The Multicultural Society Essay Example
The Multicultural Society Essay Example

The Multicultural Society Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1067 words)
  • Published: May 28, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Considering the widespread presence of diverse societies globally, it is imperative to analyze the positive and negative aspects of multiculturalism. The United Kingdom stands as a notable example of a successful implementation of a multicultural society.

Throughout the past 200 years, the United Kingdom has opened its doors to various immigrant groups in search of refuge and new opportunities. These groups include Jewish individuals fleeing persecution in Russia and Poland, Irish settlers looking to escape poverty, as well as 500 Jamaicans who were relocated to the UK in 1948. Furthermore, immigrants from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh arrived during the 1950s and 1960s. The coexistence of these different cultures within a single location has led to the emergence of a multicultural society. As immigration to the UK persisted and expanded over time, it played a significant role in fostering cultural diversity across t


he nation.

The UK's choice to accept cultural diversity has its pros and cons. In multicultural societies, a common problem is the absence of comprehension among various groups that tend to view their own culture as better. This can result in conflicts when individuals from different cultures have conflicting expectations and do not understand each other's messages properly. An illustration that highlights how shared ethnocentrism leads to misunderstandings is portrayed in R. K. Narayan's short story, A Horse and Two Goats.

Within the short story, two individuals, an elderly Indian man and an American man, attempt to communicate with one another under the assumption that they comprehend each other's messages. Unfortunately, their interpretations are ultimately incorrect. This situation is reflective of a larger issue within multicultural societies where individuals tend to remain within their respective ethnic group

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and avoid mingling with others. Consequently, this behavior hampers unity in society. Numerous immigrants face challenges when assimilating into a new society, which could explain why they opt to reside in areas where their own ethnic group is concentrated.

London is a diverse city where various cultures live together. Chinatown, the Russian section, and the Polish section are neighborhoods where Chinese, Russians, and Polish people reside respectively. Regrettably, this segregation causes a lack of assimilation. Immigrants usually only engage with their own ethnic communities, which hampers their English language skills and communication with others. This linguistic barrier frequently leads to misunderstandings that intensify ethnocentrism. The film East is East depicts the challenges faced by certain Muslims as they strive to maintain their traditions in the new society.

George, a devout Muslim man, is resolute in preserving Pakistani traditions within his family through the observance of conservative and rigorous practices. Despite being married to an English woman, he steadfastly resists the influence of English culture on his family and their integration into English society. To prevent this, he ensures regular mosque attendance and encourages adherence to religious customs. However, in the film, George resorts to extreme measures that involve subjecting his family to abuse. Neglecting to address ethnocentrism can lead to prejudice, fear, violence, and stereotyping. Immigrants who arrived in the UK during the latter part of the 1900s often encountered cultural discrimination and found themselves at societal disadvantage.

The immigrants encountered both racism and prejudice due to their dark skin color. They frequently worked in low-paying, unskilled positions and lived in areas with insufficient housing and limited public services. As a result, ethnic communities formed in London as

a consequence of these disadvantages. Additionally, the immigrants' children inherited these challenges, leading to incidents of violence, increased crime rates, and even the establishment of terrorist groups. Consequently, such experiences have reinforced negative stereotypes and fostered pessimistic perspectives.

The London riots ensued following the police's shooting of a young man, prompting many youths to revolt against the government. These demonstrations were driven by frustrations with the political system and challenging living conditions faced by numerous young individuals today. Despite its drawbacks, multiculturalism also yields positive consequences through immigration. It is believed that diverse ethnic communities, cultures, and social groups have influenced every aspect of modern UK. The primary benefit of multiculturalism lies in its capacity to broaden individuals' perspectives by introducing a larger audience to their own cultural traditions and countries. People from different ethnic groups can share and experience various forms of expression such as music, literature, cuisine, and language.

In the UK, curry houses are an important part of English culture, representing ethnic cuisine in the British diet. Restaurants and supermarkets offer a diverse range of dishes and spices to cater to various tastes. Cultural charities have also introduced Indian music forms like Bhangra and Hindi fusion, as well as Caribbean Reggae. Acclaimed authors such as Salman Rushdie and Hanif Kureishi have gained recognition in the English-speaking world for their literary works. It is worth mentioning that Zadie Smith, who wrote the novel White Teeth, is currently one of Britain's top-selling writers.

The author's novel examines how the younger generation in England deals with the challenges they face. The healthcare system in the UK has been enhanced by the arrival of new immigrants, particularly health workers.

A significant fact is that one third of doctors in London have a New Commonwealth heritage. The benefits are not limited to just the medical field; there has also been an improvement in overall working proficiency as educated individuals from various countries opt to work in the UK.

Cultural diversity is beneficial for countries as it enhances their strength and competitiveness in the global economy. By incorporating individuals from various ethnic communities, new perspectives, innovative approaches to challenges, and consultative abilities are introduced. Moreover, embracing multiculturalism aids in fostering understanding and establishing harmonious relationships. Effective communication plays a vital role in combating ethnocentrism, thus mitigating the prevalence of prejudice and racism.

When individuals have a mutual understanding and communicate without a sense of superiority, society can be formed on the basis of tolerance and friendship. The amalgamation of diverse beliefs and cultures fosters an environment where people are at ease being expressive and sociable, thus enhancing their confidence in their own cultural identity. Effective communication also diminishes feelings of isolation and facilitates a sense of belonging in the new community. These themes are expertly explored in Tim Winton's Neighbours.

When a newly-wed young couple settles in a new neighborhood, their aim is to form a harmonious bond with their neighbors through communication. Nonetheless, it is unavoidable for conflicts to arise when individuals from diverse cultures unite and engage.

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