned recruitment and selection process, Nando's can attract individuals who align with the organizati


on's goals and contribute to its success. Their skills, competences, qualifications, and experience are carefully considered.

Training and Development

As mentioned earlier, employees are valuable assets for any organization. Providing them with training and education greatly benefits the organization in a positive manner.

Administrations should prioritize training and development activities to achieve long-term success, even with financial and time constraints. The main objective is to identify any learning needs or gaps in the organization and address them through appropriate training methods. This will empower employees to acquire knowledge, skills, and attitudes through formal or informal channels, ultimately enhancing performance.


Compensation is a crucial aspect of HR management often misunderstood as solely pertaining to employee salary. However, it encompasses a broader scope within the company by integrating employee well-being with corporate benefits. Furthermore, compensation and benefits have a strategic

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role in the human resources function.

The compensation scheme has a significant impact on the administration's cost and making a bad decision can result in financial loss and decreased employee engagement. A successful compensation package includes both monetary and non-monetary elements, rather than just monthly rewards for employees.

Key HR Activities and HRM at Nando's

Recruitment in Nando's

When it comes to recruitment, careful management of human resources techniques benefits many aspects of the employment process. From an HRM perspective, the first step in the recruitment process is to conduct an analytical study of the job requirements and determine the essential qualifications for that role. In other words, HR management needs to clearly identify the tasks needed for the job and create a job description for the benefit of both applicants and selectors.

Nando's employs both internal and external candidates, using effective HR practices throughout the hiring process to ensure fairness and consistency. The HR department believes that all Nandocas have the potential to become Patraos, or managers, within Nando's. As a rapidly expanding restaurant chain in the UK, Nando's has identified talented employees through its internal recruitment program to support company growth.

Management opportunities are consistently offered within the company as part of development programs. Additionally, Nando's HR department allows restaurant Patraos the freedom to select their own team to meet local demand. Furthermore, as the company continues to grow, it creates more job opportunities each time, establishing itself as one of the top career providers. Nando's prioritizes hiring locals to tailor the Nando's experience specifically in the UK, where it recruits Nandocas from all over the country. Robby Einthoven, Nando's UK co-founder, is personally committed to bringing people into

Nando's and maximizing their contributions to company growth ( In terms of legality, Nando's employment largely focuses on equal opportunity policies.

The convenience of calling opportunities is widely spread to create diversity among Nandocas. The company believes that this policy can bring many new ideas into the team.

Training and Development at Nando's

Nando's proves how valuable its training and development policy can be by becoming one of the best places to work for in the UK. The company focuses on each individual employee, providing award-winning solutions for Nandocas and Patrao to easily advance in their careers. As explained by Guest (1987), the incremental function of HRM is crucial in the emergence of better-educated workforces and higher individual expectations, and the company works accordingly by providing an excellent training structure. Nando's management places a strong emphasis on staff motivation, as they believe that happy employees provide good customer service.

This theory is seen when clients enter any Nando's restaurant and Nandocas treat clients with extreme happiness, reflecting the company's successful development strategy. Additionally, the Nando's training solutions provider has created a model specifically for managers to learn and practice effective feedback techniques to improve team performance, as well as how to establish a culture in their restaurants that promotes communication and teamwork. The career development program at Nando's allows both Nandocas and trainees to realize their true potential. The L ; R department offers different types of development programs tailored to each individual, where trainees collaborate with other Nandocas and company legends during their first three months of employment, followed by a self-development workshop. This system has been highly effective within the company, easily meeting targeted goals.

Compensation at Nando's

According to Sims (2006), the purpose of compensation practices is to help organizations establish and maintain a competent and loyal workforce at an affordable cost.

Compensation and Benefits typically handles HR Controlling by establishing regulations and procedures related to wages, variable wages, and benefits. At Nando's, the compensation in relation to other companies in the market is determined, and various policies are implemented to make Nando's a better workplace with better pay. Both direct and indirect compensation are evident at Nando's. In addition to the skills and experience-based basic wage, there are also allowances and other bonuses that can be considered as direct compensation for employees at the company.

