The world1 Essay Example
The world1 Essay Example

The world1 Essay Example

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  • Pages: 12 (3063 words)
  • Published: February 12, 2019
  • Type: Essay
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The world is full of chaos and we are all intertwined with it until our lives conclude, or until we decide to depart. It's peculiar how I adhere to others' directions, such as selecting particular attire or tuning in to specific melodies. Frequently, I question my choices, but ultimately I acknowledge that they mirror my authentic identity.

Many people frequently experience confusion and uncertainty regarding their purpose in life and the true meaning behind it. Often, individuals lack a comprehensive understanding of their own essence. There exists a misconception that people should conform to certain behaviors or thoughts, but this belief is misguided. It is essential for individuals to embrace their autonomy and resist external influences.

When I was a child, I used to believe that comprehending the world was impossible. However, I soon came to understand that it is actually quite simple unless on


e's mental state is unstable. The key lies in acknowledging that nobody truly possesses knowledge about what they are doing or where they are heading.

Each day, my hope upon waking up is for a world that embraces and accepts individuals for who they truly are. Unfortunately, society expects people to conform to its standards, which is disheartening.

It is regrettable that in today's times, children can face exclusion from social circles merely because their parents cannot afford expensive clothing like others wear. This exclusion may result in decreased motivation for education and other activities.

This narrow-minded thinking can even drive teenagers towards resorting to violent behavior after enduring years of bullying and being judged solely based on their identity and background.

Instead of recognizing their own selfishness and lack of respect towards those less fortunate, societ

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often places blame on parents or television for these tragic events without realizing that their own actions are the true poison affecting the world.

Ignoring the man, passersby didn't appreciate the music he played while he sat on a street corner with his guitar and an open case. Occasionally, someone would toss in money, but they couldn't truly hear his music. Intrigued, I stood there for about ten minutes captivated by what I considered the most outstanding live performance of Free Bird I had ever witnessed. Wanting to reward him not for vanity but because his performance genuinely deserved it, I was surprised when the man smiled and rejected my offer. He explained that all he desired was applause as his sole form of compensation. At just twelve years old, this moment made me realize how society was blind and entirely mistaken.

Ever since that day, my goal has been to showcase to the world what I was lucky enough to learn. I have attempted multiple times to demonstrate to my peers the significance of staying true to oneself and not conforming with others. Regrettably, I have often encountered criticism for my actions and been told that I was being absurd, which in a few extreme cases may have been accurate. Nevertheless, I never allowed that to discourage me.

Throughout the past six years of my life, I have pulled myself out of society's depths and established myself as an exceptional young individual with the intention of attracting attention towards the examples I am striving to set. Although I dislike the measures taken in order to achieve my current position, I firmly believe that if you are going

to do something correctly, it is worth giving it your all.

The objective of this book is to condense the events in my life during a significant period for teenagers. It aims to offer understanding and attract interest, but it also exposes itself to potential scrutiny and manipulation from individuals who are afraid of acknowledging the unvarnished reality about our lives. Nevertheless, if it can alter the viewpoint of just one person and inspire them to make autonomous decisions, I will regard my mission as accomplished.

The core issue being examined is centered around families, especially the parents of young Americans. In order for individuals to adopt a certain mindset, they must first be taught it. Let's consider a scenario involving a young white middle-class male growing up in the southern United States during the rise of the Ku Klux Klan. Since birth, his redneck father instills in him a contempt for black Americans without any valid reasons. Unknowingly, this child inherits this hatred and passes it on to future generations. Consequently, multiple generations of racist rednecks emerge simply because their great grandfather deemed it fashionable at that time.

Now let's envision a similar situation in present-day New York with a black family harboring animosity towards white individuals due to their grandparents' experiences as slaves. They display the same ignorance as the white rednecks, both lacking knowledge primarily due to their upbringing. Deep down, both sides comprehend that there is no justifiable reason for their racism towards each other. However, external influences continue to perpetuate this mindset.

