Surface Detection and Hurdle Avoidence Essay Example
Surface Detection and Hurdle Avoidence Essay Example

Surface Detection and Hurdle Avoidence Essay Example

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  • Pages: 30 (8019 words)
  • Published: April 28, 2017
  • Type: Research Paper
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Chapter-01 Introduction Implementation of an Map Following Vehicle (MFV) is a step towards making a ground vehicle that can work at its own, which can make decisions and do the tasks which we require from it to be done. It would be a vehicle which can process the data in real time and take the respective decisions on the bases of that processed data. The project is based on integration of different hardware and software modules and their interaction to produce an efficient outcome. 1. 1 Motivation The basic idea of this project is to design a map following vehicle that would be autonomous.

Meaning that, it can go to the places where sending a human would be a life threatening process and do the tasks which we specify it to do. It can ta


ke decisions at its own using the camera as an input device to acquire the video of the path, then this video is sent to the onboard computer system which processes the desired frame (image) of the video in real time and takes the decisions on the basis of that processed image that whether the space in front of the vehicle is a clear way or is it a hurdle.

If the system finds it as a hurdle, then it changes the route of the vehicle and switch to a way where the track is clear for the vehicle to move forward and so on. The vehicle is designed on a simple toy car of the size of approximately 2x2 feet, having a computer system onboard with a camera, a pair of batteries, microcontroller circuitry, motor driver circuitry, and motors to drive th

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car. The project requires the programming skills to be utilized in the processing of the image and as well as for the micro controller.

The programs for Digital Image Processing (DIP) are written in MATLAB. The C language and VMLAB software is used for the programming of the microcontroller. The project also requires the skills of circuit designing using electronic components; to design a biasing circuit of a microcontroller, the motor driver circuitry, and circuitry for interface the modules. 1. 2 Objectives Our objective of this project is to develop a vision based map following vehicle which can detect obstacle on its way and avoid it. For that purpose we have design a test bed/prototype.

To find the scope and take an effective step towards the betterment and optimization of the algorithm. To design a prototype of a map following vehicle using an ordinary single camera mounted on the top of map floor. In this we can lead to a simple and cheap solution to the problem of map following with obstacle detection and avoidance. 1. 3 Project Report Structure The following list will explain what will be covered in different chapters of this thesis: * In chapter 2, state of art is discussed the project scientific background. * In chapter 3, problem and proposed system is discussed in detail. In chapter 4, the methodology of obstacle detection and avoidance of the map following vehicle is explained. * In chapter 5, the hardware and software is explained here. * In chapter 6, the future work is purposed. Chapter-02 State of Art 2. 1 Introduction A number of interesting research results have been obtained on problems which are

relevant to map following vehicles. A quick review of the salient systems provides a picture of the current state of the scientific art. 2. 2. 1 Find-Path Planning a path based on a model is a problem that is fundamental to intelligent control of map following vehicles.

Lozano-Pkrez [20] has developed a formal version of the general map following problem. This formalization is referred to as the "find-path" problem [62, 20]. In its most general form, the goal of find-path is to determine a continuous path for an object from an initial location to a goal location without colliding with an obstacle. Lozano-Pbrez provided a mathematical treatment of the find-path problem using the "configuration space" approach. The idea is to find those parts of free space which the object at particular orientations may occupy without colliding with an obstacle.

Obstacles are "expanded" by the shape of an object at a set of orientations, while the object to be moved is shrunk to a point. The shortest path for the object, including rotations, is computed as the shortest connected path through the expanded obstacles [20]. The shortest path through obstacles generally leads through a sequence of points which are adjacent to the expanded obstacles. If there is position error in the control of the path execution, such points can possibly result in a collision. Brooks has recently proposed a new approach to the find-path problem based on modeling free space [20, 59].

Brooks' solution was developed in a two dimensional plane. Brooks fit two dimensional "generalized cylinders" to the space between obstacles to obtain pathways in which the object may freely travel on a plane. The technique was extended

to the third dimension by stacking planes. 2. 2. 2 The Stanford Cart and the C-MU Rover: Moravec [63] developed a navigation system based on sensory signals using the Stanford cart. This cart sensed its environment using a set of 9 stereo images obtained from a sliding camera. A set of candidate points were obtained in each image with an "interest" operator.

Small local correlations were then made at multiple resolutions to arrive at a depth estimate for the points The matched points were plotted on a two dimensional grid and then expanded to a circle. A best path from the current location to a goal was then chosen as the shortest sequence of line segments which were tangent to the circles. The cart would advance by 3 feet and then repeat the sensing and plarlning process. Stereo matching was also performed between the images taken at different steps to obtain confirming and additional depth information.

