Since US Air Force Pilot Kenneth Arnold first used the term "Flying Saucer" on June 24th, 1947 after his reported sighting of nine disk-shaped objects over the Cascade Mountains, there has been a significant increase in global sightings of similar objects. By 1957, there was still widespread excitement about UFO sightings, leading US Astronomer Allen to categorize them.
J. Hynek created three categories for UFO encounters: the first kind, which involves nocturnal lights and daylight disks; the second kind, which entails physical effects left by UFOs such as marks on the ground and car engines stalling; and finally, the third kind, which involves the actual witnessing of beings emerging from their craft. However, on September 20th, 1961, the categorization of this phenomena took on a fourth dimension when Betty and Barney Hill claimed to have been allegedly a
...bducted by alien beings while driving home one night. The Hills were the first individuals in modern history to publicly state that they had been abducted by extraterrestrial beings. This led to a new era, with reports of alien abductions occurring worldwide.
According to the text, it emphasizes the rarity of being abducted outdoors like the Hills. Most cases are reported at night while the abductee is in bed with no witnesses. The descriptions of alleged alien abductors have historically varied worldwide but have recently become almost indistinguishable. This project aims to explore whether a minority of humans may be abducted at night by super intelligent extraterrestrial beings or if these individuals simply believe they have been abducted and there is a more grounded explanation for the phenomena. The first part of the project suggests that alien beings may not
come from outer space but rather from inside the human brain, specifically through temporal lobe epilepsy which can trigger hypnogogic sleep disorder.
During hypnogogic sleep, individuals experience both complete paralysis and hallucinations, which are known as hypnopompic hallucinations. These particular hallucinations can give the person a feeling of a presence nearby their beds and a sensation of floating. This can lead the individual to interpret these sensations as an encounter with aliens. The main focus of this project is to investigate various external factors that could potentially trigger temporal lobe epilepsy, including electrical trauma and electromagnetic fields. It should be noted that these fields tend to be more concentrated in specific areas, especially those near radio masts and electricity pylons. Moreover, this essay will explore Dr. Michael Persinger's experiments involving electromagnetic fields, where he successfully replicated the experience of hypnogogic hallucinations.
The following section of the project will discuss the systematic removal of a portion of humanity from the planet for unknown reasons. It will highlight the benefits of nighttime abductions and present a rare case with multiple credible witnesses. Additionally, the project will explore the striking similarities between alleged extraterrestrial beings and mythical creatures depicted in various cultures. These similarities are particularly evident in the prophetic messages conveyed by gods from the stars to these cultures. The latter part of the discussion will propose a theory on the attention we receive from extraterrestrial beings, suggesting that our advancement into the nuclear age may play a role.
Chapter three aims to analyze and evaluate two primary research sources: the questionnaire and the Little Gray Man Experiment. The analysis will examine the statistical data and its connection to
the phenomenon of alien abduction. The project will then interpret the findings, starting with the questionnaire, which reveals a recurring pattern throughout. This pattern indicates that a significant majority of people are inclined to believe in unverifiable beliefs.
The little gray man experiment demonstrates how the media shapes people's perception of aliens, leading to a consistent portrayal of these beings. Chapter three delves into the influence of mass media on public opinion and the increase in reports of alien abductions caused by television. It suggests that these reports may be driven by a competition for ratings. The project concludes by summarizing the ongoing debate on whether these abductions are real or if they stem from a neurological disorder influenced by the media.
Chapter 1: Neurological Explanations
Alien abductions are not easily explained – are they extraterrestrial occurrences or simply products of the mind? Most reported abductions happen at night when individuals are on the verge of falling into deep sleep.
There is a suggested connection between alien abductions and sleep paralysis syndrome, with theorists proposing a strong link between the two. Sleep paralysis syndrome is believed to be a form of epilepsy called temporal lobe epilepsy. Chadwick (1988) states that disruptions in the temporal lobe, which controls emotions and sensations, may be the cause of narcolepsy - a sleep disorder characterized by seizures during sleep. Narcolepsy often presents as hypnogogic sleep, a rare condition associated with REM sleep that is closely connected to dreaming. During REM sleep, the body becomes immobile as a safety mechanism to prevent physical movements while dreaming. Individuals with hypnogogic sleep disorder awaken while still experiencing paralysis but are fully aware of their surroundings. As
explained by Hufford (1982), those affected by this disorder can only move their eyes while their bodies remain paralyzed.
