Quantitative And Qualitative Flashcards, test questions and answers
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What is Quantitative And Qualitative?
Quantitative and qualitative research are two different types of research methods. Quantitative research is focused on collecting numerical data, while qualitative research collects descriptive information from interviews or observations. Both forms of research have their advantages and disadvantages, as well as best uses for certain types of studies. Quantitative research is used to measure the extent to which a certain phenomenon exists in a given population. This type of study involves gathering large amounts of numerical data through surveys, questionnaires, experiments, or other methods. As a result, it can be difficult to draw conclusions about the cause-and-effect relationship between variables when conducting quantitative research. However, this method allows for precise statistical analysis that can provide meaningful results about how common certain behaviors are among people in a given population.Qualitative research focuses on gathering non-numerical data such as descriptions, perceptions, beliefs and opinions from participants in order to better understand behavior or experiences related to a specific issue or problem. This form of study often relies heavily on face-to-face interviews with individuals who have experienced the issue first hand in order to gain more detail and depth into what they think and feel regarding it. Qualitative studies can also involve observing people’s interactions with one another during natural settings like classrooms or workplace environments if needed. Unlike quantitative studies however this type cannot offer much insight into how prevalent an occurrence is but provides deeper understanding into why things happen in addition to helping uncover potential solutions for addressing issues at hand that may not otherwise be apparent with numbers alone . In conclusion , both quantitative and qualitative research are valuable tools for gaining insights into various phenomena . While each has its own strengths and limitations , using them together provides researchers with comprehensive view allowing them formulate more accurate hypotheses that could lead further discoveries .