Education nowadays is crucial for individuals to stay connected with the ever-evolving knowledge, making leadership in education essential for social development in today's era.
As a result of my exposure to diverse cultural environments, I have developed a keen interest in educational leadership. This is driven by my desire to positively impact large groups of individuals by providing them with literacy skills, expanding their worldview and helping them set career goals. For this reason, I am applying for UC Riverside's Master Degree program in Educational Leadership and Policy as I believe that my educational background, career aspirations and professional experience make me an ideal candidate.
During my adolescence, I was highly goal-oriented and ambitious which led to the attainment of high honors and scholarships for service from the California Scholarship Federation in 2000-2001 and 2002-2003 respectively. My Bachelor's degree in
...Sociology from Biola University has also broadened my perspective on various institutions such as occupation, education, family, religion along with their roles within our complex society.
Additionally, since 2005 I have volunteered at the Christian Zion Church in Los Angeles as a Sunday School Instructor. Over more than ten years serving there, I have held positions including Youth Group Coordinator and Event Organizer while pursuing my career path since 2007.
My primary responsibilities consist of instructing children of immigrants and supporting them in adapting to their new academic environment. As a result, my research interests revolve around various methods and techniques for educating and counseling immigrants and their children. I also study the social policies governing the assimilation of newcomers. Additionally, I focus on the assessment of policy efficiency and efficacy, such as by evaluating educational programs and policies
quickly to achieve reliable and precise outcomes. My cultural background and life experiences relate to my passion for educational leadership. I am originally from a Taiwanese family, but I have spent a significant period in the United States and have become acculturated to the American culture.
Despite being influenced by my Taiwanese family's primary education and socialization experiences, I am committed to values such as respect for neighbors, regardless of their race, social class, and age, harmonious childrearing and upbringing, diligence and determination at work and education, humanity, and nonviolence. Additionally, my earliest memories of the United States are associated with numerous difficulties that international students face. As a result, I am motivated to help newcomers, especially children and adolescents, avoid the mistakes I made and solve problems with as little pain as possible. For example, during my first year in California, I had almost no friends due to doubts about my classmates' and peers' positive disposition towards my personality. Consequently, I was lonely because of my fears and negative stereotypes.
I admit that I lacked the guidance of a wise and patient mentor who could have helped me understand my fears about adjusting to a new culture. In reality, most perceived interpersonal barriers are imaginary rather than objective. During my first year in California, I struggled with language barriers and cultural differences in the context of American customs, relationships, and family traditions. However, my personal experiences have motivated me to become an educational leader who can help newcomers overcome these challenges.
In addition, my social work internship in Kuang-Zhou, China was a major factor in my decision to pursue this path. My missionary trip involved a
wide range of activities, including teaching Bible studies to the local children and assisting with the construction of purifying water systems critical for disease prevention in the area. Working alongside dedicated local teachers who are tackling illiteracy in spite of poverty and poor health conditions was truly inspiring.
Despite facing a wide range of challenges, rural schools in China see teachers dedicated to improving society by investing time and effort into both children and adults. Their goal is to overcome poverty and devastation while holding steadfast to the belief that their students will have a bright and prosperous future without any need or deprivation. In the United States, factors such as inequality, discrimination, and weakening family institutions still inhibit the development of productive members of society despite less significant levels of poverty. Consequently, I'm confident that my experience in China can be adapted for American settings to develop a similar system of motivation for both teachers and students who prioritize comprehensive education tailored to society's evolving needs. As an educational leader with professional academic background equipped with cultural understanding necessary for all-inclusive education and integration, I am optimistic about contributing towards reformation within the educational system. My qualifications align me with UC Riverside Master's program high standards.
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