Every Nandocas is entitled to a 20% staff price reduction card, free staff repasts, 28 twenty-four hours paid vacation, Christmas dinners, entitlement to purchase staff portions, and household merriment yearss. In add-on, Nandocas working in direction places have the chance to go to one-year conferences, usually held in international locations.

HRM Models

Different types of HRM theoretical accounts help the direction interact with the administration based on its state of affairs. Over time, many theoretical HRM models have been created by directors and institutes to facilitate this process.

Two of the main theoretical models are described below.

Guest's HRM Model 1989

David Guest (1989) has developed a more normative theoretical model, reflecting the belief that a core set of HRM practices can achieve higher individual and organizational performance. The main idea of Guest's model is that implementing key HRM practices in a systematic way towards achieving successful goals such as high commitment, high quality, and project flexibility, will result in extremely high individual performance. Furthermore, Guest argued that this theory

can be applied in any part of the organization, and its impact will be visible throughout the entire administration. This model is well-suited for Nando's, and its key HRM practices are listed below.

  • HRM strategy
  • HRM practices
  • HRM outcomes
  • Behavioral outcomes
  • Performance outcomes
  • Financial outcomes

The Harvard Model of HRM

"The model notes how HRM policy choices and outcomes are influenced by a variety of stakeholder interests and situational factors."

Effective human resource management (HRM) involves directors reconciling the claims of various groups involved in the organization and responding to constantly changing situational factors (Taylor, Doherty, & McGraw, 2007). The Harvard model, developed by the Harvard School of Beer in 1984, coordinates the interests of an organization's stakeholders while directing its primary activities. The Harvard model consists of six basic components.

  • Situational factors
  • Stakeholders involvements
  • Human resource direction policy picks
  • HR results
  • Long-run effects
  • Feedback through which the end products flow straight into the organisation and to the stakeholders
  • Long-run effects
  • Individual wellbeing
  • Organisational effectivity
  • Societal good being
  • HR results
  • Committedness
  • Congruity
  • Cost effectivity
  • HRM policy picks
  • Employee influence Human resource flow Reward system Work systems Situational factors Work force features Business scheme and conditions Management doctrine Labor market Unions Tash engineering Laws and societal values

AstTask 2 - Hour Planning Development/h2>
Human Resource planning is a process which ushers and leads the members of an organisation who will be responsible for

implementing the schemes necessary to carry through its mission and make its vision. Main aim of the HR planning is to acquire the right figure of people with the right accomplishments to make the occupations at the right clip with a right cost. Conversely HR development includes chances as employee preparation, employee calling development;Nando's public presentation direction involves implementing a model that supports employees in their career development. According to Nando's, the key to ensuring the appropriate individuals are in the correct roles at the suitable time consists of three processes. These processes comprise strategic planning to forecast workforce needs, analyzing skills inventory to assess workforce supply, and employing a sibling system to align workforce demands with supply.

The following paragraphs discuss the evaluation of Planning and development countries in Nando's. Additionally, they focus on Strategic Plan-Based Forecasting of Personnel Requirements.

Strategic Plan-Based Forecasting of Personnel Requirements

Nando's has five major values that it concentrates on in order to achieve its aims. Furthermore, the company believes that attitudes and behaviors of individuals play a significant role in its success. Strategic planning of human resources at Nando's is based on the demand for human quality that aligns with the company's values. Additionally, the ongoing growth program of the restaurants strongly supports this strategic planning.

The current program necessitates various types of human resources: Nandocas, leaders, and individuals with specific qualities. The Nando's HR team regularly assesses the human resource needs based on planned store openings, aligning these requirements with the expected sales revenue of the new store. For example, if a new store is projected to generate a 25% increase in sales, there will

also be a corresponding 25% increase in personnel needs.

Skills Inventory for Evaluating Personnel Availability

The availability of human resources at Nando's is closely monitored to match the demand for personnel. This includes both the existing workforce and any anticipated changes in the future. According to Nando's online data from 2009, approximately 6000 Nandocas were employed across 200 restaurants that year. It is estimated that an additional 840 employees will be required by the end of 2010.