A new vehicle, called the C-MU Rover [64], has recently been constructed by Moravec to support these techniques. 2. 2. 3 Hilare A team under the direction of George Giralt at the LAAS laboratory in Toulouse has been investigating the design and control of mobile robots since 1977. They have developed a mobile robot named Hilare. Chatila developed a navigation system for Hilare which is based on dividing a pre-learned floor plan into convex regions [60, 20]. Convex regions were formed by connecting nearest vertices to form areas called C-Cells.

Laumond, at the LAAS in Toulouse, extended this idea by developing hierarchies of C-Cells to represent rooms and parts of a known domain [61, 20]. 2. 2. 4 Comment A few other

efforts towards developing autonomous mobile robots have also been reported. In many cases the efforts focus on engineering problems and pay little attention to the issues of world modeling or path planning [21]. Other groups have become bogged down on the vision problem, often spending their efforts on general solutions to the problems of low level vision.

We believe that the most important problems to be addressed now are sensor interpretation, navigation, and system organization for map following vehicles. 2. 2 Methods Used For Map Following: The present methods for Map following problems are mostly used in well-patterned and well-defined environments such as motorways. But on the hand natural environments are complex and irregular which requires more efficient solutions. The difficulties involved in are continuous detection path and localization of vehicle, speed and distance and environment conditions such as fog, dust, temperature, rain etc [5].

The methods used in the Map following problems are: Global Positioning System Based, active sensors and passive sensors. These methods are also used in combination [5]. 2. 3. 5 Global Position System Based The GPS based method is used well in non-line-of-sight environment. The vehicle collects global coordinate points of its path and transmits it to map following Vehicle. In this way map following vehicle can exactly follow the marks on its path [5]. This way of following is also called Delayed following [2]. The GPS based follower system can work day and night.

But this is heavily dependent upon the GPS data which could not be assured in the dense and populated area because of weak satellite signal e. g. forest. Furthermore it can alert the enemy of the presence of convoy.

GPS approach is costly as well So GPS approach alone is not suitable in complex and populated areas [6]. The examples of this type of systems are US FCS, Demo I and II [4] and USA agriculture industry [6]. 2. 3. 6 Active Sensor Based This type of follower vehicle uses time of flight measurement by employing different sensors to follow the map. It works best in the scenario of line-of-sight.

Active sensor includes laser range finders, radar, ladar, ultrasonic sensors. They measure the time of flight of laser beams to detect by and track the path. But the drawback of such sensors is that they can be used in limited range area and they have the potential problem of line of sight. The sensors were used for automobile [7] and armed military vehicles [8]. The major disadvantage of active sensor is altering enemies to the presence of vehicles [2]. Active sensor based approach is also termed as Perceptive following. Because here relative coordinate system is used to follow the map [2].

Lee [9], Parvin [10] and Han [11] have use laser based approach in their Map following system by implementing in a different way. In short active sensor method use extrapolation technique to predict the vehicle new position and the odometer data help in localization of the vehicle [5]. 2. 3. 7 Passive Sensor Based Now-a-days Visual servoing is an active topic in computer vision research. The principle behind is to detect, recognize and track the required object from image frames using passive sensors. Vision system provides information in depth about the environment then active sensors.

Passive sensors approach uses stereo vision or monocular vision to estimate

the range and velocity (linear and angular) of vehicle [2, 5,12]. The passive sensor approach is also called perceptive method. Environment conditions such light; dust, fog etc. are the major constraints to vision systems. There is a lot of research work done to find better and effective solution in vision. 2. 3. 8. 1 Stereo Vision In this approach stereo camera pairs provide a 3D field of view. Feature matching is used for the images taken from two cameras. Feature matching makes the stereo vision more complicated than single camera.

Also it is more complex than single camera approach [13]. Stereo vision cameras provide accurate measurements but they have very limited range. This approach normally used in small map following robots as kubinger [14]. 2. 3. 8. 2 Monocular Vision The major advantage of it has is inexpensiveness. It works best for long ranges with the use of zoom lens. Smith in [15] has used zoom lens monocular camera to develop a person-following robot for surveillance in rough and rigid terrains. Nguyen et. al. in [16] developed similar kind of robot but for military logistics.

