Islamic Philosophy Of Education Theory Theology Religion Essay Example
Islamic Philosophy Of Education Theory Theology Religion Essay Example

Islamic Philosophy Of Education Theory Theology Religion Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3078 words)
  • Published: October 13, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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They believe in the importance of the mind or spirit over physical matter. Material things are not truly existent; they are merely an abstraction or impression of the mind. Only the mind is real. Therefore, anything that appears to exist as physical matter can ultimately be reduced to the mind or spirit. Some of these individuals dismiss the idea of physical matter existing altogether, while others entertain the possibility. Because humanity is a part of this purposeful existence, humans are intelligent and purposeful beings. They are more significant than material nature because they have the ability to think and perceive material objects.

They believe in the significance and power of material entities. The universe consists of existent, meaningful matter. Within the realm of matter, there are natural laws that govern the existence of every entity in the natural world.

Epistemology ...

strong> Cognizing occurs within the mind. The mind is active and possesses innate capabilities for organizing and synthesizing sensory information.

Man can also know truth through the acts of reasoning, where an individual evaluates the logical consistency of their thoughts. Certain Idealists argue that all knowledge is a matter of remembering past experiences. Plato was a proponent of this belief, forming it from the assumption that the human spirit is immortal and God is an infinite spirit. These dreamers foster subjectivity because they value human beings and their intellectual growth. When a person is born, their mind is blank, and throughout their lifetime, various sensations are imprinted in their brain.

Adult males learn through sense experience, allowing them to acquire knowledge. They can enhance this knowledge by using reason to perceive things and connections that are not easily understood

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According to Aristotle, studying matter enables one to grasp concepts and forms, while Plato rejected the study of matter as a means of gaining knowledge.

As believers in scientific discipline and fact, they have an objective perception of the things around them.

Ethical motives

Idealists generally derive all values from either a personal God or a personal religious force of nature. They all agree that values are timeless. Some idealists argue that timeless values exist in God, such as goodness and absolute beauty found in God. Values are considered absolute and unchanging because they are part of the predetermined order of nature.

Thus, anything in accordance with nature is regarded as valuable. Value is determined by assessing the actions involved. However, it should be noted that value judgments are not objective but rather subjective evaluations based on emotions. In other words, they contend that no end or object possesses inherent goodness or badness. Instead, the methods employed to attain those ends or objects can be judged as good or bad depending on their effectiveness in assisting individuals or groups accomplish their objectives.

The instructor Function stressed the importance of not only understanding the different stages of learning but also being concerned about the ultimate objectives of education. The instructor should be innovative in developing approaches rather than merely copying others and should use the dialectical process effectively to aid learners. Like a philosopher on a quest for truth, the instructor actively pursues knowledge. He/She guides students in selecting significant material and inspires them to enhance their thinking abilities and overall well-being.

The dreamers idolize Socrates as an exemplar of an ideal educator, advocating for moral development. They

believe that a teacher should possess virtuous qualities. According to the dreamers, the teacher holds a significant and distinctive role, fostering students' curiosity and fostering a conducive learning environment. The teacher's responsibility is to cultivate moral values in students through various school activities. Education should instill strong determination in children, enabling them to embrace righteousness and shun wrongdoing.

The power to develop the highest moral values of truth, goodness, and beauty is essential for teaching. Teachers should serve as role models for their students, embodying the qualities their students aspire to possess. Realists emphasize the significance of the teacher's role in the educational process, likening it to that of a computer, television screen, or filmmaker who imparts the necessary knowledge and skills for living in a technological and scientific society. The teacher must present the material in a systematic and organized manner to gauge the effectiveness of their instruction. Realists strongly support evaluating and testing teachers based on their measurable impact on students' performance.

Teachers need to carefully evaluate their actions in order to recognize the negative impacts of current educational trends. These trends produce students who have both knowledge and skills, as well as specialists who can serve as role models for future development.

The idealist

emphasizes the significance of the teacher. The teacher should not only comprehend the different learning stages but also consistently consider the ultimate goals of learning. They highlight the importance of emulation in the learning process.

They utilized Socrates as a model of learning and as an example to be imitated. Educators prefer to view themselves as creators of methods rather than just

imitators. They prefer alternative approaches to learning but still value an informal dialectic in action. While the dialectical process can be informal, it should not become a mere pooling of young students' ignorance; the teacher must participate fully in order to maintain the integrity of the process. Idealists do not prioritize specialized learning as much as holistic learning. Idealists have devoted significant attention to the pursuit of truth and to the individual engaged in it.

Idealists prefer instructors who are philosophically oriented and can help students understand important material while also instilling a desire for deep thinking. Character development is a major concern for idealists, and instructors should have good character and serve as role models for their students. Idealist philosophy also recognizes the potential for moral and cognitive growth in students, which should be nurtured through school activities. According to idealists, schools have a responsibility to provide students with ideal models for their development, and like Plato, they believe ideas should be presented in ways that students can use for both knowledge and guidance. The role of the teacher is to encourage students to ask questions and create a suitable learning environment by selecting the most interesting and valuable study materials. Most idealists believe in the inner powers of individuals, which must be considered in any true education.