Additionally, a further 24% of guidance will be required, regardless of whether it is internal or external. The HR team at Nando's places significant importance on identifying potential directors from the current Nandocas to fill these leadership roles. The skills inventory is a crucial tool in this effort. By utilizing the GROW model, Nando's assesses the Goals, Current Reality, Options, and Will of each Nandocas. This method effectively identifies strengths and weaknesses within the staff members, leading the company to organize training and development programs aimed at improving employee skills.

However, Nando's HR Director Julia Claydon revealed that some of their competitors are resorting to poaching or stealing Nandocas to work for them, which undermines the unity of any organization (Thomas, 2008).

Buddy System to Match Personal Requirements

A buddy system refers to an arrangement where individuals are paired for common safety or assistance. Nando's utilizes the buddy system in its restaurants to match personal demands with the available personnel. Each restaurant has two designated buddies responsible for training at that location.

The brother system at Nando's focuses on teaching individuals how to operate and manage goals, participate in collaborative and enjoyable training sessions. This system assists the HR department in easily identifying the existing

employees who display leadership qualities. 80% of managers in Nando's UK have emerged from this brother system, as its success enables them not only to manage the restaurants but also contribute to Nando's overall growth. By utilizing these development methods and effectively training individuals in a professional manner, the company is able to address the needs of its workforce and avoid an excess of employees. Nando's has implemented these strategies to create a workforce that embraces the values of the company within each location. The development process is facilitated by individuals who are known and trusted within the familiar environment of each store.

From a strategic standpoint, this is in line with Nando's goal of maintaining the uniqueness of each store.

Undertaking 3 - Performance

Performance can be defined as tracking the way work is delivered and comparing it with targets, as well as identifying opportunities for improvement. The relationship between performance and HR is very strong, and managing performance involves developing employees within the organization to ensure that organizational goals are achieved. Nando's, one of the top recruiters in the UK, focuses on the performance level of each individual Nandoca using various monitoring techniques, and the company's compensation structure is closely aligned with its performance strategy. In practice, many organizations in today's business world allocate a fair amount of their total revenue for employee compensation.

While evaluating the effectiveness and performance of compensation outgos, it is important to also assess the basis of compensation. HR performance is not overlooked, and this theory applies to Nando's as well. Nando's cleverly utilizes its reputation and market leader strategy to compensate employees. According to Mathis and Jackson (2007), these strategies are

directly linked to performance management and allow Nando's to attract and retain skilled workers, while also enhancing worker productivity. Nando's recognizes the strategic role of HRM in managing people as the central concept for the company's success. By pursuing set objectives and fulfilling responsibilities, HRM strategies are achieved, and the company ensures proper implementation of new methods to meet commercial goals.

The key element of connecting HR strategy and the workforce is to provide high-quality HR services to the company. HR issues are consistently addressed at all levels of Nandocas, and performance is evaluated across the board. Nando's utilizes a 360-degree assessment as a major performance measuring method. According to Bohlander and Snell (2009), this involves gathering feedback from a review panel consisting of eight to twelve individuals, including colleagues, supervisors, team members, subordinates, and occasionally clients. The 360-degree assessment differs from traditional manager-subordinate assessments as it allows for a more collaborative and independent approach.

Using this method, along with other staff studies, Nando's has created customized training facilities for different types of employees. While this method supports staff development through their own feedback, it has the disadvantage of lacking objectiveness or not meeting Nando's expectations. Therefore, the following improved methods are recommended for use at Nando's.

Critical Incident File

The Critical Incident File is a performance assessment method where the person in charge keeps records of both positive and negative behaviors of employees throughout the assessment period.

This method was developed using the critical incident technique, which was invented by Colonel John C. Flanagan in 1954 (Wikipedia). Flanagan describes this method as a technique for analyzing occupations and identifying work behaviors that can be classified as either good or

poor performance. Typically, the critical incident file includes a set of documents describing various behaviors.

However, this method has a minor drawback in that it can show favoritism towards certain employees because of its personalized nature. At Nando's, individuals who are pursuing this certification should hold a higher position than HR department workers, who also maintain a close relationship with HR in order to eliminate this limitation.

Behaviourally Anchored Rating Scale

This method is employed to describe a performance evaluation that concentrates on specific behaviors or sets of behaviors as indicators of effective or ineffective performance.

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