The production of environmentally harmful goods has caused a significant increase in pollution during the 20th century. This pollution includes various forms such as noises, heat, smoke, chemicals, manure, and radioactive isotopes that are affecting the land, water, and air. While some pollutants can be diluted or broken down into harmless substances after entering the environment, others may become concentrated or transformed into more dangerous forms. It is crucial to understand that pollution damage may not be immediately apparent or simple to resolve. Additionally, approximately 5 units of fossil fuels are released through combustion annually.
It is anticipated that the atmosphere's carbon dioxide level, currently at 6 billion tons, will rise. While plants require carbon dioxide to survive, excessive amounts can be detrimental. Carbon dioxide molecules trap heat energy, and as its concentration increases in the air, more heat e
...nergy is trapped. This ultimately leads to global warming.
"America is the largest carbon dioxide producing nation. Despite the economic problems it is currently facing, there are multiple methods to reduce pollution. One possible solution, considering the economic issue, is the implementation of marketable pollution permits. These permits combine both command and control methods with a market-based approach in order to regulate pollution emissions. By bidding for a permit, major polluters are granted permission to generate a specific amount of pollution. Additionally, these permits can be sold and the government can gradually reduce their availability to effectively control total pollution emissions."
As an illustration, let's assume that the government allows two companies, A and B, to generate a combined total of 30 units of pollutants. Nevertheless, these companies exceed this limit by producing 32 units of pollutants. Company A
successfully decreases their pollution output to 28 units and has the option to sell a permit allowing another company to produce two units of pollutants at any price. This results in the establishment of a pollution market. Such an approach has proven effective in mitigating pollution levels in countries such as Singapore and Germany.
Barrack Obama proposed a new plan to car companies, urging them to increase the fuel efficiency of their car models by 2 MPG every year. The aim of this proposal is to encourage competition and support the production of more eco-friendly vehicles. The ultimate objective of this plan is to reduce oil consumption by at least 35 percent, which would be equivalent to a daily reduction of 10 million barrels by 2030. Achieving this goal would not only balance out our expected oil imports from OPEC nations in 2030 but also surpass them. Additionally, one of the main causes of pollution is the lack of sufficient information available to individuals.
The government should provide information on pollution reduction and environmentally-friendly alternatives. For instance, if all UK residents replaced their old cold appliances with Energy Saving Recommended products, over two-thirds of energy wastage could be minimized. This would generate carbon dioxide savings equivalent to filling 24 million double-decker buses and powering the country's streetlights for 6 years. Such information not only saves money for citizens but also reduces carbon dioxide emissions. It is evident that the economy greatly influences pollution levels.
To sum up, while companies prefer cheaper but polluting methods of production, government intervention is crucial to tackle this issue. However, controlling pollution does not necessarily require the government to spend excessive amounts of
taxpayers' money. Rather, the government can effectively address the current problem by promoting specific ideas and educating its citizens (Teaser, Jenny. Global Warming).
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