Why has the marketing mix for Motorola been unsuccessful? Essay Example
Why has the marketing mix for Motorola been unsuccessful? Essay Example

Why has the marketing mix for Motorola been unsuccessful? Essay Example

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  • Pages: 14 (3638 words)
  • Published: March 28, 2018
  • Type: Article
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Engaging in the voting process allows individuals to have a say in selecting board members and addressing any issues brought forth by the board or themselves. Job applicants must complete an application form which includes personal information, educational background, qualifications, and previous experience. An employee's performance is evaluated through an appraisal method that often includes an interview with a senior staff member. Appreciation refers to the increase in value of one currency relative to another, enabling it to buy more of the other currency. The appropriation account illustrates how after-tax profits within a company are divided as dividends or retained earnings. In industrial disputes, an arbitrator listens to both parties and delivers a fair ruling for all involved. Assets represent valuable possessions owned by a business such as buildings, equipment, and vehicles that operate under autocratic l


eadership from higher authorities. The average cost per unit is determined by dividing total production costs by overall output. The balance of payments records the difference between a country's exports and imports. A balance sheet provides a snapshot of a company's assets and liabilities at a specific point in time. Batch production involves manufacturing products in specific quantities based on incoming orders.The line of best fit represents the most accurate trend among analyzed data points.

In the financial and management field, essential terms such as brand image, brand loyalty, brand name, break-even charts, break-even point, budgets, buffer stock, bulk decreasing products, and steel production are described. The significance of location decisions in factories is highlighted and influenced by strategic and tactical choices. Operational decisions made by lower-level managers play a crucial role. Business ethics is defined as a se

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of rules preventing unfair or dangerous actions towards workers or others. Capital represents owners' investments in a business while capital employed includes long-term finance like loans and shareholders' funds. Spending on fixed assets lasting over one year is referred to as capital expenditure. Cash flow involves cash inflows and outflows within a specific period with the cash-flow cycle encompassing various stages of expenditure. are also mentioned with an example provided using Coca-Cola's manufacturing process to show how ingredient mixing and water addition affects the weight of raw materials compared to the finished product. Additionally it notes that transportation costs for delivering the finished product to market are higher than transporting raw materials to the factory for production.The text discusses various financial and management terms while acknowledging the presence of . It explains that a cash-flow forecast is used to project future monthly cash inflows and outflows, distinguishing between cash in-flows (money received) and cash out-flows (sums paid out) during a specific time period. It also mentions that a centralized management structure involves decision-making at higher levels of management, while the chain of command is a hierarchical structure that allows instructions to be passed down from senior management to lower levels. The channel of distribution refers to how products are transferred from production to customers or retailers, and a check is a written instruction for a bank transfer specifying an amount and recipient. In a closed shop, all employees must belong to the same trade union. The closing cash balance represents the amount held by a business at month-end, whereas the opening cash balance refers to the starting amount for the next month. Collective bargaining

negotiation relates to discussions between trade unions and employers regarding employment conditions and pay rates, while commission payment depends on sales made. Lastly, common currency refers to an agreement among countries to use a single currency like the Euro in the European Union.Communication is the act of exchanging messages between a sender and receiver, with both parties understanding each other. Communication networks consist of various methods that group members use to communicate with one another. Competitive pricing is a strategy where a product's price is set at a similar or slightly lower level than competitors' prices in order to gain a larger share of the market. Work conflict arises when different groups have differing opinions on matters such as wages, working hours, and conditions, leading to disagreements. Conglomerate integration refers to the merging or acquisition of one company by another in an unrelated industry. Diversification consumer panels are groups of individuals who agree to provide information on specific products or general spending patterns over time. A contract of employment is a legal agreement between an employer and employee that outlines their rights and responsibilities. Contribution errors refer to the selling price of a product minus its variable cost. Corporation tax is the tax paid by limited companies on their profits. Cost-benefit analysis involves government agencies evaluating all social and private costs and benefits resulting from a decision. The cost of goods sold represents the expenses associated with goods actually sold by a business during a specified period of time.Cost-plus pricing takes into account the cost of manufacturing a product plus a profit mark-up.A craft union represents skilled workers in a specific fieldCreditors are individuals or

