International Tourism Essay Example
International Tourism Essay Example

International Tourism Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (701 words)
  • Published: April 3, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Globalization makes the world seem smaller and encourages people's mobility on a global scale. International tourism which becomes increasingly popular, is considered both vitally important for a better mutual understanding between nations and harmful in that it creates cultural conflicts.

On the one hand, it is justified that global tourism promotes and encourages a better understanding between people from different cultures. As a saying goes, travel broadens the mind, tourists to a country can learn much about the host culture, and local people. Unlike cultural knowledge attained from books, experience in the real contexts is much more vivid and all-sided. More import


antly, a visit strengthens the two-way communication between visitors and local people, which broadens the mind of not only travellers but also the host.

As a result, a better mutual understanding between them is attainable. Responding to the tourism advocates, some people argue that international tourism, on the other hand, leads to conflicts. As a matter of fact, tourism is sometimes simply considered a means of entertainment, not a form of education. Thus, tourists may pack their luggage without an intention of opening their mind, but for relaxation only. In fact, many tourists and local people are not ready for cultural communication because they lack certain knowledge such as special customs in other cultures, languages, etc.

Therefore, they are likely to misunderstand each other and experience communication breakdown which may lead to cultural conflicts. Moreover, a short visit to other countries is no

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enough for a better mutual understanding. On the contrary, it is more likely that culture shock occurs. As tourists are those who most vulnerable to petty crimes, cut-throat pricing practices, or aggressive panhandling, they easily find the host country unsafe, unpleasant, and even hostile during their short trip.

Local people can also develop negative thoughts about international tourism when some tourists come to their land and throw rubbish, damage their cultural heritages, and disrespect their people, and assimilate their long-established culture by alien lifestyles. For example, some Vietnamese people are extremely concerned about our tourist attraction, Sapa which are now increasingly modernized and commercialized for tourism industry. In conclusion, global tourism may promote mutual understanding between people from different cultures only when they are tolerant, open-minded, and well-behaved, or else, cultural conflicts are likely to come.

Topic: Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unfortunately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures. To what extent do you agree or disagree ? There is an undeniable increase in international tourism while travelling is not as expensive as it used to be when it is compared to the past. Tourism hereby has become and effective connection between different people and cultures instead of a limited number of exceptional events which creates tension between people.

Firstly, tourism is one of the major source of incomes for nations' economy. Tourists pay for main needs such as accomodation and food. Also, they have to pay an amount of money in order to attend several activities. In spite of this, they have the opportunity to meet mew people from different cultures and learn about the history

of the place and locals' lifesyle. Moreover, it is a very effective way of advertising if a good impression is made on the people who visited the country. They herebey will tell others about their experiences and help them get rid of the prejudgements.

On the other hand, in some cases it may have an opposite affect between people of different cultures. In 1998, a Swedish couple was attacked by locals when they were in ( X ) and one of them was killed, unfortunately. This event has created a tension between people of these nations, just after it was published at the press. However, it did not affect the tourism between those countries as much as it was predicted. In conlusion, I believe that tourism is still the most effective way to learn about different type of people and cultures instead of searching through internet and television.

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