We've found 9 Dialectical Behavior Therapy tests

Counseling Psychology Dialectical Behavior Therapy Ethics Identifying The Problem Necessary And Sufficient Conditions Person Centered Therapy
PSY 210 Unit 3 – Flashcards 88 terms
Anthony Richie avatar
Anthony Richie
88 terms
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Object Relations Theory Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
Abnormal Chapter 16 – Flashcards 69 terms
Sarah Adrian avatar
Sarah Adrian
69 terms
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Progressive Muscle Relaxation
Behavior Therapy – Corey – Flashcards 52 terms
Charlotte Small avatar
Charlotte Small
52 terms
Counseling Psychology Dialectical Behavior Therapy Social Skills Training Therapy
study material general 2. – Flashcards 46 terms
Sonia Kelly avatar
Sonia Kelly
46 terms
Dialectical Behavior Therapy Identifying The Problem Linguistics Necessary And Sufficient Conditions Solution Focused Brief Therapy Solution Focused Therapy The Environment Theory And Practice Therapy
Test – Flashcard Test Questions 159 terms
James Storer avatar
James Storer
159 terms
Clinical Psychology Dialectical Behavior Therapy Stimulate The Brain
Psychology Chapter 14-Psychological Treatments – Flashcards 18 terms
Steven Colyer avatar
Steven Colyer
18 terms
Abnormal Psychology Dialectical Behavior Therapy Positive Symptoms Of Schizophrenia Psychopathology
Mood Disorders – Flashcards 36 terms
James Storer avatar
James Storer
36 terms
Abnormal Psychology Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Essentials of Abnormal Psychology, chapter 11 – Flashcards 19 terms
William Jordan avatar
William Jordan
19 terms
Dialectical Behavior Therapy General Adaptation Syndrome Higher Level Cognitive Positive Psychology Right Hand Side
KIN 199- FINAL EXAM – Flashcards 119 terms
Sienna Rogers avatar
Sienna Rogers
119 terms
A therapist states, “I seldom use drugs when I treat clients with borderline personality disorder.” The therapist MOST likely says this because: a) the risk of suicide increases because using drugs may lead to overdose. b) in most cases, drugs seem to make aggressiveness even worse. c) in most cases, drugs seem to make emotional outbursts even more extreme. d) the therapist is unaware that drugs are always used in combination with dialectical behavior therapy, the most effective therapy for those with borderline personality disorder.
a) the risk of suicide increases because using drugs may lead to overdose
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/abnormal-psych-chapter-13/
Dr. Marsha Linehan, developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with: a) antisocial personality disorder. b) borderline personality disorder. c) narcissistic personality disorder. d) dependent personality disorder.
b) borderline personality disorder
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/abnormal-psych-chapter-13/
Which of the following interventions is not associated with the third wave of behavior therapy? a. acceptance and commitment therapy b. dialectical behavior therapy c. relaxation training d. mindfulness based cognitive therapy
The theorist associated with dialectical behavior therapy is
Marcia Linehan
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/test-6/
Dialectical behavior Therapy (DBT)
Originally developed by Marsha Linehan -1987 to treat borderline personality disorder is another approach that incorporates mindfulness and acceptance procedures. 1. The early part of therapy focuses on helping the client express what he or she hopes to get out of therapy 2. The client is encouraged to nonjudgementally observe and describe his or her overt and covert behaviors, especially those that are potentially harmful to the client or others, or that might interfere with the course of treatment. 3. Interpersonal skills are eventually targeted so that clients learn to say no, ask for what they need, and appropriately interact with others in their lives 4. After clients learn to accept aspects of their lives without distortion, judgement, or evaluation, they are much more likely to be able to learn and follow specific behavioral strategies for achieving their therapeutic goals. effective for treating BPD, women with bulimia nervosa, and elderly people with depressoin
More test answers on https://studyhippo.com/behavior-modification-ch-27-28-lesson-lesson-20-behavior-therapy-for-psychological-disorders/
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