When Allocating Work, What Things Should Be Taken Into Consideration Essay Example
When Allocating Work, What Things Should Be Taken Into Consideration Essay Example

When Allocating Work, What Things Should Be Taken Into Consideration Essay Example

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  • Pages: 8 (2016 words)
  • Published: April 20, 2017
  • Type: Tests
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Questions 1. When allocating work, what things should be taken into consideration. When allocating work, you need to ensure that it is goal and target orientated. The manager and employee need to set realistic goals that are achievable and also have time frames attached. It is imperative to ensure that your staff members possess the necessary skills and have undertaken suitable developmental activities to complete the work given. On occasion, the lack of such skills can lead to perceived unfairness.

A team member might, for example, feel upset that he or she is not being allocated particular tasks which they feel they can accomplish. However, as a manager, if you feel that the team member lacks the skill needed for such a task, your role is to discuss the situation with the staff member to help him or her improve and gain the necessary


skills. It is imperative to set goals when allocating tasks to ensure the staff member has something to work towards, and you also need to ensure the staff member has the necessary tools readily available to achieve these goals. The manager also needs to provide prompt and constructive feedback.

2. Why are performance management systems necessary and how do you think performance appraisals contribute to performance and productivity in an organisation. A good performance management system helps direct employees toward organizational goals by letting employees know what is expected of them and how it will be achieved. Once the performance management system is set in place, employees should know clearly what is expected of them, and know what they will be assessed on.

It is also an excellent opportunity for employers to praise employees

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on the areas that they have excelled in, and also to identify areas that need further development. Employees feel much more empowered when a realistic, measured goal is set for them. Upon completion of that goal, employees feel a sense of accomplishment. This can add to the employee’s drive to keep improving and set an even higher goal. 3. What steps might be taken if it is necessary to follow-up performance appraisals?

If a performance appraisal needs to be assessed, the necessary steps you will need to take are:

•Schedule a counselling session with the employee and advise them to be ready to discuss expectations and requirements.

•Carefully examine employee’s written input if he/she provides it

•Discuss mission/objectives of the organization and how his/her performance can contribute to the success of the organization. •Emphasize the employee’s positive strengths!

•Discuss areas that require immediate attention and what level of performance you expect for success. Summarize key points of the counselling and give the employee the document to review and sign.

•Give the employee a copy and keep the original to use for the next counselling session.

4. Why is it necessary to provide employees with regular, consistent and constructive feedback, and if performance issues are identified, how might they be documented and who might it be necessary to advise? It is necessary to provide employees with regular, consistent and constructive feedback to ensure staff members stay on task and do what is expected of them, and also know when they are achieving expectations.

Positive feedback is important to ensure that your staff members are feeling valued within the organisation and to remind them that you appreciate their efforts. If performance issues are identified, you

should start with a one on one meeting with the employee to analyse possible reasons as to why their performance may have slipped. You should also create an action plan with the employee, document it, ask them to sign it, and give them a reasonable timeline to improve upon the issues at hand.

Regular follow-up meetings with the employee are vital to ensure they are keeping on track and keeping aware of what is expected of them. If their performance has not improved by the agreed time, you will need to involve HR. 5. What are some of the legislative and regulatory issues that should be considered? Employees need to document all communications with the employee whether it is written or verbal. The employee needs a considerable amount of time to improve on their performance before the employer takes further action.

The employer should consider section 387 of the fair work act 2009 FAIR WORK ACT 2009 - SECT 387 Criteria for considering harshness etc. In considering whether it is satisfied that a dismissal was harsh, unjust or unreasonable, FWA must take into account:

a)Whether there was a valid reason for the dismissal related to the person's capacity or conduct (including its effect on the safety and welfare of other employees); and b)Whether the person was notified of that reason; and c)Whether the person was given an opportunity to respond to any reason related to the capacity or conduct of the person; and d)Any unreasonable refusal by the employer to allow the person to have a support person present to assist at any discussions relating to dismissal; and e)If the dismissal related to unsatisfactory performance by the person--whether

the person had been warned about that unsatisfactory performance before the dismissal; and f)The degree to which the size of the employer's enterprise would be likely to impact on the procedures followed in effecting the dismissal; and g)the degree to which the absence of dedicated human resource management specialists or expertise in the enterprise would be likely to impact on the procedures followed in effecting the dismissal; and h)Any other matters that FWA considers relevant. 6. What should a good performance management system aim for?

