Viral Advertising in Facebook and Twitter Among Ust Students Essay Example
The recognition of the importance of having a sense of purpose in all aspects of life is well acknowledged in today's society. Societal norms and regulations, along with the influence of media, play a significant role in shaping perspectives and ideals. This can either lead to blindly following trends or serve as a catalyst for change.
In addition to this realization, business marketing has gained social dominance driven by the desire for wealth and success. Marketers are often viewed as opportunists who take advantage of this phenomenon. Advertising serves as the common link between these two subjects - media and marketing.
One popular tool used nowadays is social media or social networking sites. To better understand the topic at hand, we must identify the values advertisers employ to create viral ads. This includes blending various themes and genr
...es, targeting young audiences aged 18-30 with extroverted personalities or engaging activities. Eliciting emotions through fear or shock is also an effective method for capturing viewers' attention. This concept is widely embraced in the Philippines where people have a tendency to stay connected and curious due to public disclosure on social media platforms.
This research aims to explore the extent of this phenomenon by examining the effectiveness of viral ads on popular social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter among college students at the University of Santo Tomas.
Other researchers have also conducted studies on this topic, but their focus is limited to specific areas or locations. Recent studies in the US have investigated how advancing media has impacted various issues. The Doctors In Joggling ten social meal world explores themes such as entertainment, leisure, belonging, an
colonization. However, this social media platform does not offer an opportunity to avoid viral ads. This raises the question of why a Catholic university would engage in advertising that doesn't go viral like other ads related to sex, violence, and comedy in the US. According to research findings, starting a viral ad requires a good approach that continuously engages and persuades the audience. Despite differences in tactics, being a salesman and an advertiser share similarities in strategy. Additionally, there is a conflicting cultural aspect between the US and the Philippines where this research takes place (updated in 2011). Determining the target audience and intended message is crucial for clarifying knowledge gaps. Despite westernization and colonial mentality, there is an unknown factor influencing viral ads within a Catholic university. This research aims to guide future generations in incorporating values and expanding influence within the community and external world.Viral ads can promote products/events and impart spiritual values for future benefitThe aim of this study is to identify individuals' behaviors/personalities in order to effectively convey messages and improve viral ad adaptation. This will help reach a wider audience and bridge the knowledge gap, creating impactful ads with lasting effect on the Thomas community. Key questions include whether Dominants are aware of viral advertising, if they can identify viral ads, if they contribute to sharing such ads on Facebook/Twitter, and what types of ads they share. By answering these specific questions, we can determine the impact of viral ads on individuals' lives and how they are affected. To develop a creative viral ad that can be shared among students in the Thomas community, it is important to gain knowledge
of the gap. The effectiveness of the ad can be assessed by analyzing its reach and engagement metrics such as "Likes, Shares, Favorites, and Retweets". Research for this study would involve conducting interviews using surveys focused on understanding Dominants' reactions to viral ads. These surveys could be done manually or through online platforms to gather a broader perspective on the knowledge gap. Data collected would be categorized based on college, year, and gender/preference to account for audience demographics. Once this information is gathered, testing would proceed by creating a viral ad that initially targets the group's networks before spreading further. Social networking sites will serve as tools to determine the effectiveness of the viral ad among Dominants.
The study explores the Hierarchy of Effects theory by R. Leaving and G. Steiner, which outlines six stages of persuasion: Awareness, Knowledge, Liking, Preference, Conviction, and Purchase. However, this research primarily focuses on advertising rather than selling, so the final stage of Purchase does not have an impact. The significance of this theory lies in achieving the first five steps before implementing viral advertising. Before an advertisement goes viral online (e.g., on Facebook or Twitter), audiences must initially become aware of the product or information being advertised. Following that is the Knowledge step where the audience gains more information about the advertised product or information. The text describes a series of steps in viral advertising and how the audience progresses from being interested in an ad to becoming a consumer. The initial step is "Liking" when something catches the audience's attention in the ad. Then comes "Preference" where they start favoring the advertised brand over rivals'. The fifth step
is "Conviction," where advertisers enhance the audience's desire to purchase or believe what's presented through means like test drives, free taste experiences, video demos, reviews, and user testimonies.The Pontifical Multiversity Ana researchers conducted a study focusing on the impact of social networking sites on young Filipino university students. The study aims to investigate the potential new industry for marketing and advertising that viral advertising on these sites presents. However, due to the nature of the research, not all findings can be openly discussed. The University of Santos Thomas and its students' participation on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are specifically examined in this study. Surveys will be administered both in hard copy and online formats with approximately 200 respondents answering questions about viral advertising. Although the study is limited to this particular university, the findings may have broader implications for other Filipino entities involved in social networking.
Definition of Terms:
- Social hegemony: Refers to social domination in the context of electronic/media age.
