Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Human Sexuality.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Human Sexuality. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Human Sexuality on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Human Sexuality, and much more. Keep on reading!

Compensated Dating Essay Example
333 words 2 pages

Compensated dating becomes very normal and popular among teenagers in Hong Kong. Most of girls are willing to attend to make money. Since there is no legal definition of compensated dating in Hong Kong, the majority of people would classify it as a form of prostitution. Although prostitution is illegal in Hong Kong, compensated dating […]

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Adolescence Dating Human Sexuality Prostitution
Deployment of Sexuality Essay Example
4788 words 18 pages

What does Michele Foucault mean by deployment of sexuality? Part four of the book on History of Sexuality speaks of the deployment of sexuality (HS 75ff). It is said here that deployment of sexuality is a disciplinary apparatus which concerns power. Many regard this work as a straightforward extension of the genealogical approach of Discipline […]

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Ethics Human Sexual Behavior Human Sexuality Michel Foucault Sex Sex Education Society
Dancing Naked Summary Essay Example
307 words 2 pages

In Pittsburgh there are many young adults having sexual contact and getting pregnant and these are only one of the places with lots of young pregnant women. McKeesport high school in Pittsburgh everyone thinks it’s normal to see two or three pregnant girls at a time walking down the halls, but it doesn’t mean people […]

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Family Human Sexual Behavior Human Sexuality Motherhood Pregnancy Sex Sex Education Society Teenage Pregnancy
The Second Sex! Essay Example
1545 words 6 pages

The Feminist Movement (also known as The Women’s Liberation movement) is a social movement organized around the belief that both men and women are equal in every way. The role of feminism in the 20th century changed the lives of many women, opening new doors to greater opportunities such has: jobs, education, and empowerment. Many […]

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Existentialism Gender History Human Sexuality Science Sex Social Science Society Women'S Rights
Sex and Paraplegics Essay Example
672 words 3 pages

Sexuality is a major part of human’s nature. In its sense, sex can be considered as the intimate expression of love in a relationship but problems start to arise if an individual is incapable of engaging in it due to physical limitations. Such is the case of paraplegics, or individuals suffering from paraplegia which is […]

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Computer Software Database Human Sexuality Relation Sex Sex Education Sexually Transmitted Disease Society Technology
Sexuality in Aging Adults Essay Example
1392 words 6 pages

The improvement of education, medical science, and quality of life has resulted in longer lifespans. As a result, the importance of sexuality in older age is growing. However, there is an erroneous belief that sexuality becomes irrelevant as people age. According to Myers (67), as individuals age, their sexuality experiences a decline. However, this decline […]

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Aging Health Human Sexuality Sexual Intercourse
An Analysis of Manhood by Steve Biddulph Essay Example
247 words 1 page

To fully grasp Biddulph’s objectives and ideas, one must initially comprehend the foundation of his publication. The book Manhood, published in 1994 and with a sales record of over a million copies, addresses issues like manliness, partnerships, sexuality, companionships, parity, as well as parenting. Its aim is to investigate these themes and scrutinize the challenges […]

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Human Sexuality Male Man Masculinity Social Psychology Society
The Swinging Subculture Undressed Essay Example
3613 words 14 pages

Swinging, differently referred to as ‘wife swapping’, co-marital sex or recently, swinging lifestyle in North America, is a subculture or alternative lifestyle that has become increasingly popular among mainstream, middle-aged, married couples in North America and parts of Europe ( Bergstran and Williams, 2000; Walshok, 1971; Jenks, 1985a). According to Bergstran and Williams (2000) and […]

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Human Sexuality Mainstream Marriage Sex Social Psychology Society Technology
Film Studies Essay Example
1108 words 5 pages

Presenter: Hello. I will be exploring the representation of females in ‘slasher’ films, utilizing A Nightmare on Elm Street, Halloween, and Psycho as examples. Understanding the definition of a ‘slasher’ movie is crucial. These films are a subset of horror and thriller genres, featuring an unidentified psychotic killer who stalks and brutally murders multiple victims […]

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Halloween Human Sexuality Sex Society
To what extent do you agree with this epitaph? Essay Example
3164 words 12 pages

The word ‘perfect’ is defined in the Chamber’s Dictionary as ‘complete in all essential elements.. .faultless… ..flawless.’ When put into the context of ‘the perfect man’, we are immediately presented with a problem; ideas as to what characteristics represent the ‘complete’ man vary throughout history, between cultures and between classes within some cultures. ‘Captain Corelli’s […]

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Courage Health Hero Human Sexuality Love
Despair in James Baldwin’s ‘Another Country’ Essay Example
941 words 4 pages

‘Then the discontented wanderer is thrown back on himself – if his life is to become bearable, only he can make it so. And, on that spring evening, walking up the long, dark, murmuring street toward the boulevard, Eric was in despair. He knew that he had to make a life, but he did not […]

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Health Homosexuality Human Sexuality Masculinity Racism
Far from seeing Mother as a victim of a repressive society Essay Example
1448 words 6 pages

