The Effects Of The Seven Social Inequalities Essay Example
I will be talking about the different impacts of seven social inequalities which exist in society today. I will be talking about the ways In which individuals in society are different by our: ; Ethnicity Gender Culture Social Class Age Sexuality Disability Sexuality - Sexuality is defined as a person's sexual orientation or preference. It encompasses a broad range of behavior and processes, including psychological, social, cultural, political and ethical aspects. It highlights: ; Values regarding relationships, dating, marriage, sexual ethics, sexual culture. Psychology in relation to gender, sexual roles Physical factors which Include sexual characteristics, sexual drive, sexual Intercourse, sexual stateless ; Sexual orientation - a person's sexual Identity In relation to their gender to which they are attracted to.
It Is the fact of being heterosexual,
...homosexual or bisexual One equality In society Is that gay couples can adopt. A legislation was passed in 2005 which was turned down by the House of Lords in 2002. The social equality is that gay people cannot get married; this is because they have a civil partnership.
It doesn't have the same privileges as marriage. The impact that this could have on the individual is that they could feel marginal's. The outcome and impact it could have on the individuals is them feeling like they are being pushed to the edge of society and making them stand out so they could look deferent from everybody else who could legally be able to get married.
6% of the population which equivalents to 3. 6 million Britons are gay or lesbians. The government's first attempt to quantify the homosexual population has concluded.
Gay men who are couples earn more
6 % less than comparable trousseaux men and are less likely to be In work.
Our Christian British society has suppressed sexuality and sought to regulate it. Some people may argue that it was done to maintain a system of a patriarchal dominance through society. Different attitudes regarding socially acceptable sexual behavior in society has made the topic subtle to talk about and inequality has built up Age and life changes Age refers to the length of time a person has lived or a thing has existed.
Individuals in society will face all types of different inequalities in different situations. The Equality Act 2010 makes it clear and illegal to discriminate against employees, Job seekers and trainees because of their age. This includes Indirect and direct discrimination, persecution or visitation.
; Direct discrimination - This Is when a person Is treated differently In the open based on their age, characteristics, gender, race etc. For example, a group of teenagers being labeled as a 'nuisance' because of their age. Indirect discrimination - This Is when a person Is treated unfairly but Is done covertly so the person being discriminated doesn't know. For example, an elder looking person as they may look more 'matured' is discriminating The Equality Act removed the upper age limit on unfair dismissal and redundancy. These regulations apply to all workers, including officer holders, police, barristers and partners in business. Age discrimination - The elderly quite often suffer from this as they may be seen as a burden in society.
This may be because they are old they may seem like they are unnecessary and redundant.
The impact it could have on them is them losing
their self-concept and their independence as they may be seen as incapable of doing things for themselves. Another big social inequality is employment between occupations in the workplace. For example, young people may suffer from age discrimination as there are some individuals who have 'lack of experience' in some businesses. Social Class Social class is defined as a group of people of similar status.
It compares the levels of power and wealth. It is possible for people to accomplish a higher status than the status they started with.
Social classes are based on factors such as education and professional success. For example, some people may have an ascribed status as to which they were born with. An example is the Queen of England. But in some other cases individuals who were born into a low-income family in will have to work their way up so they can get an achieved status so their family can achieve a higher status through education and work.
There are four different classes in society: ; Upper class Middle class Under class Working class Social class is measured by occupation.
Educational achievement is class based. In terms of who achieves more in school. One social inequality which is linked in with social class is that middle class tend to achieve better than working class. The impact that this could have on the individual is that people in middle class tend to dominate in higher education, I.
E. University, creating a more wide range of Job opportunities for the individuals in the middle class and making them earn more money than people in the working class. They will be working in more manual Jobs
such as factories.
Another impact that it may have on the working class is that they will have shorter and fewer chances to get into the top Jobs as they wouldn't have the most qualifications for them to compete with the middle class. The impact that this could eave on the individual is that it leads better pay Jobs for the working class, making them poor and harder for them to provide and arrange for their families. Another social inequality is that working class don't live as long as average.
They tend to develop more sickness because of the poorer conditions.
The impact that this will have on the working class will be that they will be getting taxed too much money. One impact it may have on the Middle class is that they have happier and healthier lives due to their leisure activities. Working class are more likely to watch and take art in sports such as Football and the Middle class, Rugby.
Their diets can be strictly different as well in terms of healthy eating. Working class are more likely consume 'Junk food' such as chicken/flash and chips and all fizzy drinks.
They are more likely to smoke more which puts themselves at a higher risk than Middle class to other ill health. On the other hand the Middle class are more optimistic. If they are sick, they are sure to know that they can be cured easily.
This makes them have a positive approach in terms of their impacts of their health in relation to working class. Another alternative is Language. Working class are more likely to speak with a less aristocratic accent in comparison
to Middle class are more likely to speak with a superior, high-class pronunciation. The way we speak impacts on our employability.
For example, if there was Job interview for a certain role, and two individuals, one Middle class with a posh accent and the other a working class with a less vocabulary range, they employers will be more likely to employ the Middle class candidate as they will have a higher range of vocabulary and language in difference t the working lass. The impact that this will have on the working class individual is that they will become unemployed and made redundant, leading to poverty. Ethnicity and Culture Ethnicity can be defined as the idea of having shared cultural perspectives that sets apart different groups in society.