Benhimane in [17] make an on-road car-following system without the use of special targets. 2. 3. 8 Hybrid Based The above techniques are not individually used because each approach has different limitation so a combine approach is used in the map following applications. 2. 3 Conclusion To have a cure-all solution researchers have preferred the vision to be integrated with some other useful technologies as discussed in the literature review e. g. laser range finders and GPS [42, 43]. Chapter-03 System Design 3. 1 Problem Domain 3. 2. 1 Problem Statement

Need of

a sound strategy that will enable a R/C vehicle to control its movement from control room as well as with the help learned after training from environment. Our main problem in this project is to develop a technique for map following, based upon vision and conventional sensor like ultrasonic to move from source to destination (i. e. navigation of ground vehicle ) on predefined path with detecting obstacle and avoid it. 3. 2 Navigation System of Ground Vehicle Keeping the environment in mind, we have two types of navigation systems. * Autonomous navigation system. * Semi-Autonomous navigation system. 3. 3. Autonomous Navigation System When in an environment where the operator like to give the full authority of control to the robot for making the decisions, the navigation system used is known as Autonomous navigation system. Whenever the robot is deployed to such an environment, it has to do following three key steps for its movement. * Mapping * Localization * Path planning When deployed in an environment, it has to localize with the help of some input through sensors. The next step towards the achievement of it task is efficient path planning, as there is a lot of complexities and obstacles in the way of it and it target [44, 45].

Autonomous robots are everywhere from household to the military. According to Bill Gates and Korean government that there should be at least one robot in every house by 2015 [46]. Both the localization and path planning are key issues to achieve [47, 48]. Thus a variety of technologies have been developed to solve this problem, like GPS. 3. 3. 3 Semi-Autonomous Navigation System When in

an environment the operator want to keep the control of high-level operation and low-level operation are performed by the robot. The navigation system used is known as semi-autonomous navigation system.

Whenever the robot is deployed to such an environment, it has to do the following steps for its movement. * Wait for the input from the operator. * Continues informing the operator through pre-processing of the constraints, i. e. ask the operator for assistance [49]. When deployed in an environment, it waits for the inputs from the operator and performs action upon given data. In case of any obstacle, the robot is needed with the assistance from the operator for example, if its path is blocked, what should it do? Whether to go right left or straight, back ward.

Semi-autonomous robots can be of great use, as of semi-autonomous wheel chair, mine detector, bomb disposal robots [50, 51]. 3. 3. 4 Map Following Vehicle with Obstacle Detection and Avoidance: We named our system as “Map Following Vehicle with Obstacle Detection and Avoidance” a prototype of Semi-autonomous vehicles. The prototype has following feature, * The Map following vehicle can be controlled manually from control room. * The Map following vehicle has extra feature that is fully autonomous. * The over-all system is semi-autonomous. 3. 3System Overview

In this system, a test bed is developed in which there is a control room that consists of video capturing module. There is an identification mark used at the start and final location that is destination. As for the Map following vehicle, all the real work is being done on the Map following vehicle, there is an ultra-sonic sensor on the front of

the vehicle. In this system we have five main parts. * Ultra-sonic sensor * Monocular vision * Central processing unit * Microcontroller unit * Actuator unit 3. 3. 1 Ultra-sonic Sensor The ultra-sonic sensor used is the type of active sensor.

The sensor gives the time of flight of sound to the microcontroller unit to measure the relative distance between objects. 3. 3. 2 Monocular Vision For the purpose of vision a single camera is used. The camera used is generic webcam with frame rate of 30 frames/ sec; the resolution of camera is up to 5 mega pixel. The video from the webcam is sent to central processing unit, where it is processed and decisions are made upon some special features extracted from the video. 3. 3. 3 Central Processing Unit CPU could be a standalone processor (DSP kits) or general purpose processor (laptop).

The extracted frames from the video are processed here in CPU, and the result is sent to the microcontroller unit for the steering control. The protocol used is RS-232 for serial communication between CPU and MCU. 3. 3. 4 Microcontroller Unit The microcontroller unit has a microcontroller embedded on it for controlling speed and steering of actuator. It takes the control signal from CPU and time of flight from ultra-sonic sensor and controls the motion respectively. 3. 3. 5 Actuator Unit This unit has the circuitry necessary to control the speed and steering of the motors depending upon the control signal input to it. Chapter-04

Obstacle Detection and avoidance In this chapter we give the summary of the obstacle detection module which we used to detect obstacle in the way of vehicle, it

is able to detect an obstacle placed in its front. This obstacle may be able to be a permanent or a moving object like human being . In obstacle detection, initially the front sensor detects that there is something present in front of the robot. This information is fed to the controller module. On this signal controller module acquire the necessary action and change direction of the vehicle to the safe path. Again now the output of front sensor is analyzed by the controller module.