Education can be achieved through various methods such as the dialectic, contemplation, intuition, and other ways to bring out truths already possessed by the psyche. Additionally, the talk method was applied. The dreamer sees the instructor as an important figure in the educational process. The dreamer prefers deductive logic while the realist prefers inductive logic.


One objective of instruction

has always been to teach students the necessary knowledge for survival in society.

Education has always been a means of imparting important knowledge and guiding individuals towards God, the creator of the universe. Realists acknowledge the vital role that teachers play in education, but they also view computers, television screens, and films as potential educational tools. Whether it is a human or a machine serving as the instructor, realists emphasize the need for presenting material in an organized and systematic manner, with clearly defined criteria for evaluating educational outcomes in various fields such as science or art. Realists advocate for applying objective standards to assess the value of specific activities within education. They strongly support evaluating and testing teachers based on their measurable impact on student performance. The type of education favored by realists is primarily focused on scientific and technical subjects, ultimately leading to specialization at an advanced level.

Realist educators also value the role of the teacher in the learning process, but to a lesser extent than idealists. They believe that teachers should critically evaluate their own actions. The hope is that by recognizing the negative effects that certain trends in modern education may be causing, they will revert back to more fundamental subject matter. Realists are frustrated by being wrongly associated with imitations like Charles Dickens'. They argue that they do not advocate for pure memorization and repetitive learning of facts, nor do they ignore problem-solving, tasks, and enjoyable experiences in educational activities.

They believe that productive experiences in education should result in students who possess both knowledge and skills. They also desire higher education institutions to produce competent teaching specialists who can serve as

role models for students' future development.

What would be the components of an Islamic approach to an educational curriculum? What arguments support this?

Islamic philosophy of education theory

The Islamic educational system is based on the notion that schools uphold the religious and social structure of civilization by transmitting beliefs from parents to children and disseminating a shared culture that unifies societal orientations. This theory asserts that society cannot lead a normal social existence without transferring culture and knowledge from one generation to the next.

Schools play a crucial role in imparting various scientific disciplines, skills, and values to the community. This is essential for the survival and continuation of civilization. Education serves multiple purposes, particularly in Islamic education theory where knowledge is acquired with the aim of comprehending and nurturing all aspects of human beings. Islamic education goes beyond merely providing information about Islam; its objective is to guide individuals on how to live their lives as Muslims, following the example set by Prophet Muhammad. The focus lies in developing children's personalities and character, addressing their genuine needs and concerns. Students gain a general understanding of Islam and learn how to practice it while also deepening their comprehension of the Qur'an's significance. Critical thinking and problem-solving abilities are taught to prepare students for success as practicing Muslims within society. Education within an Islamic environment strengthens students' adherence to Islamic beliefs, guiding them towards faith and righteousness. The goal is not solely focused on factual knowledge but also on fostering responsibility and cultural understanding among students through integration of religious teachings with secular ones.The curriculum encompasses an extensive analysis of the Quran, alongside language, history, and ethics. Numerous studies

have demonstrated that both the Qur'an and al-Hadith highly emphasize the significance of education.

Prophet Muhammad SAW introduced a life instruction plan. During the pre-'Abbasid era, madrasas, similar to the "instruction" mosques earlier, primarily focused on religious education centered on the study of the religious sciences (study of the Qur'an, Hadith, and religious law), along with supplementary studies of grammar and literature.

Curriculum Methods and Methodology

Instruction was delivered through speaking and commanding, while debate or munazara was important for legal studies. The student was expected to memorize the Qur'an first and then as many Hadiths as possible. The instructor, often referred to as a shaykh, would repeat the Hadiths three times to aid in the student's memorization.

The act of writing (imla) played a crucial role in the establishment and accuracy of Hadith texts, as well as determining legal, linguistic, and literary matters. Memorization (talqin) was the primary method for acquiring knowledge of the Qur'an and Hadith, with great value placed on having a good memory. However, understanding was also emphasized, with students expected to reflect on their learning. Educators worldwide recognize that education serves both individuals and society by developing and enhancing physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, and emotional abilities.

The fast path of his development depends on his accomplishments and the ability of the instructor, because the instructor is the tool that delivers the cognition. Education also serves another important function, which is to transmit and transform the cultural values, including the legacy of a particular society such as the Islamic perspective on education. Education is a transformative tool for society, leading to a thriving and progressive life. Islam plays a role in enhancing and

empowering individuals to think, discover, and appreciate. The epistemic characteristics of the Quranic text include some exoteric transitions while others are esoteric. Education is a lifelong process; Prophet Mohammed encourages believers to "seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave".

Recent research by LEAMAN (1998) shows that even embryos can be stimulated. The potential for learning begins as early as a few months after conception. Education is categorized into three types: informal, formal, and non-ball. The home is the most critical establishment for informal learning, where the first teacher, usually the mother, provides indirect instruction.