businesses that have provided loans or goods to a business without receiving payment yet. Currency appreciation occurs when the value of one currency increases, allowing it to purchase more of another currency than before. Conversely, currency depreciation happens when the value of one currency decreases, resulting in it being able to buy less of another currency than previously possible. Current assets consist of cash, stocks, and debtors held for short periods. Current liabilities are debts that a business owes in the near future. This includes money owed by customers, known as debtors.
Decentralization is a management structure where decision-making authority is given to lower levels of management. De-industrialization refers to the decline in importance of manufacturing sectors within a country's industry. Delaying the removal of layers from an organizational hierarchy is an action taken within a management structure.Delegation involves granting subordinate employees authority for specific tasks.Suppliers send delivery notes to customers when delivering goods and the customer's signature confirms receipt.Democratic leadership entails senior employees consulting with junior ones during policy-making processes.Depreciation is the decrease in value of a fixed asset over time.Desk research, also known as secondary research,involves gathering information from existing sourcesA placement area is a designated region where businesses can receive financial support to establish themselves, often in areas with high unemployment rates. Direct costs are expenses directly attributed to a specific product or department, while direct taxes are taxes paid directly from incomes such as income tax or profits tax. Diseconomies of scale refer to factors that result in higher average costs as a business grows beyond a certain size. Disposable income is the remaining income after income tax has been paid. Diversification,

or conglomerate integration, increases a company's product or service range. Dividends are payments made to shareholders from profits after corporation tax has been paid. Division of labor involves breaking down production into different tasks and having workers specialize in one task. E-commerce refers to using the internet for business transactions. Economic growth occurs when a country's gross domestic product increases and more goods and services are produced compared to the previous year. The economic problem arises due to limited resources but unlimited wantsThis passage discusses various business concepts, such as scarcity and economies of scale. Scarcity refers to the limited availability of resources. Economies of scale lead to lower average costs as a business expands. Additionally, an employer federation is a group of employers that provide benefits to their members. Empowerment involves granting power and authority to individuals or teams, while enterprise involves bringing together resources to produce goods or services.

Environmental benefits and costs are the outcomes of business decisions that impact the environment. Ethical decisions are made based on moral codes. Exchange rate appreciation occurs when a country's currency value increases compared to others, whereas depreciation happens when its value decreases. Exchange rates represent the price of one currency in terms of another (e.g., $1).

Exports refer to goods and services sold by one country to others, with external benefits also known as social benefits. External communication involves messages exchanged between organizations and non-employees. Furthermore, external costs or social costs are incurred in certain situations.

Lastly, external economies of scale occur when a business grows in size and experiences cost reduction due to external influencesExternal growth refers to the combination or acquisition of another business, such

as examples of vertical and horizontal integration. External recruitment is the process of filling a job vacancy with an individual who is not currently employed by the company. These individuals are new to the business. Market research conducted outside of the company is considered an external source and is utilized for making marketing decisions. Factors of production refer to the resources necessary for producing goods or services. Feedback pertains to the response received from recipients of a message, indicating whether it was comprehended and acted upon if necessary. Field research is another term used for primary research. Final accounts provide information about the profit or loss made over a year and disclose the value of the business at year-end. Fixed assets are assets that businesses plan to retain for more than one year and encompass items like land, which may depreciate over time. They are documented on an annual balance sheet. Fixed costs are linked to flow production, where substantial quantities of standardized products are continuously manufactured. Forecasts aid in predicting changes in market size. Formal groups within businesses execute specific tasks. Franchises offer products or services but do not directly sell them to nonusers.
The text discusses a variety of terms related to business and trade, including franchisees, free trade deals, freight, fringe benefits, general unions, globalization, go slow industrial action, government influence, gross domestic product (GDP), gross profit, haulage, hierarchy, horizontal integration, imports, and indirect costs. Indirect taxes or overheads are additional costs included in the prices of goods that taxpayers bear when purchasing them. G. Alee provided training for new employees on the organizational structure and procedures of the company. Industrial action occurs