If still something is present in front, so now again master controller generates necessary signal that provides turn to the robot and its head at this instant turned to the reverse direction. Now we give the brief description of methodlogy used in our obstacle detection and avoidance module. 4. 1 Methodology: Ultrasonic Range Finder The parallax ping))) ultrasonic sensor is a very accurate and absolute range finder sensor. It has an accurate range of 2 cm to 3 meters. It can be easily connected to any microcontroller using only one input/ output pin. Figure 4. 1: Ultra-sonic Sensor [52]

The sensor used in this project is to maintain the distance between the obstacle and the map follower, and in the first module of this project to detect and avoid the obstacle. 4. 2. 1 Working The working of the sensor is very simple in terms of understanding. It transmits an echo sound, which is well above human hearing capability by applying a short pulse. The echo sound bounces back after collision from the object, thus providing the time of flight information. The time of flight information can be used to measure the

distance between the target and source object [52]. Figure 4. 2: Working of sensor [52] 4. 2. 2 Features Range: 2 cm to 3 m (0. 2-11) ft [52]. * Burst indicator LED shows sensor activity [52]. * Bidirectional interface on a single I/O pin [52]. * Input trigger: 2-5) ? s [52]. * Echo pulse: 115 ? s to 18. 5 ms [52]. 4. 2. 3 Key Specification * Supply voltage: +5 VDC [52]. * Supply current: (30-35) mA [52]. * Communication: Positive TTL pulse [52]. * Package: 3-pin SIP, 0. 1” spacing (ground, power, signal) [52]. * Operating temperature: 0 – 70° C [52]. * Size: 22 mm H x 46 mm W x 16 mm D [52]. * Weight: 9 g [52]. 4. 2. 4 Pin Definitions Figure 4. 3: Pin layout [52]. Pin| Description| GND| Ground(VSS)| 5V| 5 VDC(VDD)| ig| Signal( I/O)| Table 4. 1 The table 4. 1 contains the pins description along with figure [52]. 4. 2. 5 Dimensions Figure 4. 4: Front view [52]. Figure 4. 4: Top view [52]. 4. 2. 6 Communication Protocol The communication protocol of ultrasonic is: * At first, the sensor is giving a trigger pulse for two to five micro seconds from the microcontroller. * Then the sensor waits for 750 ? s, during this time the microcontroller pin can be configured ad input. * The sensor emits an ultra sonic burst of 40 kHz from the speaker. * Soon after this the sensor sends high logic to the microcontroller on it’s I/ O pin. Figure 4. : Protocol working [52]. * When the sensor detects the echo from micro-phone, it changes

high logic to low logic. * This pulse width gives the information of time of flight. * The microcontroller uses this time information to calculate the distance by the help of speed of sound in air. C air =? ?? (0. 6 + TC)? + 331. 5 m/s [52] * The above equation shows that speed of sound in air depends upon the temperature. * Distance can be measured by S = Cair * T | Host Device| Input Trigger Pulse| tOUT| 2 ? s (min), 5 ? s typical| | PING)))Sensor| Echo Hold off| tHOLDOFF| 750 ? s| | | Burst Frequency| tBURST| 200 ? @ 40 kHz| | | Echo return pulse min| tIN-MIN| 115 ? s| | | Echo return pulse max| Echo return pulse min| 18. 5 ms| | | Delay before next measurement| | 200 ? s| Table 4. 2: Ultra-sonic communication protocol standard [52]. 4. 2 Methodology: Vision Sensor 4. 3. 7 Introduction All lot of techniques have been develop in the last few decades for tracking of the target, As we go through different techniques we come to know that each of them have their advantages and also disadvantages , but each technique played its own role in the field of vision and added few golden steps towards the perfection.