Ethnicity has an influence on our language, characteristics, norms and values, greetings, clothing, religion, accents, diet, social class, hair and culture. One inequality in terms of educational achievement is that students of the ethnic background of Chinese, Indian and White are more likely to succeed in schools meaning they are more likely to have better employment opportunities in the future compared to Pakistani, Bangladesh and Afro-Caribbean. The impact that this could have on the other remaining Ethnicities is that they are more likely not to get into better employment history.
Another factor that could be affected by ethnicity is Crime. Afro-Caribbean males are six times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police than if you were White. This also means that they are more likely to be arrested and sentenced unlawfully. It has also been ported that the Metropolitan Police are institutionally racist, I. E.
murder of Stephen Lawrence. The social impact that this can cause is that it does not only affect the dark figure of crime, but also has an experience on the experience these individuals have with the police.
Also, this affects your employment status when you leave Prison as some may not be able to get into employment again. Another influence that could affect ethnicity is Health. African-Caribbean are more likely to be diagnosed with strokes, heart attacks and mentally ill.
The impact that this could eave on this ethic group who suffer from these issues is that they are more likely to be treated and seen in a different light. For example, when diagnosed with a mentally illness some people may have a pre-Judged and stereotypical conception of you.
This then affects the self-esteem and self-conception of the person making them feel marginal's in society. One last influence that could affect ethnicity is Families. 60% of all African-Caribbean are more likely to be led by a single parent compared to 12% for Bangladesh, 15% for Chinese and 22% for White.
The impact of this is that the hillier will lack a male role fugue, fewer opportunities for children and parents to spend more time together, visitation and custody problems and school performance and peer relations in relation to the children.
This then affects the children's behavior at a young age which will have damaging long term consequences. Culture can be defined as the beliefs, way of life, art, and customs that are shared is religion. Religion can affect culture in positive ways, I.
E. Believers have the freedom to choose where to worship, and practice what they believe.
It can also affect society in negative ways. For example, having too much freedom can cause conflict; this can cause turmoil between different faiths.
Religion acts as a way of reserving good behavior and keeping believers on the right paths, meaning that it strengthens it.
The social effect that this has on an individual is that their behavior is altered as they follow a set of religious laws and commandments. Gender One factor that affects gender inequalities is education. Over the past few years there has been a decrease in traditional industrial Jobs, I. E.
Coal-mining, which were taken on by men. Society has been replaced them for service Jobs are created, I. . Retail, which are now taken on by women, as these Jobs require people with a more educational substance, meaning it is becoming harder for men to achieve such Jobs. Also, more women are now gaining traditionally male Jobs, I.
. Law, and medicine. The impact that this has had is that there has been a rise in the crisis of masculinity, meaning that women are now becoming the breadwinners in the family, which then questions the ideology of the man having to be the one who goes to make money, while the woman stays at home and looks after the children. The personal affects hat this could cause on the individual is a sense of failure and they may feel unopposed by the role that they have to play in their family. In addition to education, it is a fact that girls generally achieve and attain better results in school than boys.
However, this may vary in different subjects. For example many subjects show
gender stereotypical biases with girls more likely to take arts, languages and humanities and boys more likely to take Geography, Physical Education, IT and Math's. Girls are also traditionally over-represented in the health sector, I. E. Nursing, and social work, while en are more commonly found in the law and medicine sector of work.
The impact that this has, is that women are socialized into achieving a career into a 'caring profession and soft sciences while men are taken socialized into succeeding a vocation in hard sciences.
This then affects the individual, as they are made to believe that they are not meant to strive and attempt for a career which is generally not associated with their gender. One factor that affects gender inequalities is occupation. One social inequality between men and women in the workplace is the pay gap between the two sexes. For example, a man in a managerial, official or senior director's Job will be paid on average EYE,300 a year, while the fugue drops to EYE,200 if you were a woman.
Women are also more likely to work art-time in low-skilled Jobs than men, meaning that they are paid less. This is a social impact for the women as it means that they get less for doing the same type of work as a man does. Correspondingly, women get sicker than men, meaning that they take more time off work, leading to less pay, and a lower chance of gaining a promotion from work. Disability can be defined as a physical or mental condition that limits a person's events, senses or activities. One social inequality that comes with disability is employment.
people are deemed to be seen as handicapped in society and some may think that they require constant help for them to carry out day-to-day tasks. The impact of being employed and disabled may be that individuals can because they may be stereotyped and categorized in a certain group. This may make them feel like they have to be treated differently towards other people, in a more special type of way. Another social inequality that can arise with having a disability is f negative stereotypes. When labeled as disabled, others may have a skeptical view and marginal's perception of you as an individual.
This may be shown in the way people interact and treat you. A social impact of this to the individual is that it may cause stress and trauma as some may feel spoon-fed due to their disability. One last social inequality of disability is access to services. One impact is when traveling, some transport such as buses and taxis for wheelchair and disabled users do not have a ramp. The impact that this will have on the individual is that they wouldn't be bled to enter the taxi/bus as there is no designated area for them to board their journey.
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