when trade unions take measures to reduce or halt production. An industrial tribunal is a legal gathering that addresses workers' grievances regarding unfair dismissal or discrimination at work. An industrial union represents all categories of workers within a specific industry. Inflation refers to the gradual increase in the overall price level of goods and services over time. An informal group consists of individuals who come together independently based on shared interests or objectives. Informative advertising aims to provide comprehensive information about a product. Integration can involve vertical, rational and conglomerate integration processes.Internal communication involves exchanging messages between individuals within the same organization.The text also covers various concepts related to job production,roration,satisfaction,and specificationThe text discusses various concepts and techniques used in business management, including just-in-time production, kaizen, labor, laissez-faire leadership style, land resources, lead time, and different leadership styles. It emphasizes the importance of internal growth by hiring employees from within the company instead of externally recruiting them. Market research and marketing decisions are based on information obtained from internal sources within the company. Interviews are conducted to evaluate job applicants' suitability for a position. Job analysis involves identifying and documenting responsibilities and tasks associated with a job. A job description outlines the expected duties and responsibilities for specific positions. Job enlargement involves adding similar level tasks to an employee's current job description, while job enrichment adds more skillful or responsible tasks to jobs. Lean production techniques like autocratic, laissez-faire , and democratic approaches are employed by businesses to minimize waste and enhance efficiency. The text also briefly mentions long-term liabilities (borrowings with a maturity longer than one year) and current liabilities (amounts that need repayment

within a year), such as creditors and overdrafts. Limited liability is a concept that protects owners from being held accountable for their company's debts.Line managers have direct authority over their subordinates in their department and can make decisions within their area of responsibility. A line of best fit represents the trend of data points when drawn through them. A quotation occurs when a company becomes unable to pay its short-term debts and is forced out of business by its creditors. Liquidity refers to a business's ability to repay its short-term debts. A lock-out happens when employees are prevented from entering their workplace. Marginal costs pertain to the additional costs involved in producing an extra unit of output. The market serves as a meeting point for buyers and sellers to exchange products for money.

This passage provides descriptions for various marketing and business terms:
- Location marketing: Managing and promoting a specific location for marketing purposes.
- Management process: Overseeing and controlling various aspects of a business, including marketing.
- Customer wants: Identifying and understanding consumers' desires and needs.
- Marketing budget: A financial plan outlining funds allocation for marketing a specific product or range within a defined time period.

The marketing mix refers to the four factors that managers can manipulate - product, price, place, and promotion - in order to influence product sales.

A market-oriented approach involves conducting market research before developing and producing a product in order to determine consumer wants.Market research is the act of collecting information about consumer desires before developing and producing a product. Market segmentation involves dividing the market into groups of consumers with similar needs. Mass production refers to creating goods in large quantities using

assembly lines or automated processes. A medium of communication is the method used to transmit a message from sender to receiver. A merger occurs when the owners of two separate businesses agree to combine their companies into one entity. The message is the information or instructions being communicated from sender to receiver. A monopoly is a business that has complete control over the market for a specific product. Motivation refers to the reasons why employees strive for effective work within a business. Multinational businesses are companies with operations, factories, or services located in more than one country.Transnational businesses, also known as businesses operating across multiple countries, require goods or services necessary for satisfying basic needs.Collective bargaining, also known as joint decision-making, involves negotiations between representatives of both management and employees within a company.Net assets represent the overall value of all assets owned by a business.The calculation can be done by adding fixed assets to the difference between current assets and current liabilities, or by combining fixed assets with working capitalNet cash flow is the monthly difference between cash inflows and outflows. Net profit represents the profit earned by a business after deducting all expenses from sales revenue. Picketing refers to the industrial action where employees refuse to comply with new working practices. Non-strike agreements are when trade unions and management agree to resolve pay disputes through an independent arbitrator instead of striking. Off-the-job training occurs when employees are trained away from the workplace by specialist trainers. One-way communication involves transmitting a message without expecting a response. On-the-job training involves learning by observing and being supervised by a more experienced worker. The opening cash balance is

the amount of cash held by a business at the beginning of the month. Operational decisions are business decisions made within an organization.Opportunity cost is represented as the alternative given up when choosing another item.Organizational structure relates to the levels of management and division of responsibilities within an organization.An overdraft happens when a bank allows a business to spend more money than is currently available in its account .Overheads, or indirect costs, are associated with operating a business.Overtime refers to work performed outside regular working hours .An overtime ban occurs when employees refuse to work beyond their normal working hoursPackaging involves the physical container or wrappings for a product and can also serve promotional purposes. A partnership is an association of 2 to 20 individuals who agree to jointly own and operate a business. A partnership agreement is the written and legally binding contract between partners in a business venture. Penetration pricing is a strategy where the price of a product is set lower than competitors' prices as a means to enter new markets. Performance measures assess the success or failure of a business within a specific timeframe. Performance-related pay compensates employees based on their effectiveness in their roles. Persuasive advertising aims to convince consumers that they need and should purchase the advertised product. Employers taking action demonstrate protest or prevention measures outside their workplace, which may include protesting deliveries or employee arrivals/departures. An actuator uses pictorial symbols to visually represent fixed quantities of data. Pie charts are circular graphs that visually depict proportions of collected data across chosen categories.Piece rate refers to payment based on the quantity of manufactured products produced by an individual.Place,

