Personal Statement and Goals Essay Example
Personal Statement and Goals Essay Example

Personal Statement and Goals Essay Example

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  • Pages: 3 (569 words)
  • Published: November 2, 2021
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The world of business has consistently developed over time especially with the new technological advancements. Information Technology (IT) development serves as one of the most critical aspects that has helped the business environment. Especially in the case of computers, they serve as the most influential tools in individual and organizations life in both the present and future aspects. Since the days when I was young, my interest in IT and innovation was unrivalled by my peers. My exposure to the business world at an early age made others recognize me as a business oriented individual. Success signs in the business field for me began at the age of 12 years where I combined business skills and IT to attain my goals. I engaged in music production and creating a personal website that I used for selling my mu


sic to the public. Again, I engaged in wholesale purchase of products and sold the products at a profit. The returns earned from my business engagements made me independent.

In the need to further my interests in the field of business, I made a decision to major in Business Administration. After completion of the degree program, I landed a post as a technical support analyst. Despite lack of experience as a technical support analyst, I perceive the position as crucial in that it provides room for transitioning to a more successful individual in the business world. After realizing that my feelings and a combination of skills will serve towards becoming a successful person in the business world where I intend to run my own IT consulting firm, I want to further my education and earn a Master’s in Business

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My focus is developing a career as an IT consultant where I will apply the skills and principles learned in the MBA course. Furthermore, the course will prove crucial in that it will add to my current knowledge in business administration. By providing further knowledge and experience, I will receive adequate skills required in running a new venture. Consequently, other than the master’s studies attained enhancing the attainment of the required skills, it will prove imperative in introducing and offering platforms for applying knowledge regarding the real situation in the field of IT. While theoretical lessons are important towards skills development, exposure will equally prove beneficial in understanding and performing the learned concepts.

I earned my bachelor’s in Business Administration from Missouri Baptist University.with the institution gaining recognition as the toping offer of business courses and more specifically in business administration, I prefer pursuing my MBA studies in the same institution. Furthermore, am well versed with the learning and general environment of the institution signifying that I will not encounter orientation challenges. The choice to undertake my MBA course at Missouri Baptist University is driven by the belief and adequate evidence that the institution is best suited to help me accomplish my goals while compared to many other institutes.

The first reason relates to the notion that Missouri Baptist University has a superior library and highly qualified staff that are crucial towards attaining educational and career goals. Secondly, the institution runs classes of reasonable size with superior instructions that help students in attaining their set educational goals. Lastly, the existence of up-to-date computer lab and business projects that students must submit throughout the course program will help

me towards developing the necessary skills to run an IT consultancy firm.

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