107). Hypnagogic sleep disorder causes individuals to awaken in a altered state with paralysis and encounter vivid and frightening dreamlike experiences. The hallucinations are a significant part of the disorder and are indistinguishable from reality for the sufferer. Typically, the afflicted person realizes their inability to move and experiences a sense of panic.
During the final stage of hypnogogic sleep, individuals may have hypnopomic hallucinations. At this stage, they may feel a presence in the room and a sensation of floating. This can lead them to interpret the situation as an alien abduction. One person shared their experience, stating "I was aware that I couldn't move, I knew where I was going and saw the creature in front of me. I felt like I was floating and being pulled like a bear on an invisible rope" (Hough.P, 1997, P.50). This account includes the typical elements of a nocturnal alien abduction experience. Some people have been so affected by their perceived abductions that they felt compelled to write about them, such as the famous horror writer Whitley Strieber.
Strieber was accused of experiencing a typical scenario of being abducted by aliens. He recalled, "Is someone there? I wondered aloud. the door opened a few inches and I had a glimpse of a big and glistening black eye, belonging to a distinctly non human face. Then there is something like a burst of lightning from above and the house was bathed in light" (Strieber.W, 1987). The intensity of this alien encounter led Strieber to write the bestselling book Communion, which
supposedly depicted his abduction ordeal. Even after publishing Communion, Strieber continued to have what he believed were alien abductions. As a result, he decided to consult medical professionals in search of a rational explanation for his bizarre experiences. "After undergoing a series of psychological and IQ tests, he was declared mentally sound. Subsequently, he underwent a brain scan (M.I.R), which also showed no abnormalities."
Finally, Strieber underwent a temporal lobe scan (E.E.G) which yielded a positive result and revealed inconsistencies in this specific area of his brain (Schnabel.J, 1994). Despite passing the rigorous psychological examinations, the presence of abnormalities within the temporal lobe region indicates a connection to narcolepsy. Hence, what Strieber and many others interpreted as alien abductions might actually be TLE. Consequently, the explanation for these alleged alien abductions likely resides not in outer space, but rather in inner space within the human brain.
Electrical activity, specifically electrical trauma to the brain, could potentially be a source of the alien abduction phenomenon. The human brain, a highly sensitive bioelectrical organ, continuously conducts millions of electrical impulses through its billions of neurons. Essentially, it functions like a supercomputer. As stated by Barnhard (1984), "At any one time, the brain is a junction box alive with incoming and outgoing messages. These messages are carried by countless cells forming an intricate arrangement that we cannot fully comprehend." This emphasizes that the human brain is an electromagnetic organ that is susceptible to malfunction if exposed to electrical trauma.
Parapsychologist Albert Budden conducted a study on fifty alleged nocturnal alien abductees. Surprisingly, he found that all fifty participants had one common factor: they had all experienced a major electric shock. According
to Budden, these abductees had either been struck by lightning, been near lightning, or suffered severe electrocution which permanently changed their bodies (Budden A, 1998). This discovery highlights the impact of electricity on human physiology and raises the question of whether severe electrical trauma and subsequent alien abduction were experienced by all fifty individuals in Budden's study. Another possibility is that the electrical event somehow altered their brain function, leading to a distortion in their perception of reality. The potential replication of these changes in a laboratory setting is explored through neuropsychologist Professor Michael Persenger's research. Persenger theorizes that weak electrical impulses directed at the temporal lobes of the brain can induce hallucinations similar to hypnopompic experiences. To test this theory, Persenger constructed a soundproof and lightproof chamber.A subject was positioned in a booth and equipped with a custom-made helmet that can produce a mild electromagnetic field.
In an experiment conducted by Persenger, electrical impulses of varying intensity were sent to a helmet, allowing control over the electromagnetic waves directed towards the recipient's brain. Volunteers reported experiencing mystical sensations such as floating, detachment, and sensing another presence in the room when exposed to these weak electromagnetic fields within the chamber. Notably, one participant even experienced physical tugging attributed to the influence of the electromagnetic field. Interestingly, if this very same encounter were to happen while alone in bed at night, it would be interpreted as an alien abduction according to cultural beliefs (Persenger, 1998). This experiment illustrates that specific conditions present in a laboratory can induce hypnopompic imagery through electromagnetic fields; however, it also brings up questions about similar occurrences during sleep. The reality is that
we are constantly surrounded by powerful electromagnetic radiation; nevertheless, some individuals may be more susceptible than others.