one of the four As of the marketing mix, refers to how a product is distributed to the market.Planning permission is authorization granted by a government body to construct a factory or office in a specific location.
The point of sale, commonly found in a shop, is where the product is sold. Pressure groups are created by individuals who share common interests and take action to bring about desired changes. Price, which is part of the marketing mix, represents the selling price of a product. Price skimming involves setting a high price for a new product on the market. Primary research involves directly interacting with potential or existing customers to collect and organize original data. This type of research is also known as field research and focuses on extracting natural resources from the earth. Private benefits refer to financial gains resulting from business decisions while private costs represent costs borne by the business for those decisions. A private limited company (Ltd) is jointly owned by investors who purchase shares and become shareholders; these shares are not available to the general public. Product, one of the four As in the marketing mix, includes both design and quality aspects. The term "product life" refers to the stages that a product goes through from introduction to growth, maturity, and eventual decline. A product-oriented business primarily focuses on its products themselves while market-orientated production aims at providing products or services that meet consumer wants and needs.This production type measures productivity by comparing output to inputs used in its creation.A productivity agreement refers to an agreement between workers and management to increase benefits in exchange for higher productivity. A profit and

loss account is a document that shows how a business calculates its net profit and retained profit. Profit-sharing involves distributing a part of profits to employees. Promotion, which is part of the marketing mix, includes advertising and promoting the product. Promotional pricing is a strategy where the product is sold at a significantly reduced price for a limited time period.

A prospectus is a detailed document issued by company directors when converting to public limited company status. Market research utilizes data points such as age, gender, and income to gather information about a larger population. This information helps market researchers understand the characteristics of different consumer segments and customize their marketing efforts accordingly. Age, gender, and income also help companies identify potential customers for new products or determine target audience for advertising campaigns.

For collecting this data, randomly selected individuals are employed. Real income refers to income value relative to current price levels. Within communication, the receiver refers to the individual who receives a message.A recession indicates a decrease in economic activity which leads to less demand for most products. Recruitment is the process of finding and selecting qualified individuals to fill job vacancies within a business. Redundancy, also known as retrenchment, refers to when an employee loses their job because they are no longer needed, regardless of their work performance. A union representative has the responsibility of relaying trade union information between members and regional offices, as well as representing union members to management. Some producers double as retailers by having their own retail branches alongside production sites, whereas a retailer sells goods directly to customers. Revenue represents the income generated from selling goods and services

during a specific time period. Conversely, revenue expenditure denotes money spent on day-to-day expenses that do not involve purchasing long-term assets such as wages and rent payments. Salary refers to payment for work provided typically on a monthly basis. The wage sales invoice is a document sent by a supplier to request payment from a customer for supplied goods. Sales promotion methods like special offers and competitions aim at enticing consumers to purchase a specific product in order to increase sales revenue.Scarcity occurs when there is an insufficient supply of products to meet the overall demands of the population. Secondary research, also known as desk research, involves using existing information that has been collected and is available for others to utilize. Industries in the secondary sector produce goods using raw materials provided by the primary sector. Market segmentation involves dividing the market into distinct segments, each representing a specific group of customers or potential customers. The selling price contribution in break-even analysis represents the difference between the selling price and variable costs. A sender is another term for a transmitter. Shareholders are individuals who own part of a limited company by purchasing shares that represent partial ownership in the company. A shop steward serves as a representative for a trade union at either factory or office levels without compensation. A single-union agreement means that only one specific trade union will be dealt with by a firm, excluding all others.Social benefits refer to gains made by society resulting from business decisions, also known as external benefits.Social costs are expenses borne by society rather than solely being paid by businesses due to their decisions, which may include

damages caused on a societal level due to businesses' actions.

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