Short Term Effects Of Alcohol Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Short Term Effects Of Alcohol?
Alcohol consumption can have both short-term and long-term effects on the body, as well as mental and emotional impacts. Short-term effects of alcohol include impaired judgment, decreased inhibitions, poor coordination, slurred speech, difficulty walking and blurred vision. These effects may last for just a few hours to a day or two depending on the amount consumed.Physical health risks associated with short-term alcohol use can range from minor to severe. Heavy drinking can cause dehydration leading to nausea, headaches and reduced cognitive functioning. It also increases the risk of falls, accidents and injuries due to impaired coordination and judgment while intoxicated. Alcohol poisoning is an extreme risk that may occur when too much alcohol is consumed in a short period of time; it can lead to breathing problems or coma. Additionally, drinking large amounts of any type of alcohol in one sitting significantly increases the risk for developing alcoholism over time. Short term use of alcohol can have significant consequences on mental health as well: In addition to memory loss or blackouts while drinking (which is caused by an interruption in nerve cell communication pathways), intoxication may also cause confusion or paranoia in some individuals; these effects are more likely with higher levels of intoxication. Other possible psychological side effects include increased aggression or violence which could put people at risk for harm from either themselves or others around them who are similarly intoxicated. Finally, there are social implications associated with short term use of alcohol which often result from impaired decision making abilities while under its influence; this could lead to unsafe sexual practices such as unprotected sex which may have further consequences down the line including unintended pregnancy or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Additionally it’s not uncommon for people who drink heavily on occasion to make bad decisions that negatively impact their reputation within their communitysuch as damaging propertywhich could result in legal trouble if reported by law enforcement officials.