The concept that alien abductions are a subset of a larger problem, which is electromagnetic pollution, has been suggested by Budden (1998). If individuals with abnormalities in the temporal lobule area of their brain reside near strong sources of electromagnetic fields like electricity pylons, electrical substations, or radio masts, they might be living close to the trigger for an alien abduction event.
Chapter 2: Extraterrestrial Explanation for Alien Abductions
Although it may appear absurd, there are individuals who experience the reality of being forcefully taken from their beds at night by tiny gray aliens and transported onto a spacecraft. The nighttime serves as the perfect opportunity for covert abductions since during this period, the potential victim is most defenseless while asleep and only becomes aware of their captors upon waking up.
According to Jacobs D.M (1993), the aliens need to maintain secrecy when abducting individuals in order to determine the opportune time. When victims awaken, they are often immobilized and unable to communicate, making it easy for the abductors to go unnoticed. By choosing to abduct people at night, their absence is less likely to be noticed and any memories of being taken can be dismissed as a vivid dream. Thus, if the goal is to keep their activities hidden, it is more practical for the abductors to surreptitiously remove people from their beds while they are in a transitional state instead of kidnapping them during daylight hours.
The Brooklyn Bridge Incident of 1989 is a highly documented case of alien abductions, with multiple independent witnesses. Bud Hopkins, a UFO investigator involved in
the case, was so convinced by the credibility of the witnesses that he felt compelled to write a book about the incident. In his book, Hopkins expressed his firm conclusion that this abduction event profoundly changes our understanding of alien incursions and is easily the most important one in recorded history (Hopkins, 1994, Introduction). Hopkins' reputation as an authority on alien abductions and his meticulous research approach lend significant weight to his assessment of the incident's validity. According to Hopkins, on November 30, 1989, around 3 am in downtown Manhattan, New York City, Linda Cottile, a married mother of two, was seen leaving a twelve-story apartment building window accompanied by three small alien figures.
Linda and her captors were seen ascending into a large reddish-orange glowing UFO within a blue beam of light. The UFO then moved towards the Brooklyn Bridge. Numerous witnesses, including a high placed United Nations diplomat, witnessed and later verified this event independently. The presence of these credible eyewitnesses makes this abduction one of the most reliable known cases. Initially, when Linda Cortile reported her abduction to Bud Hopkins, he conducted a preliminary investigation and determined that the incident was not unique, but rather followed the typical pattern of an archetypal abduction event, including a common message of imminent destruction for Earth. However, Hopkins' assessment changed dramatically after receiving a letter from two New York City police officers who described observing three creatures escorting Linda into a reddish-orange glowing oval in the sky. According to the officers, Linda was floating in mid-air within a beam of whitish blue light and being guided towards the oval by the humanoid creatures (Hopkins, 1997, P.4).
occurrence of this event might have gone unnoticed due to its similarity to countless unverified cases, but the confirmation from credible and independent witnesses added a new and immensely significant aspect to the entire case. Similar cases like this one seem to be widespread around the world. However, by examining different cultures from the past, it becomes apparent that encounters with extraterrestrial beings or nocturnal visitations are an ancient phenomenon. Throughout documented history, numerous cultures have embraced myths and legends about nighttime encounters with peculiar entities. Examples range from the Roman demon of the night, the Incubus (Nightmare), to the ominous Japanese demon, Kanashibara (To tie with iron rope). These nocturnal creatures have been consistently present across various time periods and cultures, with the main variation in the narratives being the depiction of these entities. "The Old Hag" has been regularly reported for over two thousand years and has been associated with various storytelling frameworks.
. . , However, irrespective of the framework, the experiential features have stayed constant" (Hufford. D, P.39, 1982).
Huffords statement suggests that throughout history, visitations by insidious creatures during the night may have influenced different societies. However, in today's world, there seems to be a general consensus among alleged nocturnal visitations, with a unanimity that presents itself as alien beings. Consequently, alien beings could be considered the successors to our ancient myths, but it is also possible that they were the original inspiration for them. In the eyes of our ancient ancestors, beings arriving from the sky in fiery craft would likely be perceived as gods, giving rise to the many legends associated with magical beings that have appeared throughout mankind's history.
