Teen Sexting Essay Example
Teen Sexting Essay Example

Teen Sexting Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (465 words)
  • Published: September 4, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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The emergence of high-tech has led to a new trend called "setting," which involves sharing sexually explicit photos through cell phones. This practice is popular among teenagers who view it as harmless and fun, but it carries significant risks. Once a text message is sent, privacy is lost and the sender loses control over where the picture may end up. As a parent of a teenager with a smartphone, I have discussed the potential dangers associated with setting with my son. Although he personally disapproves and recognizes its risks, he knows that some of his peers find it entertaining.

In 2008, a study conducted by the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Unplanned Pregnancy revealed that 20 percent of teens admitted to sending sexually explicit text messages. However, the accuracy of this statistic could be questioned due to possible embarrassment or hesitat


ion from teens when asked about their involvement in setting. Despite its prevalence, many teenagers fail to fully understand the seriousness of this trend. While they believe that new technology offers unique communication opportunities not available before, there are significant consequences ranging from embarrassment to legal issues.

Teenagers face potential problems when they trust their friends and romantic partners, as the reality of this trust is uncertain. Entrusting someone with intimate photos can be risky, as these photos can end up in the wrong hands even years later. This poses a significant risk, as compromising pictures can be shared at any time, resulting in devastating consequences for those who believed they were innocent.

The tragic case of Jesse Logan from Ohio in 2009 serves as an example. Explicit pictures she sent to her boyfriend

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were circulated by classmates, leading to relentless humiliation and ultimately her suicide. These situations have severe repercussions that involve law enforcement and the court system. Disseminating child pornography can result in criminal convictions and being permanently labeled as a registered sex offender.

The consequences go beyond legal implications. Individuals facing such charges often face rejection from colleges, restrictions on living near schools, and extreme challenges in finding employment. Philip Albert from Florida is another example; he was convicted of child pornography charges due to his relationship with a minor.

Parents should start communicating with their children about the potential consequences of their actions as early as elementary school, recognizing that teenagers may not fully understand the long-term impact. It is crucial to involve both schools and parents in addressing issues like sex education, as teens often engage in activities privately. I was surprised by the article's statistics on sexting among teens, which showed a rate of only 20 percent; I would have expected it to be higher. As a mother, I maintain open communication with my son and trust him and his friends, relying on his faith to guide him in making responsible decisions.

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