Chapter II of this research study discusses the related literature and studies that are relevant to the current investigation. These sources include books, articles, and laws that contain facts and information about the research problem. They also offer explanations and logical connections between previous researches and the present work. One example of foreign literature is Dorothy E. Johnson's Behavioral System Model, which defines a behavioral system as a patterned, repetitive, and purposeful way of behaving.
These ways of behaving create an organized and integrated functional unit that defines and restricts the interaction between an individual and their environment, as well as establishing their relationship with the objects, events, and situations within their environment. Typically, behavior can be described and understood. An individual, as a behavioral system, strives to maintain stability and balance through successful adjustments and adaptations, allowing for efficient a
...nd effective functioning. The system is typically adaptable enough to accommodate various influences.
The text emphasizes that by making small adjustments to their studying habits, students can cultivate a structured pattern of behavior that will benefit their goal of achieving academic success. This theory effectively supports the notion that study habits are indeed connected to academic performance. As stated in the research conducted by Crede and Kuncel (2008), assessments of study habits, skills, and attitudes were discovered to be just as reliable as standardized tests and past grades in predicting academic performance, offering considerable additional value in forecasting academic achievements.
The strongest relationships with both grade point average and grades in individual classes are exhibited by study motivation and study skills. An important negative predictor of performance is academic specific anxiety. Additionally, the validity of specific inventories varies
significantly. Scores on traditional study habit and attitude inventories... According to Pogue (2000), it remains true today that students fail because they do not know how to study, as was the case more than thirty years ago. The best advice he can give is to develop sound study skills.
Many college students fail to complete passing requirements for their courses due to a lack of understanding of the importance of developing good study habits. Additionally, they often give up easily and are easily distracted by their surroundings, making it impossible for them to establish their ideal habits. As a result, college students, who are already overwhelmed with school work, experience significant difficulties.
According to Borro (2006), parents should teach good study habits at home before schools guide students in their studies. Teachers should also instill the importance of studying and impart good values. Home is where people first learn, and everything they learn or forget is brought to school. The way parents shape their child during their early years is a foundation for their perspective on education.
The term "emergent literacy" was coined by Clay (1996) to describe young children's interaction with books and their early experiences with reading and writing, even before they can fully read or write in a conventional manner. Emergent literacy occurs gradually from birth until a child reaches the point of reading and writing in a conventional sense. The level of education a person received during childhood influences their likelihood of developing an effective study routine.
According to Ortinero (2000), good study habits result in improved learning by enhancing abilities and skills through mastering principles, training, exercise, and consistent application. Mcknight (2006) emphasizes that
habits are formed through repetition and are difficult to change. Habits developed in youth tend to persist throughout life. Developing an ideal study habit is a lengthy process that involves learning from past mistakes and adjusting one's approach accordingly.
According to PBBC, it is challenging to break people's viewpoint on studying and adjust to a more favorable style. PBBC recommends that students should spend three hours studying outside of class for every hour spent in class. They also suggest that students have a designated study area with enough space and without feeling cramped. Starting study time by organizing the workspace is important, and a desk and straight-backed chair are ideal. PBBC advises against getting too comfortable, as beds are for sleeping, not studying. Before studying, students should have all necessary materials within reach. PBBC acknowledges that some learners prefer silence while others need sound. It is important for each individual to find what works best for them. Family and friends can be distractions, so using a "do not disturb" sign and turning on an answering machine can help maintain better study habits. According to, students who are successful in their desired careers have good study habits.According to the website, students should apply these habits to all of their classes. Additionally, the website provides tips for improving study habits. It suggests that students should avoid studying all subjects in one time period.
The website also suggests that studying too much at one time can lead to fatigue and ineffectiveness. It is recommended to space out your studying over shorter intervals and take short breaks to restore mental energy. Professors in developing countries emphasize the importance of equipping
undergraduate students with analytical skills, critical reasoning abilities, self-reflection, conceptual understanding, autonomous learning capabilities, and mental flexibility (Simmons 2003).
According to Liu (2005), the Internet, hypertext, and multimedia resources have greatly impacted study habits, leading to improvements. Karim and Hassan (2006) also acknowledge the significant growth of digital information, which has changed the way students approach studying, including the use of printed materials. Liu (2005) and Ramirez (2003) both confirm that students print material from the Internet for later study. Additionally, Igun (2005) has found that Nigerians study using materials downloaded from the Internet.
