Ecology Flashcards, test questions and answers
Discover flashcards, test exam answers, and assignments to help you learn more about Ecology and other subjects. Don’t miss the chance to use them for more effective college education. Use our database of questions and answers on Ecology and get quick solutions for your test.
What is Ecology?
Ecology is a branch of science that deals with the study of interactions between living organisms and their environment. It involves the study of how organisms interact with each other, as well as their physical environment. It also looks at how these interactions affect the environment, and how human activities can impact those interactions. Ecology is an important branch of science because it gives us insight into our own impact on the Earth and helps us to understand how to better manage our resources for future generations. Ecology is made up of four main sub-fields: population ecology, community ecology, ecosystem ecology, and landscape ecology. Population ecology studies individual species within a population to understand factors such as survival rates, reproduction levels, and competition for resources among individuals within a species. Community ecology examines different species in relation to each other in terms of competition for resources or predation patterns. Ecosystems are studied from an energy flow perspective looking at food webs and nutrient cycling and their role in maintaining healthy ecosystems. Landscape ecology looks at larger scale features such as land use change or climate change that can influence habitats across large areas. Human activities have had a profound effect on many ecological systems around the world through habitat destruction and pollution resulting from land use changes or overharvesting of natural resources like fisheries or forests. These changes have caused numerous species extinctions over time which has been devastating for biodiversity worldwide but it has also caused imbalances in ecosystems which may cause even more damage if not addressed soon enough through conservation efforts or sustainable management plans that take into account ecological principles like resource cycling or niche theory. Understanding the basics of Ecology is critical to preserving our planet’s health now and into the future. By understanding how all living things are connected through various networks, we can ensure that all creatures have what they need to survive while still taking care not to overexploit any one resource too much for too long which could cause irreparable harm later down the line if left unchecked by humans who should strive toward sustainability wherever possible when dealing with nature’s bounty so we can continue enjoying her gifts for generations yet to come.