The technique developed for this project is a combination two techniques used before. One is the fiducially based technique and other one is appearance based technique i. e. some marks are placed on map as initial point, midpoint and final destination and map following vehicle would extract features of that marks to keep follows Map to pursue journey. In

this project both these technique are integrated to come up with a more effective solution for obstacle detection and avoidance as well as tracking its path on map. For the technique an identification mark is placed on map floor to make it simple, geometric shapes are used. 4. 3. Algorithm Description The block diagram of algorithm is shown in figure 4. 7 4. 3. 9. 1 Acquisition of Image For acquisition of image, first step is to install our image acquisition device create video input object then set video object properties for webcam and configure serial port object properties. Secondly start acquisition of image frames from the video stream of the identification mark that is placed on map floor with white background. After that open serial com port for serial transmission of control signals to actuators. Get one frame out of video stream with frame grab interval of 5 and send it to preprocessing step. . 3. 9. 2 Preprocessing In preprocessing step to improving the appearance of image the noise effects are eliminated by using adaptive filtering [53]. In our case we used winner filter that works to perform smoothing of image. It also preserves edges and other high-frequency parts of an image. As for as obscured details of an image is major concern in vision based problem, we used log transform [53] to enhance image sharpness, highlighted image features and adjusted image contrast. In the end convert it to black and white image and send it for next process that is segmentation. 4. 3. 9. 3 Segmentation

Segmentation is process to separate certain objects of interest from the image background. Segmentation is done by

using morphological operations (erosion and dilation) on preprocessed image data the regions are extracted containing shape with some other redundant objects regions. Erosion is an operation that contract object, and Dilation is an operation that cultivates or condense object. When both operations used in a combination that is closing operation in which dilation operation on image followed by erosion helps to get object more precisely by smoothing image, fill long thin gaps and joining minor breaks [53].

After this, output of the segmentation stage that is raw pixel data, constituting all the points in the region send to next stage for feature detection. 4. 3. 9. 4 Object Feature Detection As the frame is segmented in the previous step, there are different regions with respect to intensities values we compute adjacent connected component of these regions and assign label to them. Then compute geometric properties of connected component such as centercity, area, diameter, centriod etc, and choose the region of interest. Assign the values of interested regions pixel value true and rest of the regions pixel values are set as false.

After identification and extraction of geometric shape from image data we compute geometric features of geometric shape like centercity, diameter and centroid etc. These features pass to next step for speed and steering control module. 4. 3. 9. 5 Speed and Steering Control In last step all control signals determined by object tracking step are serially send using RS-232 protocol to microcontroller unit (as described in section 3. 3. 4) to maintain speed and steering of map following vehicle. Chapter-05 Hardware ; Software 5. 1 Introduction The overall system is consists of a R/C vehicles and

a webcam as shown in figure 5. . An identification mark (geometric shape) is placed on the floor of map. The mark is a guide for the vehicle to keep track of the destination. The Map Following Vehicle consists of: * Main Control Unit * Video capturing and processing module * Ultrasonic unit * Actuator Unit * Power supply unit The camera captures the video stream and sends it to image processing module (MPU) This module then sends steering commands through serial link to main control unit depending upon the features extracted. The main control unit is also getting the time of flight information from ultrasonic sensor and alculating the distance from obstacle (if any). The information from vision module and ultrasonic module help the main control unit to actuate the front and rear motors speed and direction. 5. 2 Main Control Unit In this section we give the summary of the Main Control Unit which we used to control our vehicle, serial communication for GUI, obstacle detection and avoidance. A microcontroller is a computing device consisting of built in peripherals. It usually combination of CPU (central processing unit), USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter), timers, counters and other input output devices.

They can be reprogrammable and can do the desired application. We apply C programming language for microcontroller. We accomplished that how to interface the microcontroller to broad collection of input and output devices. One of the most essential reasons for using microcontrollers in embedded systems is the capabilities of microcontrollers to execute time associated tasks. For a desired application, one can program a microcontroller to turn on or turn off an external device. Now

provide a complete description of all the components on the module. 5. 3. 1 Hardware Component of MCU: The main control unit is performing these main functions. Triggering Ultrasonic sensor and acquiring time of flight information * Interrupt base serial communication link * Controlling actuators(Motors) * Display on LCD The main control unit consists of a general purpose board as shown in Figure 5. 3 . The main features are: * AVR atmega 16 micro-controller * In-System built in Programming Interface i. e. ISP * Serial communication facility * I/O ports outlets * LCD interface * LED’s and Push Buttons * Power outlets i. e. 5v and Ground * 9 v battery 0r 12 v charge to power up 5. 3. 2. 1 ATmega16 Microcontroller We explain some fundamental features of the Atmel AVR ATmega16.