- Social media: A two-way means of interaction among people through the virtual/cyber world.Social networking sites, such as Faceable and Twitter, are online platforms that allow individuals to virtually interact and connect with mutual acquaintances. These popular social networking sites offer various features like photo and video uploads, as well as online interaction. Viral advertising is a marketing technique that utilizes social media platforms to spread awareness about brands or products.
On Faceable, the "Like" function allows users to express sympathy towards another user's post, while the "Share" function enables reposting of someone's post, creating opportunities for viral ads. Similarly on Twitter, the "Favorite" function serves the same purpose as Faceable's "Like," and the
"Rewet" function allows users to repost tweets or posts, providing another avenue for viral advertising.
The term "entire" combines the words "Internet" and "citizen," referring to an individual who actively participates in online communities or networks. Thomas, a student from the University of Santos Thomas, possesses good moral character instilled by his educational institution.
The objective of this study is to present factual information that can assist the advertising industry in utilizing modern technologies with extensive reach and potential consumers. The research team hopes that related literature and theories will enlighten University of Santos Thomas students regarding Viral Advertising on Faceable and Twitter.In addition, the research team aims to benefit future generations by bringing quality and values not only to entities associated with Thomas but also Filipino entities as a whole through their study on viral advertisement. Chapter 2 of the study focuses on the impact of technology and innovation on advertising in the ever-evolving information age while specifically discussing viral advertising through social networking sites, which has become an important tool for businesses. The study examines the effect of viral advertising on students at the University of Santos Thomas and aims to support previous research conducted among JUST students. In today's social networking era, businesses and agencies are utilizing viral ads to reach a larger audience and make a greater impact. Extensive research in the US indicates that using social media is a more direct and effective approach to reaching intended audiences and potential clients. This strategy is based on various theoretical frameworks such as Tailor's six-segment strategy, genre considerations, and alignment with human personality traits. Studies have also shown that the success of viral advertising
heavily relies on its spread among users of social networking sites.Shush-Chuan Chug's study titled "Viral Advertising in Social Media - Participation in Facebook Groups and Responses among College-Aged Users" investigates the impact of being part of a Facebook group on the dissemination of advertisements. However, it is worth noting that psychological factors have a significant influence on viral ads rather than these channels of influence. The text discusses various studies exploring the use of common themes like sex, violence, and norms in ads to attract attention and facilitate their spread. It mentions the Go BIBB framework, which consists of three components (ration, acute need, routine) in the transmission view, while the ritual view adds three more components (ego, social, model). By utilizing this framework and incorporating emotional tones in viral ads, marketers can create highly effective advertisements that appeal to a larger audience. It is crucial for marketers to understand the constantly evolving human mind and ensure that viral ads do not damage a product's reputation through negative word-of-mouth. Appropriate viral advertising can help address this issue effectively. A study titled "Who interacts on the Web?" suggests that due to people's strong emotional attachment towards social media usage, viral ads heavily rely on emotional and psychological elements."The Intersection of User's Personality and Social Media Use" by Chorea, Henley, and Gill De Gauzing (2010) in Chapter 3: Theoretical Framework explores the changing nature of advertising in the era of social media. In this networking age, it is important to consider the authoritative use of advertising. One key concept is the "Tailor's Six-segment Message Theory," which is represented by a wheel divided into two parts and further
subdivided into six segments. This theory incorporates both the Transmission View and Ritual View of Communication, depicted on the wheel with the left side representing Transmission and the right side representing Ritual. Additionally, there is a vertical axis that indicates the consumer's perspective, listing items from least to greatest. Moving from 12 o'clock to 6 o'clock on the wheel shows a decrease in emotional attachment, while moving counter-clockwise decreases rational attachment. Starting clockwise from segment one, Ego represents high emotional attachment where consumers associate their own image with luxurious items. The second segment, Social, represents preferences and likings of a group to gain attention, approval, admiration, love,and respect. The third segment is called Sensory.
Further details about six segments related to consumer buying behavior are explained in the text.The text discusses the various segments of consumer behavior and the steps in the Hierarchy of Effects Model that influence purchasing decisions. It identifies three segments: the pleasure segment, where consumers buy products for personal enjoyment; the routine segment, where consumers purchase out of habit and necessity without considering brand; and acute need, where consumers consider both their needs and brand familiarity when making a purchase. Additionally, there is a fourth segment called ration, consisting of nonusers who desire extensive information about a product before buying it. The text emphasizes how these segments impact an advertisement's potential virality and effectiveness within the community. Furthermore, it mentions that multiple segments can be combined. The Robert Leaving and Gary Steiner's 1961 "Hierarchy of Effects Model" is also referenced as an additional theory explaining the stages viewers go through when viewing advertisements before becoming buyers/consumers. This model outlines six steps of
persuasion: Awareness, Knowledge,The text emphasizes the ability of advertisers to increase a consumer's desire through various strategies. These include providing firsthand experiences like test driving a car or offering free samples of food and beverages. The ultimate goal is for consumers to make a purchase, which represents the final step in this process. According to Leaving and Steiner's theory, these steps can be categorized into three stages: Cognitive (thinking), Affective (feeling), and Connotative (behavior). In the Cognitive stage, consumers become aware of the product and acquire knowledge about it. In the Affective stage, they develop a preference for the brand and build trust in it. Finally, in the Connotative stage, consumers decide to buy the product. This model is referred to as a hierarchy because some consumers may drop out at each step as they progress through different stages. Consequently, advertisers must put significant effort into guiding consumers from conviction towards making a purchase. The principles of the AID approach – Attention (Attract), Interest, Desire, and Action – are essential components within this study since marketing and advertising are closely intertwined.