In ‘Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit’, it could be said that Jeanette Winterson explores the true nature of femininity without it being contrived. Feminist critics have shown how often literary representations of women repeat familiar cultural stereotypes, yet the portrayal of the female characters in this novel, especially of Mother and Jeanette herself, defy […]

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Health Human Sexuality Mother Therapy
Spies. Describe the means Frayn uses to tell Stephen’s story Essay Example
1145 words 5 pages

The Second World War broke out in September 1939 under the direction of Adolf Hitler, the British mainland was never invaded, but was subject to bombings during the blitz. At the centre of this was ‘the Close’ in which two inquisitive boys sought understanding into the adult world, with terrifying consequences. This bildungsroman tells the […]

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Health Human Sexuality Law Linguistics Narration Narrative Politics
Breaking Away from Tradition: ‘Sexing the Cherry’ as a Postmodern Text
733 words 3 pages

‘Sexing the Cherry’ is considered as a post-modern text because it has been broken away from the Victorian narrative and rational tradition which is usually linear (start, middle and end) while post-modernism is usually mixed up. This is to break away from normal traditional writings and making it more catching for readers. Also, it values […]

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Books Gender Human Sexuality Narrative Novel Postmodernism Sex Society Victoria Victorian Era
Handmaid’s Tale Essay Example
1565 words 6 pages

Within Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, the significance of relationships is a prominent theme. Due to the prohibition and regulation of human interaction and intimacy within Gilead, it becomes crucial. All relationships are tightly monitored and must adhere to strict boundaries within this totalitarian society. Even sexual activity is heavily controlled, as handmaids are […]

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Database Human Sexuality The Handmaid's Tale
Marriage/Family/Sexuality in Contemporary China Essay Example
1366 words 5 pages

Family and marriage life in contemporary China has changed following the conservative structure of the old traditional ways. In pre-industrial times where rural China dominated, the family adhered to strict moral conduct standards that were based on religion and law. Now, a more democratic family system is established and men and women are free and […]

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Human Sexuality Marriage Wife
Comparative Analysis Of The Literary Essay Example
1272 words 5 pages

Comparative Analysis of the Literary work, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov and the Artistic Works of Balthasar Klossowski de Rola, Better Known as Balthus Lolita is written as a memoir in the first person by its main character, Humbert Humbert. This is a story that could be viewed in two very different ways, two very different […]

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Comparative Analysis Human Sexuality
The Mysterious Banana Essay Example
1576 words 6 pages

The Mysterious Banana Included in many literary works are objects, which may seem meaningless, contributing to the theme of the work. In Samuel Beckett’s “Krapp’s Last Tape”, a dramatic work which falls into the category of Theatre of the Absurd, the banana is a discreet object which eludes to the meaning behind why Krapp chose […]

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Books Children Dream Event Health Historical Figures Human Sexuality Philosophy Psychotherapy Science Sigmund Freud Social Science Theatre Of The Absurd
Moon Landing Essay Example
1104 words 5 pages

On July 20, 1969, the world witnessed a remarkable achievement that would forever change space exploration and technology. As Neil Armstrong took his famous first step on the moon, he uttered the now-famous words, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” This historic moment went beyond national pride and became a […]

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Health Human Sexuality Moon Pride Society Space Exploration War
Parents Role in Teenage Sexual Education Essay Example
2540 words 10 pages

Parenting brings immense joy, but as children grow, so do the challenges. Adolescence presents a significant challenge in sexual development and education that can impact teenagers’ lives. Typically, parents have various opportunities to discuss their child’s sexual development and related issues at home where teenagers first learn about sexuality. When it comes to discussing sex […]

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Adolescence Education Human Sexuality Sex Education
Teen Girls Sell Sex Via the Internet Essay Example
546 words 2 pages

Teen girls sell sex via the internet Girls as young as 15 are providing sex services using the internet to advertise themselves as available for so-called “compensated dating,” according to social workers. Nickkita Lau Monday, October 15, 2007 Girls as young as 15 are providing sex services using the internet to advertise themselves as available […]

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Human Sexuality Prostitution Sex
Chapter 4 of Veiled Sentiments Essay Example
799 words 3 pages

Chapter four of Veiled Sentiments showed why sexual modesty is essential to a women’s honor. The Bedouins are much more enthusiastic with the birth of a boy over a birth of a girl. These people would rejoice for a boy and mourn for a girl. I understand this is their way of life and this […]

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Health Human Sexuality Marriage

Popular Questions About Human Sexuality

What is the meaning of human sexuality?
Sexuality is about your sexual feelingssexual feelingsSex drive can be thought of as a biological need or craving that inspires individuals to seek out and become receptive to sexual experiences and sexual pleasure. Sexual desire is the first phase of the human sex response cycle.
What are the 5 dimensions of human sexuality?
The program structure is based on the five dimensions of sexuality: biological; psychological, affective and relational; sociocultural; moral, spiritual and religious; and ethical and legal.
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