It is disheartening to witness how many differences could be easily resolved if we remove our blindfolds and acknowledge the truth: we

are all human beings sharing the same planet and striving towards similar goals. Racism is an abhorrent phenomenon that could fill an entire book; however, I opt not to do so here. The aim of this text is to delve into this topic which is perceived as a societal cancer.The author stresses the importance of individuals not letting ignorance hinder their ability to see the truth about those around them. One example that illustrates how parents negatively influence their children is expressed as "Do as I say, not as I do." This demonstrates how parents hypocritically try to improve themselves through their child's experiences. For instance, a nine-year-old child fears disappointing his father in baseball, despite his own lack of success in the sport. When he becomes a high school senior, he feels obligated to participate in a disliked sport and pretends to enjoy it based on his father's expectations. Furthermore, he enters into multiple relationships, mirroring his father's infidelity during high school days. Such neglectful parenting often causes athletes to overexert themselves and miss out on personal growth opportunities. Many teenagers prioritize pleasing their parents rather than focusing on themselves. Adolescents who get caught up in the party scene and neglect their studies often struggle academically in college. It would be beneficial for parents to allow their children to make mistakes and learn from them rather than completely sheltering them. Despite occasionally resenting my parents for not giving me enough attention, I believe that if they had shielded me from the truth, I wouldn't be who I am today. My parents divorced when I was nine years old, leaving me with my older brother

as my guide through life's challengesWhile others were too preoccupied to notice my needs, he taught me independence and self-care. When he left for boot camp in sixth grade, it was the first time I truly felt alone. Let me clarify: my parents are not bad people; they simply had their own problems that I wanted to avoid burdening them with mine. However, after facing legal issues, I made a decision to transform my life into something meaningful. Changing my circle of friends and shedding the negative reputation acquired during those challenging early years became necessary.

Engaging in sports allowed me to form lasting friendships and discover my aptitude for assisting others. It was during this time that I realized the pressures most kids face with their once role model parents who have ideal families and exceptional athletic abilities. Nonetheless, I quickly realized how fortunate I was to have the freedom to live my own life. While some adults praised me, others saw me as disruptive due to their controlling tactics.

I want to emphasize that I wasn't being hypocritical; instead, I was giving my friends a glimpse into what they would eventually experience - the truth about life outside their sheltered upbringing by their parents. Unfortunately, parents often shield their children for too long without realizing that most kids will naturally gravitate towards sports and excel in academics if given the chance to explore life on their own terms.If teenagers no longer have a safety net, it is unlikely that they will be able to withstand the pressures they face from the entertainment world. The challenges of adolescence are often exacerbated by small details in TV

content. When boy bands and rap rock groups were popular, teenagers had to choose between adopting a punk or preppy style. This division led to distinct groups who preferred being around like-minded peers, causing even close friends to turn their backs on each other. However, it is possible for these factions to coexist if certain individuals act as peacekeepers and remain true to themselves instead of aligning with one side. These individuals earn respect from both groups and serve as mutual friends. While this perspective may be subjective based on personal experiences at school, it is important to acknowledge that people from different backgrounds should be able to relate as diverse groups have always lived near each other within society throughout history.In recent times, there has been a noticeable rise in individuals challenging societal norms and thinking freely. It is disheartening that keeping up with current fashion trends often requires the affordability of expensive clothing brands. We should not look down upon teenagers whose families cannot afford the most costly shoes or pants. In high school hallways, different groups of kids are easily identifiable based on the labels on their clothes. This disparity in price, like between Gap jeans and Lee jeans, is enough to distinguish the wealthier class from those with less financial means. However, it is important to acknowledge that these families are not living in poverty; average hardworking families who provide for their children's basic needs, such as home, food, and education, often struggle to afford fancy and expensive clothing. This can negatively impact a teenager's self-perception by making them feel inferior and resentful towards those who possess more than them. Consequently,

there is animosity between the two groups whereby one group is labeled as stuck-up without recognizing their own judgmental behavior. The socioeconomic divide within society creates difficulty for many children to relate to each other. In earlier sections of this discussion, I have addressed the factors contributing to the No Way Out problem faced by teenagers during their final two years of high school.

This issue affects teenagers from various backgrounds differently - from athletes feeling pressured to pursue college sports like their fathers did, to middle-class outcasts uncertain about their future.

Despite potential support from others, these teens must navigate this problem independently.

Their ultimate success in life depends on how they choose to tackle this issue.

To illustrate this point further, let's consider the example of a jock who is unsure about playing sports in college.

If his only option for admission is through athletics, he feels obliged to pursue it.

However, if a teenager accepts a college scholarship solely because their father wants them to, even though they can get into college without sports, it poses a dilemma.

On one hand,;following the father's wishes pleases him as it has in the past.
On the other hand, they could pursue their own dream of attending a non-sports-focused college.
Choosing the father's path may result in being seen as a joke while pursuing their own dream could establish them as brilliant.
Ultimately,;happiness lies in the decision they make about which path to take.

Some argue that;pursuing dreams leads to happiness,;while;others believe that having a loving father brings more joy.