The text discusses the importance of capturing and maintaining people's attention in advertisements. It emphasizes that using compelling language or captivating images can attract viewers. An example is given, comparing two pictures of an attractive woman: one wearing conservative clothing and the other in a bikini. The image with the woman in a bikini is more likely to grab attention due to its presentation. However, it is noted that grabbing attention is easy but keeping it requires engaging the target audience by addressing their needs and presenting information concisely. For instance, for adult men as
the target audience, using sexual-related words alongside pictures can capture and excite their attention through wordplay.
The text also highlights the role of interest and desire in appealing to personal needs and wants of the audience. To appeal further, it suggests having a sub-headline like "The Sex Story of Your Fantasy Girl" if using such a picture on an adult magazine cover. The aim of the ad is to encourage viewers to visit the page containing the sex story.
This approach can be useful in creating a test advertisement, aiding writers in developing effective and impressive ads.
Chapter 4: Methodology Social media has provided opportunities for delivering news, advertisements, and information.The University of Santos Thomas has embraced the use of social media platforms like Facebook to communicate with a global audience and promote university events. A study conducted in the US used various styles and genres to attract audiences, employing catchy captions. Descriptive and qualitative research designs were utilized to explore variables such as genres mentioned in a strategy wheel, event invitations, organizational requirements, and school requirements. The paragraph highlights the importance of viral ads within this research project, noting that explicit sexual or humorous content can be effective but emphasizing the need for high moral standards at our university. Unlike other research designs involving calculations and methodologies, this research relies on surveys and observations. The success of a pilot study is measured through likes, shares, and retweets but raises questions about whether these metrics truly indicate virality or simply "doing a favor." In what areas does this concept apply?The concept can be applied to various types of ads, including ad pages, video ads, and print ads (online),
that can be shared among individuals. This notion carries significance and can be connected to the previous idea. The University of Santos Thomas is a community where each building possesses its own unique culture. Surveys indicate that within each college, they incorporate their subjects and beliefs when considering using social media for their benefit unless it's a university-wide initiative.
Regarding the setting itself, organization-related information has a higher likelihood of going viral due to being guided by Thomas conduct norms. However, since it is led by students, it becomes more focused on student needs and interests. This further supports the observable idea that proves the theory but will be discussed later.
Ottomans Web and TOMCAT are established organizations that have discovered effective methods for creating viral ads on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook. They consistently keep the Thomas community updated about upcoming events, increasing their chances of gaining popularity and being shared. Ads related to university culture, such as the hashtag "#foldouts" during season 74 of APP, have become viral even on Facebook despite lacking control over the website.Furthermore, the study also explores how viral advertisements spread within the Thomas community beyond business-oriented ads, specifically focusing on examples related to student camaraderie at JUST. Data for this research is gathered through a survey methodology with 100 randomly selected respondents who are University of Santos Thomas students. These respondents will be answering ten questions about how viral advertising impacts the Thomas Entities. It is important to note that this data represents various colleges within the university and is not limited to any specific targeted group. The surveys will be conducted on campus and various locations around
the university where potential Thomas Entities can be found. A total of 100 hard copy surveys will be distributed and filled out, with assistance provided by the research team for any questions or concerns from respondents. Additionally, an online survey mirroring the hard copy version will be available to gather a larger response from true Thomas Entities. It is expected that most of the population will confirm having experienced a viral advertisement. Permission letters from the University are not required for this limited and small-scale research.The research team guarantees that participating in the survey will not cause harm to respondents. Therefore, waivers are unnecessary; instead, respondents will receive oral guidance and instructions from the research team. The survey is designed with concise and straightforward questions to provide convenience for valuable respondents, taking no longer than 2 minutes per participant. The research team will ensure proper care for the Thomas Entities who respond to the survey. This survey and resulting data aim to shed light on the ongoing study being conducted.
Using data collected from surveying students, the researchers plan to create their own viral advertisement using the AID approach. They will then share this advertisement among the Thomas Entities. To determine which style or method generates the most viewers, they will allow the advertisement to naturally spread for a week without any intentional efforts to gain likes – simply sharing or tweeting it will suffice. In the following week, they will focus on getting others to view it through favors or friendships. By comparing both styles' effectiveness in terms of ad itself and increase in viewership, differences in achieving viral ad success can be identified.
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