Problem Solution Pattern Flashcards, test questions and answers
Discover flashcards, test exam answers, and assignments to help you learn more about Problem Solution Pattern and other subjects. Donβt miss the chance to use them for more effective college education. Use our database of questions and answers on Problem Solution Pattern and get quick solutions for your test.
What is Problem Solution Pattern?
Problem Solution Pattern is a pattern of writing or speaking that focuses on identifying an issue and then providing a solution. This type of writing is often used in academic essays, business reports, speeches, and other forms of communication where the speaker wants to discuss an issue and possible solutions. In order to effectively use this pattern in your writing or speaking, itβs important to have a clear understanding of both the problem and potential solutions.First, you need to clearly identify the problem you are trying to address. Be sure to provide enough detail so that your audience will understand what needs solving. Include relevant facts and statistics if available. Then explain why this issue needs addressing now more than ever before what makes this particular problem urgent?Once youβve identified the problem, begin discussing potential solutions for it. Develop each solution thoroughly by outlining how it would work as well as any pros or cons associated with its implementation. Consider including information about who should be responsible for implementing each solution will it be government-sponsored programs; private sector initiatives; nonprofit organizations; etc.? Also include any financial considerations that may arise from implementing certain solutions or suggest ways they could be funded. Finally, make sure to end by summarizing your discussion points while emphasizing why these proposed solutions are necessary for resolving the issue at hand. It can also help if you provide ideas on next steps that need to be taken in order for these proposed solutions to become reality (e.g., setting up meetings with stakeholders). Using Problem Solution Pattern when communicating about important issues can help ensure all sides are heard and create meaningful dialogue around topics affecting society today.