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< p > Although not a major issue,it can still create significant pressure for teenagers nearing high school graduation. Some may see this situation as a major obstacle, while others view it as an extra burden. Take, for instance, a senior student who has a low GPA but exceptional intelligence. They will need to put in the effort at junior college before they can transfer to a four-year university - something that was not part of their original plan and may leave them disheartened during their final year of high school. Despite the minimal requirements for admission into a two-year college, students are constantly encouraged to give it their all. Due to financial constraints within their family, attending community college is a more affordable option than immediately enrolling in a four-year institution. If they make slight improvements by the end of the year, they might have the opportunity to attend a larger university alongside most of their friends; however, financing this becomes concerning. While community college would be the best choice for their family's situation, being with friends holds greater significance from their perspective. This raises the question of whether high school students should push themselves and accumulate family debt for personal happiness or take an easier route and choose a smaller college. It is surprising how widespread this issue is among today's high school population; however, it is not the most unfortunate circumstance that teenagers can face. The main problem arises when seniors feel that no matter what they do, they will never achieve anything in life.These individuals often sit disengaged and asleep at the back of the classroom, with no motivation

to try or put in any effort. They hold their parents responsible for neglecting them and resent being brought into this world. Their only wish is to reach 18 so they can drop out of school without obtaining a G.E.D. or pursuing education at a technical institute. Disturbingly, they mention having access to a gun at home and plan to buy bullets once they are legally able. Concerned classmates express their worries about this statement to the guidance office, but unfortunately, the counselor dismisses their concerns due to being busy for the next two days and may address the issue on Thursday around 10:30 am. This situation is undeniably the most distressing I have ever encountered. Why would a teenager believe that taking their own life is the only solution? Additionally, it's concerning to witness a guidance counselor neglecting a teenager's well-being by delaying addressing such a serious matter. This raises questions as to why we're surprised when teenagers resort to violence against themselves and others within the school environment. Instead of taking personal responsibility, people often try attributing high school shootings to television or heavy metal music. The pressures faced by today's teenagers can be overwhelming; not necessarily in terms of wartime or job search struggles, but simply navigating through their teenage years.To gain acceptance, the current generation of teenagers must meet societal expectations and standards. However, this can be challenging as the older generation often resists change and feels threatened by new ideas. As students of today, we are learning at a faster pace compared to our predecessors. From my perspective, albeit with limited weight, if our minds develop more effectively and efficiently,

we should have the opportunity to share our knowledgeable perspectives with the world before causing further destruction that future generations will have to clean up.

Previous generations showed carelessness towards environmental issues and other matters that may not directly impact them during their lifetimes but will undoubtedly burden future generations without question. One major environmental challenge is the rapid depletion of landfill space. Despite relatively successful waste disposal methods, limited space leads to overflowing waste in our surroundings. Like Sara Senthia Silvea Stout's refusal to take out her garbage, failure to address this growing issue could result in irreversible consequences.

Fortunately, some young minds are early learners about this problem and will eventually acquire the knowledge necessary to rectify this mess.Today's youth are increasingly aware that engaging in senseless violence over trivial differences, such as territorial disputes we don't even own, is not sustainable. We are starting to look beyond skin color and religion and recognize our shared humanity. In order to maintain our dominance as a species, we must stop acting like savage beasts and refrain from killing each other. Unfortunately, events like Columbine have exposed the social inequalities that plague our society today. However, it is solely the responsibility of the adults who have taught my generation to think in such a limited way.

Nowadays, it is becoming more common to read newspaper articles about fifteen-year-old child prodigies who are already earning degrees from prestigious universities and securing high-paying jobs in respected fields. I am amazed by the potential that we possess in today's world as a generation that excels in intellectual competition and believes that we will revolutionize the world. In a society filled with

dreamers, we stand out as talented individuals who constantly strive to push boundaries and improve existing ideas or create new ones.

Personally, I am thrilled to witness our full potential and all that we can achieve. While discussing various topics, it is only fair for me to share my own thoughts and dreams that have been developing over the years. Growing up in a middle-class family, I often fantasized about creating an extraordinary life for myself

To fuel my ambition, I made the decision to write a book on my computer. As I type these words, I envision what its future might hold: will it remain an unfinished file or be published alongside several captivating novels? The future holds countless possibilities and variables that could shape my life – from becoming a renowned actor in the film industry to being a successful politician destined for presidency.

Although there are numerous paths available to me, I am certain that I will not be among those who choose to remain in the town where they were born and raised, known by everyone since childhood. These are individuals who attend a local college and then come back to become teachers, coaches, or managers at furniture stores. While I deeply respect these people for their contributions to the community and their skills as parents, that is not the life I desire for myself.

My objective is to make a difference in the world and thus it is crucial for me to pursue something significant that will attract attention and enable me to leave this small town.


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