According to Leedy (1956), reading involves the effort to comprehend the ideas of the author and understand their intended message. Meanwhile, studying goes a step further by interpreting the materials that have been read. For college students, developing good study habits and skills is crucial. This includes effectively managing time, taking thorough notes, having internet proficiency, minimizing distractions, and prioritizing studying. Fielden (2004) suggests that strong study habits enable students to engage in critical thinking and develop skills like selecting, analyzing, critiquing, and synthesizing.
Nneji (2002) suggests that study habits refer to the learning tendencies that allow students to work independently. A study conducted by Graven (2008) investigated the association between the amount of caffeine consumed during study sessions and individuals' study habits. The results indicated that the impact of caffeine consumption on exam preparation was not significant. The study involved 78 participants, consisting of 20 male and 58 female college students, who provided self-ratings on their personal caffeine consumption and study habits while preparing for tests or exams.
According to the researchers, it was proposed that students who consume more caffeine while studying would
have study habits that are considered 'unhealthy'. They defined unhealthy study habits as low scores on variables such as study session duration, preparation duration in days, and perceived amount of retained information. High levels of anxiety were also considered part of unhealthy study habits. However, a Pearson correlation analysis revealed no connection between the amount of caffeine consumed during studying and the effectiveness of studying and preparation for the individual.
According to Acido (2008), research has shown that the main distinction between students with low, average, and high reasoning skills is their study habits and attitude towards learning. This includes whether they have good or bad study habits and whether they are interested, responsible, and take ownership of their learning. Acido's findings support the idea proposed by Zolten & Long that awareness of a college student's responsibilities is crucial in improving study skills.
School serves as a crucial platform for adolescents to acquire social skills, enhance cognitive abilities, and shape early career paths. Although schools strive to assist all students in acquiring these competencies, certain students inevitably face challenges. Academic difficulty stands out as one of the most apparent problems students encounter. Not only can academic challenges hinder educational goals, but they can also potentially lead to more severe behavioral issues.
Academic failure is often perceived as a potential pathway to delinquency (Maguin and Loeber, 1996). The level of academic achievement for students can be determined by their grades. Grades are believed to be a key indicator of learning. High grades typically suggest significant learning, while low grades imply less learning. However, various studies and experiences have revealed that grades can also
be influenced by multiple factors. It is difficult to pinpoint a single factor that predicts grades with certainty.
The academic performance of individuals is influenced by various factors such as gender, IQ, study habits, age, year level, parent's educational attainment, social status, number of siblings, and birth order. These factors are considered variables in determining academic success. Currently, researchers are specifically interested in exploring the relationship between study habits and other factors.
Moreover, both incoming students and postsecondary institutions are undergoing changes. The characteristics of incoming students are evolving, and postsecondary institutions are facing the challenge of serving an increasing number of students with limited resources.
This has often led to increased class sizes, promoting a return to traditional lecture-based instruction, which in turn discourages interactive teaching and learning, as stated by Topping (1996). There are several potential benefits for students who participate in peer tutoring. Among these, academic progress is typically considered the most significant by educators. In addition to improvements in academic achievement, researchers have suggested that college tutoring could also lead to enhanced academic self-confidence and increased college retention (Maxwell, 1994).
Tutoring adds a social aspect to learning, as educators recognize that learning is more effective when multiple individuals are involved (Wood & Wood, 1999). Researchers acknowledge that personalized instruction is crucial to unlocking the academic potential of each student, and proper instructional planning combined with consideration of each student's learning style characteristics has yielded positive results (Dunn & Griggs, 2000).
According to Dunn and Dunn, a learning style is the method in which each learner engages with and comprehends new and challenging information. A meta-analysis of 42 experimental studies that utilized the Dunn and Dunn learning-style
model demonstrated that students who were taught using instructional methods that aligned with their learning styles achieved academic success that was 75 percent higher than those who did not have their learning styles taken into account. These findings indicate that matching students' preferences for how they learn with appropriate instructional interventions significantly enhances their academic performance.
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