It have high performance and required low power. microcontroller have 16K Bytes of internal system reprogrammable Flash memory with operation of Read and write , 512 Bytes EEPROM, 1K Byte of SRAM and 32 general purpose input and output lines are provided, 32 general purpose operational registers, three accommodating Timer Counters through compare modes, internal along with external interrupts and serial programmable USART, 8 channel 10 bit ADC (analog to digital converter), a Watchdog Timer along with Internal Oscillator, an serial parallel interface serial port The pin configuration for Atmel ATmega16’s is provided in Figure 5. . Figure5. 1: Atmel AVR ATmega16 pin configuration. Figure 5. 2: Main Control Unit 5. 3. 2. 2 ATmega16 Microcontroller Features ATmega16 Microcontroller has Non-volatile Program and Data Memories feature as mention below: * 16 K Bytes of internal system self programmable memory * 512

Bytes of EEPROM * 1 K Byte of internal SRAM * Programming Locks used for software security ATmega16 Microcontroller has Peripheral feature as mention below: Two 8 bit Timer Counters with detach Prescalers and Compare Modes * One 16 bit Timer Counter with detach Prescalers along with Compare Mode and Capture Mode * Four PWM(Pulse Width Modulation) channels * 10 bit ADC(Analog to Digital Converter) with 8 channels * Programmable Serial USART (Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) * Programmable Watchdog Timer with Separate On chip Oscillator ATmega16 Microcontroller has special feature as mention below: * Operating Voltage is 4. 5 to 5. 5V * External along with Internal Interrupt Sources * 32 Programmable Input Output lines Industrial temperature range -40 to 85°C * 0 to 16 MHz frequency of operation 5. 3. 2. 3 Voltage regulator In the project, Voltage regulator L7805 as shown in fig 5. 4 is used, which converts 12V input voltage to 5V that is operational voltage for the circuit. . The necessary purpose of these regulators is to output a regulated 5V when the input is among 12 to 19V. This output is then providing supply to the microcontroller. Also this 5v is used anywhere a regulated 5V is required Figure 5. 3: Voltage Regulator 5. 3. 2. 4 Fuse For the s protection of hardware circuit fuse as shown in fig is used.

A 500mA fuse is mounted on the board for the protection of microcontroller’s circuitry. Fuse is utilized to cut down the power supply to a circuit when the current flow to shocking levels such as it can harm circuitry connected to the power supply. The essential purpose

of fuse is to protect the circuit from causing a fire. It consists of a thin strip of metallic wire having low melting point. When current go beyond the safe levels, excessive heat loss in accordance to joule’s law cause the metallic wire to melt down and thus disconnect the power supply. Figure 5. 4: Fuse 5. 3. 2. 5 MAX 233 IC

The MAX 233 IC gives compatibility between devices holding RS 232 protocol and TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) supporting devices. No external capacitors are required. The MAX233 is a two way transmitter and receiver that inherit a capacitive voltage generator to provide EIA 232 voltage levels from a single 5Vsupply. Every receiver in max 233 converts EIA-232 inputs to 5 V TTL (Transistor Transistor Logic) or CMOS (Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) levels Figure 5. 5: Pin Configuration of Max 233 IC Some feature of MAX 233 IC are given below * Operate With Single 5V Power Supply Data rate 120 Kbit/s * Number of Receivers are two * Number of transmitters are two * Low Supply Current is 5 mA Typical * No external capacitor is required Some application of MAX 233 IC are given below * TIA/EIA-232-F * Battery Powered Systems * Terminals * Modems * Computers Figure 5. 6: Operational Information about Max 233 IC Figure 5. 7: Proteus Schematic for Serial Communication Using Virtual Port 5. 3. 2 Software Module of MCU: The PCB of main control unit is designed in Express PCB software. The software used for main micro-controller for generating code hex file is VMLAB and AVR Studio.

For programming/burning the microcontroller using ISP link is Pony Prog. The algorithm

running in microcontroller is combination of normal algorithm execution for ultrasonic sensor control in main and actuator control in ISR. The general algorithm is shown below in figure 5. 10. Figure 5. 8: Control Transfer to ISR The algorithm executing in micro-controller consist of two portions as shown in figure 5. 11 and figure 5. 12. The c-code corresponding to both these figures is in appendix III. The figure 5. 11 is normally executing algorithm for triggering ultrasonic sensor by a pulse of 4-5 us.

Then it calculates the distance by using the time of flight information and displays it on LCD. If anything comes in front of map following Vehicle at a shorter distance than the distance calculated will help in sudden stoppage of vehicle to avoid any collision. The serial communication on the microcontroller is interrupt triggered. When any control information is received in serial register the control goes to ISR (interrupt service routine) to execute the actuator algorithm in figure 5. 12. Actuator algorithm in ISR controls the actuator speed and direction to slow or speed up the vehicle or steer left or right.