Islamic schools have a unique curriculum that includes religious subjects like Quran and other topics related to Islam. The goal is to provide students with a strong foundation of religious knowledge, as well as subjects like literature, history, science, and mathematics. According to Islam, being aware of the world around them leads students to understand the truth of Allah's existence. Scholars believe that education encompasses various areas such as curriculum, counseling, management, leadership, and evaluation.

Islamic perspectives emphasize that education aims to produce righteous individuals who are committed to spreading happiness and peace throughout the world.

The Role of the Teacher

A Muslim teacher is expected to follow this principle and seek to integrate Islamic teachings with the subjects they teach. Understanding the essential qualities of a competent Muslim teacher is crucial in comprehending the role of an Islamic school instructor. The teacher should possess a genuine love for children, a passion for the teaching profession, humility, good physical and mental health, a neat appearance, fluent speech with proper pronunciation, intelligence and deep understanding, empathy for students and their needs, expertise in the subject matter,

broad knowledge and reading, punctuality, and respect for time.

Discuss the ethical implications of a behaviorist approach to instruction. Of all the philosophers of instruction you have studied, whose positions do you find most appealing? Why? Aristotle was a Greek philosopher who made important contributions by organizing deductive logic and writing on physical topics. His philosophy greatly influenced the development of all Western philosophical theories. Purposes of instruction according to Aristotle, secular and scientific pragmatism, include: Ideas or forms through studying the world of matter, using matter as an object of study, considering any object as a scientific study, questions regarding the origins and purpose of objects, scientific inquiry leading to philosophical questions, and self-preservation as the primary and fundamental purpose of instruction. How do realists view the relationship between an individual's education and the welfare of society? Religious realists believe that true education leads one to God, continuing development of both knowledge and spirituality, being aware of the world and self-awareness. They also believe that all students should encounter great ideas, and the best way to teach them is through Socratic (maieutic) method of questions and answers.

  • Secular pragmatism:
  • The act of verifying thoughts in the universe of experience determines their truth.
  • It is recommended that children receive twelve years of schooling, including vocational education.
  • Children should learn things that are necessary for their existence as individuals, family members, and citizens.
  • Are you an educational realist? Why or why not? Yes, I am a realist because I come from a developing country with abundant oil resources. Progress and technology can only be achieved by enhancing the

    curriculum to meet scientific demands. Education serves as a valuable function in guiding individuals to succeed in finding jobs, acquiring crucial information, and developing socially. I believe that without engaging in research, development cannot be accomplished, but this requires a good education at all levels.

    I would like to be part of the realist movement because of my Islamic faith and the culture I was raised in. As a realist, I believe that education should enhance a student's understanding in all fields. This is important for the advancement of society and the individual's well-being. Additionally, it allows us to appreciate God's creation and use science to predict natural phenomena. For example, without prior knowledge, we would not have been able to predict the path of the Sandy hurricane, which hit the northeastern US. This knowledge is crucial in order to mitigate the devastating effects of such natural disasters. Aristotle's ethical theory is connected to his metaphysics. Like Plato, he believed that the goodness or virtue of something lies in realizing its specific nature.

    The highest good for worlds is the complete and accustomed exercising of the specifically human function-rationality. Rationality is exercised through the pattern of two kinds of virtue, moral and rational. Aristotle emphasized the traditional Grecian concept of moral virtue as the midpoint between extremes. Well-being is not about seeking pleasure (hedonism), but rather about pursuing the Good, a composite ideal comprising contemplation (the rational life) and, subordinate to that, engagement in politics (the moral life).

    Aristotle argues in The Politics that humans naturally form political associations and explores various forms these associations can take. His ideas on aesthetics, outlined in The Poetics, focus on tragedy.

    If you were an educational policy maker for K-12 schools, how would you shape the goals of instruction using the educational philosophies you have studied?

    To change behavior and direct it towards a more desirable path for both a good society and an individual. To develop the child's mental, moral, and spiritual aspects. Education should enhance the child's willpower to choose good over evil.

    To achieve Self-realization, one must fully understand their own identity, while also building and shaping their character. Additionally, it is important to embrace and share our cultural heritage with everyone in the world, including future generations. Lastly, ensuring the child's physical development should also be prioritized.

    A sound mind resides in a sound body. Students who are physically fit can easily achieve their life goals. Islam promotes unity and inclusivity among people of all diversities based on their social group, gender, color, and religion. These societal differences foster a sense of unity among students through education. One objective is to establish the equal importance of mind and matter in the Islamic educational process.

    To create an individual who is both biologically balanced and resistant to temptation in order to fulfill their desires. Also, to actively and responsibly engage in community and nation-building initiatives. Moreover, to enhance the child's cognitive abilities and prepare them for a happy and successful life by teaching them critical problem-solving skills and promoting advanced thinking abilities. Additionally, education should integrate technology in the information age and equip students with practical skills, enabling them to contribute to the development of a new and improved society based on real-life experiences. Gifted students are considered valuable assets, so education should provide them with opportunities

    in all fields to build a new realm of social and educated elites within society.

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