Leadership in Action: the Cosmetic Queen and the Software King Essay Example
Leadership in Action: the Cosmetic Queen and the Software King Essay Example

Leadership in Action: the Cosmetic Queen and the Software King Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (769 words)
  • Published: March 2, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Mary Kay Ash is recognized as America’s greatest woman entrepreneur. She is known for empowering and opening doors of opportunity for women. She created a company “with heart” and with principles that praised people to success, put faith first, family second and career third. Bill Gates is the Chairman of the Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software. He has enabled businesses to recognize their full potential through services and solutions. Gates is highly intelligent and has built a foundation based on knowledge and continuous education.

How would you describe each of the two leaders in terms of LPC and situational control? In terms of LPC, Mary Kay Ash would be described as an individual who is friendly, cooperative, open, and supportive. It is suggested that Mary Kay Ash has a high LPC score and this means that


she has a human relations orientation. Gates on the other hand would be described as someone who is unfriendly, uncooperative, hostile, and guarded. In his case he would have a low LPC and be considered task oriented.

When it comes to situational control, Gates is aggressive and is expecting to achieve results as soon as possible with minimal to no issues in between. He would be considered task-motivated because he knows exactly what to do and very well. In addition he knows how detailed the tasks are and he performs better when he has control. He is in the position of being classified as highly favorable from his followers. Ash is relationship- motivated. She performs better when she has a medium balance of control.

Her leadership interaction is a combination of favorable and unfavorable. (Nahavandi, 2009) How are they similar?

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Ash and Gates are similar because they are both enthusiastic with a purpose, disciplined, they both have a willingness to work, both determined, have a dream and make plans to follow them, they have an appreciation for others, they are business-minded and have values and attitude. In addition they are highly intelligent, motivated and have great knowledge of the business area that they are in. How are they different? Gates is more task-oriented.

As we can all imagine, the type of mind one has who has the ability to create something so colossal, a corporation that is worldwide and used so much even to the point where as these words are typed, it is he who makes it possible. Ash is more relationship-oriented, focusing on building relationships with others and ensuring support is present. Gates grew up as an outcast and took interest in things that were different from others. Ash grew up with close friends and family. The parents of Gates were successful; his father being a lawyer and his mother working in public service, business, and education.

She was also on the board of the United Way. The mother of Ash had to work 14-hour days to care for both her and her ill father. With that being said, Ash was placed in a position where she had to take on responsibilities beyond her years. Gates was raised in Seattle, WA in the northwest and Ash was raised in the south in Hot Wells, TX. What makes each effective? What makes each of these successful individuals effective are the leadership traits that they acquire, their personalities and love for what they do and type of

business they are in, the will to push forward and have that continuous drive and motivation.

Which leader would you prefer to work for? Why? I would prefer to work for someone like Mary Kay Ash. She supports that mission of praising people to success. She places faith first, family second and career last all "with heart. "She focuses on building relationships to assist in success and helping women make their dreams come alive. She was supportive, empowering and had a firm spirit. I consider myself to be cooperative, friendly, and open and I feel because I am this way, I would work best with someone of the same nature.

I grew up in a loving family who continue to have values till this day that they live by. I also am in retail management as a profession and I have learned that building relationships is extremely important especially when it comes to business because those who you build relationships with are the ones who are more likely to remember you and return should they need something you may be able to assist them with. Knowing that Gates is the opposite of Mary Kay Ash in this regard would not be beneficial to me in the end.



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