Initialization Ultrasonic Transmit (); Wait until I/P is not high Stop motor Display on LCD Calculate distance Run the timer Wait for logic low Read the counter Distance;=2 ft Actuator is on Turn on the actuator True False True 0 1 0 1 False LCD Serial port and interrupt Ports Figure 5. 9: Ultrasonic control algorithm (Normal Execution) Read Serial Data Ch==’F’ Ch==’B’ Ch==’r’ Ch==’l’ Ch==’s’ Return to normal execution Turn on rear actuator to move forward Turn on rear actuator to move backward Turn on front actuator to steer

right Turn on front actuator to steer left Stop the rear actuator 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 ISR Figure 5. 10: Actuator control algorithm 5. 3 Image Processing Unit The unit consists of a prolink webcam as shown in figure 5. 13 and a general purpose processor as shown in figure 5. 14. 5. 4. 3. 6 Webcam Features * True 1. 3 megapixel sensors with Night Vision Technology [54]. * Still image capture: True 1280 * 960, up to 2592 * 1944 (5 Mega Pixel) resolution [54]. * Frame rate: Up to 30 frames per second (VGA) [54]. * USB 2. 0 Interface (Compatible with USB 1. 1) [54]. * Ultra-Wide Angle Lens with up to 71? viewing angle [54]. * Functional base for use on both PC desktops and notebooks [54]. Built-in microphone [54]. 5. 4. 3. 7 General Purpose Processor Features * HP dx2300, Intel Pentium Dual-Core E2140 Processor (1. 60-GHz, 1-MB L2 cache, 800-MHz FSB) [55]. * 80-GB Serial ATA 3. 0-Gb/s Hard Drive (7200 rpm) [55]. * 1-GB DDR2 Synch DRAM PC2-5300 (667-MHz) [55]. * SATA DVD-ROM Drive [55]. The software tool used in General purpose processor is Matlab 7. 8. 0 (R2009a) [56]. 5. 4 Serial Link to Main Control Unit The image processing unit is link to main control unit with a serial link. The hardware consists of a USB-Serial converter and USB extension cable.

The software require for serial link to main control unit have following feature. * The driver of the USB-serial converter cable is installed on the general purpose Processor so that USB can act as COM port. * Serial communication protocol

is set in algorithm of figure 5. 15 as well as in algorithm of figure 5. 11. which is: * 9600 baud rate * 10 bits with 8 data bits,1 start and 1 stop bit * In main control unit, the reception of serial data from image processing unit generates an interrupt. The microcontroller executes the corresponding service routine 5. 5 Actuator(Motors) Control Unit

The vehicle has two motors, one to control the forward and reverse motion and the other for steering control. 5. 6. 3 Hardware The motor control unit contains two relay based motor driver circuits. The components are: * Two relays (24V, 7amp) for direction control. * Two BJT (BC337), one for direction control and other for speed control. * One N-channel MosFET (IRP150N) for high speed switching and achieving high current rating. * 10A 250V Fuse for protection from high initial currents. * Power Diodes (1N4001) for protecting motors from back emf shortage. The features are: It can be used for motors of high current rating e. g. up to 40A and 100 volts. * The duty cycle of Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) can be varied from 0 to 100%. * It does not heat up during its operation because MOSFETS support high current flow. 5. 6. 4 Software The PCB of motor driver circuit is designed in Express PCB software. To control motors, the following control inputs to motor driver circuit are generated from algorithm. * Direction control logic (1 or 0) input to BJT. * Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) wave to BJT to control the speed by varying duty cycle. Note: The conventional Motor driver circuit based on L298 I.


that is mention below. 5. 6. 5 Conventional Motors Driving Module : 5. 6. 6. 8 Introduction The motor drive circuit use L-298 H-Bridge IC. The output of IC is being utilized for controlling the front and back motor. The PWM input from Microcontroller is providing for the input sensing pins of the H-bridge. Front motor is used for the turning purpose and back motor help for running the vehicle. PWM used to control the speed of the motor. Using our L298 H-Bridge we can easily drive DC motors. It has 4 control lines which help to drive forward, backward and stop two DC motors. . 6. 6. 9 L298 IC (Dual Full-Bridge Driver) The L298 is available in 15 lead Multi watt package. It can provide high voltage, high current dual H -bridge channels developed to understand standard TTL logic l and DC motor can be easily driven through it. Two enable input pins are offered to enable a channel or disable a channel; both channels can drive the motor independently along with the help of input PWM signal. The module make easier to control the speed of motor, at high duty cycle motor speed will high and at small duty cycle it should be slow. .