The phenomena of alien abduction that we witness today could therefore be an amplified resurgence of a phenomenon as old as humanity itself. Over the course of different historical epochs, various cultures have prophesied the end of the world, often referred to as "the apocalypse." One particular civilization, the ancient Maya, made this very prediction over 5000 years ago. The Maya claimed to possess prophetic knowledge from their Gods, stating that the stars were inhabited and that the "gods" descended from them.
A deity named Quetzelcoatl imparted knowledge of science, arts, and customs to the Mayas and also established wise laws. Upon departing, Quetzelcoatl embarked on a ship that transported him to the morning star (Vondaniken. E, 1993, P.73). As a result of the Maya's encounter with these divine beings referred to as "star gods," their comprehension of technology significantly advanced, especially in the field of mathematics, leading to the creation of an incredibly precise calendar. This calendar accurately determined the length of the earthly year, which is 365 days.
In 3114 B.C, the Mayas predicted that on July 11, 1991, there would be a solar eclipse over southern central America. Surprisingly, on that date, some 5105 years later, Guatemala City witnessed a full solar eclipse. This prediction was made using an allegedly accurate calendar given to the Mayas by their gods from the stars. According to this calendar, the world will come to an end on 22 December 2012. Similar apocalyptic predictions can be found in various religions and are considered powerful mythologies among humans. Interestingly, the phenomenon of alien abductions often involves the beings conveying a similar message of an impending apocalypse. These alien beings
show scenes of the earth devastated by a nuclear holocaust, lifeless polluted landscapes and waters, as well as images of earthquakes, firestorms, floods, and even planet fractures. (Mack)
According to Dr. J.E in 1994 (p.40), the alarming message of mass destruction is being conveyed by alleged alien beings. This message aligns with the prophecy made by the Mayan civilization over 5000 years ago. As a result, the ancient belief in "the day of judgment" appears to be resurfacing in contemporary times. Interestingly, recent polls indicate that more people are inclined to believe in aliens rather than in God. Consequently, many now perceive aliens as the modern-day equivalent of the horsemen of the apocalypse, fulfilling the prophecies of cultures such as the Mayans and potentially leading us towards annihilation. Nevertheless, it remains unclear why these so-called gods from the stars have increasingly revealed themselves to humanity over the past fifty years, with their presence seemingly reaching its climax.
It is believed by some theorists that the human race has been closely observed by extraterrestrial beings for the past fifty years. The reason for this heightened interest may be attributed to the first atomic bomb explosion in 1945. By unlocking the secret of atomic energy, humans possibly signaled to the rest of the universe that they have progressed beyond a primitive civilization. Many governments worldwide are suspected to be aware of this reality and actively participating in a cover-up. "There has been a tremendous amount of security put around the subject. I could go and meet with the deputy director of NASA and they know the subject is real but they would never go in front of a camera
and talk about it because it would be the end of their careers professionally" (Greer, 3/2/99). This theory offers an explanation for the recent emergence of alien abduction incidents, predominantly reported during the past fifty years.
Considering the development of nuclear weaponry and space exploration, it is logical to assume that extraterrestrial beings would be observing mankind's progress. After World War II, humanity experienced rapid technological advancements such as the invention of the atom bomb, rockets, and powerful radar. Given this exponential technological growth, it is possible that humans may soon venture into interstellar travel. From the perspective of any extraterrestrial race residing in our vicinity, this capability could be perceived as a potential threat. Therefore, if we assume that aliens prioritize their own survival and security, it is likely they would investigate primitive societies nearby. In their eyes, our society appears primitive, focused primarily on tribal warfare (Friedman, 1988, P.67). Consequently, it can be inferred that extraterrestrial beings may be scrutinizing mankind to ensure their own preservation and prevent the introduction of what they might interpret as hostile intentions when we extend our version of friendship.Chapter 3 Questionnaire (Results and interpretation): While concrete evidence is lacking to definitively support the presence of highly intelligent extraterrestrial beings secretly extracting individuals from their beds at night, some individuals still firmly believe in the undeniable authenticity of these occurrences.
Despite tenuous evidence, many people are inclined to believe that UFOs and alien abductions originate from extraterrestrial beings, rather than being of terrestrial origin. This inclination to believe is a longstanding doctrine in human history. Throughout time, humans have instinctively sought to believe in the existence of higher beings or
powers that have a significant impact on their lives. This belief system is commonly known as religion. Consequently, the objective of this study is to gather personal opinions on the paranormal from a sample group and then analyze the results. The survey used convenience sampling and involved 32 participants, comprising 18 women (56%) and 14 men (44%). Their ages ranged from 20 to 70, with the majority (65%) falling within the 30 to 40 age range.
