The Journey of a Cheese Burger Essay Example
The Journey of a Cheese Burger Essay Example

The Journey of a Cheese Burger Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (413 words)
  • Published: December 20, 2016
  • Type: Essay
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A cheeseburger travels through the digestive system at a inconsistent rate entering various, organs, intestines etc. there are ten primary stops the mouth, the gullet, the stomach, the small intestine & duodenum, the gall bladder and pancreas, the liver, the large intestine, the appendix, the rectum and the anus. The first step is the mouth, inside the mouth are the teeth which are used to processes the burger into a mush of small pieces so it can be swallowed. Saliva added by the salivary glands help moisten the food and break it down for digestion.

If the food isn’t processed properly the risk run of choking on the large pieces of food are high. The next step Is the gullet, the gullet or oesophagus is a pipe 25cm (10m long) which passe


s food from the mouth to the stomach using waves of muscle contraction to push the food down. The next step would be the stomach, where a strong acid is added (this is formally known as Hydrochloric acid or HCl) the strong muscles in the stomach help in churning and grinding up the food by this stage the burger is just liquid.

Next it enters the small intestine & duodenum where special compounds called enzymes work at breaking down the burger into three man food molecules, fats, proteins and sugars. Now the food is small enough to pass through the gut linings and into the blood stream in a process known as absorption, this then leads to the liver. The Gall bladder and the pancreas are in charge of injecting the enzymes into the small intestines, the gall bladder injects

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the bile which comes from the liver. The pancreas makes enzymes which process carbohydrates, fats and proteins the pancreas also makes hormones such as insulin.

The liver, after leaving the small intestines millions of pieces of food enter the portal vein and travel to the liver in the blood, The liver is the bodies main packaging/processing centre, it processes it so that it can be used as fuel for the rest of the body. It stores the carbohydrates itself and sends the protein, fats and sugars out into the blood stream to supply the rest of the body. It then makes its way through the large intestine. All the usable bits have been absorbed and all that remains is the unusable which is stored for an amount of time, traverse etc. is used to make the waste product more solid.

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