The L298 is advanced form of L293 chip, but L298 can control more current and voltage. There are numerous ways to make stronger a signal so it’s strong adequate to drive a huge load like a motor. We are utilizing the well established L298 for this design, as it cover almost all the features we required in a superior motor driver. It includes the thermal shut down; it

will be slow down and stopped if overloaded. 5. 6. 6. 10 L298 Pin Layout Following is the pin layout of this IC. Figure 5. 11: Pin Layout of L298 IC. Figure 5. 12: Pin Description of L298 IC. 5. 6. 6. 1 Basic Characteristics of L298 IC: The essential characteristics of the L298 IC comprise: * Operating power supply between 5 to 46V * Total drive DC current up to 2A for single channel * Over heated temperature protection with help of heat sink * Controlling ability up to 2 motors * Controlling level for input pins : Low -0. 3V to 1. 5V and high 2. 3V to Vss * Enable signal level for input pins Low -0. 3V to 1. 5V and high 2. 3V to Vss 5. 6. 6. 12 Description ; Uses of L298 IC In our project the L298 IC is use for controlling the direction of motor.

The L298 has the capability to control simultaneously two DC motors. However we are controlling one motor for the front wheels and one motor for the back wheels with L298. It needs two control signals per motor. Also it has a logic drive input pin. This pin is used to define the logic on which the control signal is operational on. In our case this is +5V. For every motor there are two input pins which obtain the control signals from the microcontroller and two output pins on which the motor is connected. There is a supply voltage input on which the input voltage on which the motor is working on is applied.

In our case it is 12V, two enable pins one

for each motor. An additional useful feature is the current sensing pins for each motor. These pins, when a resistor is attached to them, allows IC to limit the current in lieu of the input of each channel. 5. 6. 6. 13 Resistors Resistors are used for limiting the current flow in the circuit at different points. 5. 6. 6. 14 Capacitors Capacitor is a passive component. Capacitors are used for noise filtering. 5. 6. 6. 15 Voltage Regulator Voltage regulator L7805 is used in the project, which converts 12V input into 5V that is operational voltage for the circuit. . 6. 6. 16 Switches Switches are used to break or make the electric connection. In this project the switches role is to on or off the power of the circuitry. In our circuitry on/off switches and reset switches are used. 5. 6. 6. 17 Motors For driving the structure some machinery was required. For this purpose simple DC motors (5V, 3A) were used. Two motors are used, one is for rotating the steering wheel (either left or right) and the other one is used for moving in forward or backward direction. 5. 6 Power Supply Unit This unit consists of one power source. * 9. V and 700 mA NI-Cd battery for main control unit. Chapter 6 Applications of Map following vehicle 6. 1Scope of Map Following Vehicle The scope of map following vehicle is not limited to one perspective only. It got a vast field of applications in many areas of technology. It can be used in many fields of life and can help in various ways. Some of its applications are *

E-car * Defense applications * Cargo handling applications * Vehicle for disabled (special) persons 6. 1. 1E-car Map following vehicle is itself an E-car which can be driven with the help of an onboard computer system.

Its scope as an E-car is very useful that it can be driven or controlled anywhere without the help of any external assistance. 6. 1. 2Defense Applications The scope of map following vehicle in defense applications is very practical. It can be used to go to the places where a human being is incapable to reach or at that time it is not possible for a human being to go to some place. To solve this problem, an excellent solution is to use map following vehicle. By using map following vehicle there is no fear of losing a human life because everything will be done autonomously. 6. 1. 3Cargo Handling Applications

There are some cases in which the work is done throughout the day in a factory e. g. transferring goods from one place to another. So in this kind of environment, extra labor will be needed and some extra machinery too which can be so much costly for a factory. So this transfer can be done very easily by using Map following vehicle. With the help of Map following vehicle less manpower will be used and initially, may be it will cost more, but in long run, it would be a cheap deal to use AVG instead of manual machinery and labor. 6. 1. 4Vehicle for Disabled (Special) Persons Special persons always need some help.

The Map following vehicle helps them in such a way that with the help of this

vehicle, moving from one place to another place is not a big deal for them anymore. They can move without being dependent upon any person. All they need is to use Map following vehicle and their problem for transportation will be solved. Simply, they have to tell the Map following vehicle that where they want to go, the vehicle carries them to the desired place at its own. Bibliography [1] S. 2549 Title II-Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation, Sec. 217 , a2. [2] J. L. Giesbrecht, H. K. Goi, T. D. Barfoot, and B. A. Francis.

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