Fifty percent of the respondents in the survey stated that they lacked religious beliefs, while only one person (3%) claimed to have no beliefs at all (religious and paranormal). Out of the fifty percent who held religious beliefs, only two individuals (6%) believed in the theory of alien abductions. This suggests that, from a religious standpoint, humans are the only intelligent life form in the universe, as they were created in the image of God: "And God proceeded to create man in his image, in Gods image he created him, male female he created them" (Holy Scriptures 1984).
On the other hand, seven people (21%) among those with religious beliefs acknowledged the possibility of extraterrestrial life. This perspective may be influenced by media attention surrounding events like the discovery of fossilized life forms (bacteria) in the Mars rock known as "ALH840071." Interestingly, only two individuals (6%) were open to the notion that Earth has been visited by extraterrestrial beings.
Most religious believers tended to have superstitious inclinations, with ten individuals (31%) believing in superstitions and five people (15%) believing in ghosts. These superstitions could be derived from biblical events, such as the connection between Good Friday and Friday the thirteenth, as well
as the number of disciples at the Last Supper being equated to thirteen.
The possible origin of their belief in ghosts may be attributed to the holy ghost, but it is more likely that religious individuals' beliefs are influenced by societal factors. Similar to everyone else, they are not immune to the influence of mediums such as the mass media. Nearly all of the non-religious people held a combination of beliefs, with a dominant tendency towards superstition (12 or 37%) and belief in intelligent life on other planets (11 or 34%). Superstitions date back to ancient times and have been passed down through generations for centuries. Therefore, the longevity of superstitious beliefs could explain the significant proportion of believers, totaling 22 (69%) overall.
Out of the 32 individuals surveyed, 18 (56%) expressed the belief in the existence of life on other planets. It is suggested that this perspective may be influenced by the media. The extensive coverage of the alleged Roswell incident and the frequent airing of UFO-related documentaries shape people's perception of reality, leading them to adopt the beliefs promoted by the media. Supporters of the extraterrestrial theory regarding alien abductions argue that one of the most compelling pieces of evidence supporting their claims is the consistent portrayal of a similar scenario regardless of the location of the abduction. They specifically argue that regardless of where one is in the world, the being responsible for the abduction is almost always described as small, gray, with a large head and almond-shaped eyes.
They theorize that encounters with gray alien beings are not coincidental and that these encounters are virtually identical. This theory suggests that the majority of reported
abductions are carried out by this race of aliens. It is a plausible explanation for why people from different locations around the world report experiencing the same phenomena. However, there is another possible explanation for these shared experiences - the media. The mass media has a global reach and shapes our perceptions of the world. According to Davenport (1996), the media not only reports what is happening but also actively influences people's opinions and behavior. Therefore, it is more likely that our perceptions of extraterrestrials are influenced by the media rather than being based on actual eyewitness accounts.
The Little Gray Man Experiment aimed to investigate the possible connection between the depiction of alien abductors in the media and the descriptions provided by individuals who claim to have encountered them. Over the past decade, the media has consistently portrayed alien life forms as small gray men with large heads. This portrayal may have influenced how alleged sightings of these beings are described. The experiment focused on a group of children aged eight to ten years, as they have grown up during the media's popular "Gray period" for alien beings. The hypothesis proposed that when asked to draw an alien being, the majority of these children would depict a little gray man, due to the media's influence. The survey was conducted using an opportunity sampling method with 18 participants, consisting of 12 girls (66%) and six boys (33%). Among the 18 children surveyed, nine (50%) drew a little gray man, while the other nine (50%) depicted various creatures with no similarities except for their multiple appendages.
The lack of consensus among this group of drawings suggests that these
particular children had no preconceived ideas of alien beings, indicating that they were not influenced by the media. Among these drawings, seven (77%) were made by girls who generally show less interest in science fiction compared to boys, resulting in fewer preconceived ideas about alien life forms. In contrast, the remaining nine drawings displayed similarities and consistency with each other. These drawings depicted humanoid figures with large heads and large dark eyes, supporting the experiment's hypothesis. If this experiment had taken place more than ten years ago, it is highly unlikely that anyone would have depicted a gray alien.
Consequently, these composite drawings may have originated from the current and ongoing obsession with alien abductions, explaining the consistent descriptions of beings worldwide. Since the 1950s, the media has consistently bombarded a significant part of the population.
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