The goal of a performance management system is to help boost employee performance and, ultimately, the productivity of the business. For it to be effective, a performance management system should incorporate updated job descriptions, performance measures and standards, evaluation and training, employee input and compensation and rewards. A good performance management should provide employees with a clear understanding of job expectations regular feedback about performance, advice and steps for improving performance, and rewards for good performance. 7. If managers decide that an employee’s performance is so poor as to necessitate dismissal, what must they be aware of?

If managers decide to dismiss an employee, they must ensure that they have documentation to backup their actions. They need to have discussed previously with the employee regarding their performance, have worked out an action plan, documented it, and followed up on it. The manager must give the employee a reasonable amount of time to put such plan into action and to ensure the employee is staying on task. Constant documentation of the employee’s work performance in this situation is essential, as you shouldn’t go down the dismissal path unless you have the means to

support your actions. The employer should consider section 387 of the fair work act 2009. 8. What needs to be considered when developing and implementing performance plans?

When developing a performance management plan, we need to consider the organizational plans and goals. We need to collect and analyse data, monitor assess, evaluate and record customer needs and expectations and have clear and well communicated performance expectations. We need to ensure that the performance management plan is SMART Specific - help the staff member understand exactly what is expected. Measurable - measurements help the staff member and supervisor understand when the expectation is achieved. Achievable - expectations should be realistic. Results Oriented - expectations should focus on end results. Time Bound - deadlines should be identified where applicable.

Project 2 - Case Study

I have interpreted the case study as being an issue that starts from Management. The issue shouldn’t have gone this far should have the manager been monitoring and mentoring the employee adequately. The employee is clearly lacking in training and it should have been addressed a lot earlier. The staff member should have said something if they didn’t understand the work and the manager should have been aware that there was an issue with the staff members’ lack of training. The manager should have performance managed the employee as soon as they were aware that there was an issue. The issue should be addressed by firstly investigating before talking to the staff member.

I would listen to phone calls as well as go through email communications to see what areas the staff member seems to be troubled with. I would then organise a meeting with the employee,

and advise that they can bring a third party person as a witness if they wish to. I would start with letting them know what Company X and my concerns are. I would ensure that I am specific so the employee knows what the exact issue is. During the meeting I would discuss with the employee why they weren’t delivered on time, and why they only ? completed the order. Perhaps they feel there were a lack of training and a lack of support from other staff members and managers to help them to perform their job.

I would affirm with the employee the seriousness of the issue and how it doesn’t only affect the customer, but the work place and reputation of the company as well I would document all of the staff members concerns about their job, and what areas they feel they need further development in, and also advise the employee what I feel they need further development in. I would also ask the employee if there were any out of work issues that may be causing the lack of concentration for them to perform their job adequately. I would also highlight the employees positive attributes to ensure they aren’t feeling vilified. Once all information is collated, I would put together an action plan.

I would organise further training sessions, have other staff members assist the employee, and lastly sit with the employee and listen to phone calls to ensure they understand customers correctly I would have a clear timeline of when I expect things to improve and also ensure that the staff member understands the importance. I’ll ask the employee open ended questions

to make sure that they feel comfortable enough in their job and also have weekly meetings with the employee to discuss their progress. I would create an individual learning program with the employee to ensure that we are both on the same page and have clear communications of my expectations. Individual learning Program Individual learning program for the next 2 months Development OpportunityWhat training and development (Internal / external) is required?

Voicing opinions in team meetings and bringing supporting documentationWill have a better rapport with colleagues therefore will find it easier to ask for assistance, will also be more proactive in team meetings2 months Build further knowledge on products and servicesResearch all available resources such as intranet and internet, worksheets, and product user guides. Interact in training sessionsStrong understanding on all products and services and will be able to complete orders without hesitation2 months The employee must understand the importance of excelling in each area and agree that they will try their hardest to perform to the highest standards. If the situation doesn’t improve, I would need to involve the HR department. I would schedule another counselling session with the employee and advise them to write down or be ready to discuss expectations and requirements.

•Review employee’s written input if he/she provides it Discuss mission/objectives of the organization and how his/her performance contributes to success of the organization.

•Emphasize the employee’s positive strengths.

•Discuss areas that require immediate attention and what level of performance I expect for success.

•Summarize key points of the counselling and give the employee the document to review and sign.

•Give the employee a copy and keep the original to use for the next counselling session.

Perhaps the

role isn’t suited to the staff member at all and there may be something in the business that is more suitable for their skill set. If there isn’t anything that is suited to the employees skill set, I would dismiss the employee providing all of the legislative and legal requirements have been met.

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