Violence – 1699 words – College Essay Example
Violence – 1699 words – College Essay Example

Violence – 1699 words – College Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (300 words)
  • Published: February 14, 2018
  • Type: Article
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Studies indicate that the surge in violent behavior among children and teenagers who have access to television is attributable to its increasing popularity. Although some studies underscore TV's pivotal role in promoting youth violence, others suggest that factors like video games, inadequate parenting, and the community environment also contribute to these tendencies.

Ledingham/Richardson (1993) claim that parental supervision can mitigate the negative effects of media violence on children. However, various studies have shown that exposure to not only TV for 28 hours per week but also video games, movies, and cartoons can trigger aggression in children. Furthermore, the internet may encourage such behaviors as well. With around two-thirds of kids having TVs in their bedrooms and almost one-third accessing computers and the internet, monitoring their media consumption has become a challenge.

Children's learning through observation makes them e


specially susceptible to fictionalized violent behaviors, both verbal and physical. Parents bear the responsibility of controlling physical violence among their children and young adults. There are several practical options available to parents for monitoring their children’s exposure to violent media, including video games and television shows. By setting limits on media time, reducing it to 1-2 hours a day, parents can exert greater influence over what their children watch and play. Parents can engage their children in conversations about the programs they watch, ask questions about the content, and make use of screening options such as V-chips. Planning a regular viewing time for television shows and video games provides an opportunity for parents to watch and play alongside their children.

According to Ledingham and Richardson (1993), research suggests that both watching violent television programs and playing video games can increase aggressiv

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behavior in children and young adults. Multiple studies over time have confirmed this relationship. They have found that playing video games...

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