What Does Scripture Say Of Our Tongue Theology Religion Essay Example
The primary topic of this discussion is the tongue, which is often connected to the language used for communication.
When examining the scriptures, we can see that many people view their tongue as the most challenging part of themselves. In comparison to our interactions with others, we realize how it affects us. It becomes clear that our tongue can lead us into problematic situations. Therefore, it is essential for us to follow the guidance of "keeping your tongue from saying harmful things and your lips from speaking dishonestly".
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Psalm 34:13 This poem suggests that we should refrain from speaking ill of anyone or anything and align our thoughts with the word of God. "For he that will love life, and see good years, let him
refrain his tongue from evil, and his lips that they speak no deceit '' :
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1 Peter 3:10 The rest of this poem emphasizes the need to avoid evil and do good, seek peace, and follow good principles. "For the eyes of the Lord are righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? ''
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as children of God,
we should strive to do good
and avoid evil.
Evil does not only result from our actions,
but also originates from what we say.
Some people consider certain words spoken by them as immoral. How little do they understand the Word o
God? "The speech of the foolish is like a dagger, but the mouth of the wicked is empty."
Proverbs 10:20 Those who belong to Christ Jesus know that our speech can be poisonous, but with Christ living in us, we only speak the words of our Lord. We see that the wicked have nothing, only evil in their hearts. "There are those whose words are like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing."
Proverbs 12:18 Have you ever experienced someone's hurtful words penetrating through you? They are like a piercing sword, as this verse describes.
As we read the following poetry, we discover wisdom in it: "She openeth her oral cavity with wisdom, and in her lingua is the Law of Kindness''.
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Proverbs 31:26 Have you ever encountered someone who you thought would just speak harshly to you? And when they spoke, the words that came out were words of kindness? In this poetry, we learn that truth is everlasting and the impact of an individual's words lasts only for a moment. Throughout the Bible, we find references to our tongue. "The lip of truth shall be established for eternity: but a lying tongue is only temporary.''
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Proverbs 12:19 "Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and those who love it shall eat the fruit thereof.''
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Proverbs 18:21 It is the words that our tongue expresses that have the power to bring life or death; I'm sure most of us understand the significance of that.
The last part of this poem indicates that the words we speak can bring either disease or
life. "Those who control their mouth and tongue protect their soul from trouble." [9] Proverbs 21:23 states that "a patient person persuades a ruler, and a gentle tongue can break a bone." [10] According to Proverbs 23:15, "The Lord God has given me the tongue of the learned, that I may know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary. He awakens me morning by morning; He awakens my ear to hear as the learned." [12] In this poem, the speaker is depicted as the perfect follower.
He simply spoke the Words that were given to Him by God ("that I should know how to speak") [13]. He stated this seven times while on Earth. These can be found in: John 7:16; 8:28; 46-47; 14:10, 24; 17:8). The Phases, He woke up morning by morning, He woke my ear to hear as the learned, refers to the fact that God had direct and constant communication with the servant, not teaching Him occasionally like the Prophets through dreams and visions, but continuously whispering in His ear. In fact, the phrase "morning by morning" should not be limited to the literal meaning, but understood as uninterrupted.
All of this was unnecessary for His benefit, but rather for Him to know how to speak a Word in season to those who are weary (Jeremiah 9:5). The verse reads, "And they will deceive each their neighbor, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit evil" (Jeremiah 9:5) [14]. The phrase, "And they will deceive each their neighbor," reveals the widespread deceit among
the people. They were easily deceived and became cheaters themselves. This is analogous to Satan and his followers. The phrase, "They have taught their tongue to speak lies," indicates the pervasiveness of vice. They not only lied but also practiced lying.
Jeremiah 18:18 declares that the people conspired against Jeremiah, refusing to heed his words because they believed the law, counsel from the wise, and prophetic messages would not be lost. Instead, they planned to attack him verbally and disregard everything he said. [15] This verse illustrates how the people responded to Jeremiah's prophecies. Now, we shift our focus to the New Testament in Mark's Gospel. In Mark 7:35, it is mentioned that a man's ears were immediately healed and his speech impediment was removed, enabling him to speak clearly. This incident symbolizes what occurs spiritually when one's soul is redeemed. "If any person among you appears to be spiritual but fails to control their tongue and deceives themselves, their faith is worthless."
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James 1:26 James 1:26; Means the first portion would hold been better translated, If any adult male among you seem to be religious, once more, merely the Holy Spirit within our lives can make this. And the last portion of this poetry, would hold been better translated, profession is conceited. "Even so the lingua is a small member: and boasth great things. Behold how great a affair a small fire kindleth!'' And the lingua is a fire, a universe of wickedness: so is the lingua among our members, that it defileth the whole organic structure, and setteth on fire the class of nature: and
it is set on fire of snake pit. ''
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James 3:5, 6 I feel these two poetries speak for themselves. James 3:8, "But the lingua can no adult male tame; it is an boisterous immorality, full of deathly toxicant.
Think about this poetry for a minute. Consider the words you have spoken throughout your life. Our language has the power to harm others. The saying, sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me, is not entirely accurate. The Bible teaches otherwise.
The poem underscores the idea that love should not only be expressed verbally, but also through actions and truth.[19] It emphasizes the importance of providing for those in need rather than simply offering empty words of comfort.[20] Although these verses do not explicitly mention "tongue," they align with the theme of the study by highlighting the consequences of idle words and the power of speech to either justify or condemn.[21] They serve as a reminder that our words have a significant impact on judgment day, as we will be judged based on them.[22] Furthermore, it states that everyone will acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord, emphasizing universality.[23]
Jesus Christ provides guidance for Christians on achieving eternal life. Are you prepared? Have you welcomed Jesus Christ into your heart and sought His forgiveness? Can you honestly answer these questions? Have you experienced salvation and conversion, with Jesus Christ residing within your heart?
On page 5, I analyze two poems that do not mention the term "tongue" but instead focus on spoken words.
In Matthew 15:18-20, it states, "But what comes out of the
mouth proceeds from the heart, and this defiles a person. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person. But to eat with unwashed hands does not defile anyone" [24].
These verses emphasize being mindful of our speech. Many people overlook the impact their words can have but after understanding this passage's message we must be cautious in our communication.
How often do we genuinely consider what we will say before speaking? Do we reflect on our thoughts before they become words? Before saying anything else let us ponder if our words align with God's desires.
These questions are important as we strive to walk alongside Jesus.
In addition to asking our Lord for supplication, there are numerous inquiries that we must ask ourselves. As I conclude, may the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Father bless each individual with the wisdom on how He desires for us to communicate with others and live our life for Him!
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