Personal Responsibility Conclusion Essay Example
Personal Responsibility Conclusion Essay Example

Personal Responsibility Conclusion Essay Example

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Personal responsibility can be defined in many ways. It has different meaning in many aspects of daily life. This essay will discuss the definition of personal responsibility and how it relates to both daily living and education. This essay will also discuss a preliminary plan to practice personal responsibility in education.

Personal responsibility means being accountable for one’s own conduct and being willing to receive the consequences of those actions, whether positive or negative. It has several other meanings such as personal growth; it demonstrates strength of character, making right choices, dependency, and so forth. “Personal responsibility is one’s ability to take care of oneself by means of, keeping healthy, managing one’s emotions, keeping a sound mind, treating yourself with respect…,” (“Can you define,” 2012). “All blame is a waste of time.



o matter how much you fault you find with another, and regardless of how much you blame him or her, it will not change you, “(Dyer, 1996-2009). Personal responsibility is a learned behavior. We, as human beings, are not born with this ability. At a young age we are taught by our parents to act responsibly. We are assisted by them to obtain a way of life and personal qualities that are used in our daily lives as we mature to adulthood. “If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders,” (Van Buren, 2012).

Personal responsibility and college success both require commitment and dedication, a positive attitude, set goals and priorities and, most of all, believing in self. Personal Responsibility3 Personal Responsibility They both require one to take an honest inventory of strengths, weaknesses, abilities, talents, qualities and

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optimistic points. Concerning education, it is the student who is held responsible for completing assignments, classwork, projects and any other task that is required by the staff and school.

Also, “when applied to education, personal responsibility means that students accept the responsibility to study hard and learn as much as they can in courses that press against the limits of their capacity,” (Brookings: the sequence of,” 2009). As for some students, this part of individual accountability requires that the student takes classes that will assist them when it is time to go off to college. Challenging work is important to colleges and universities because they look at your high school grades and achievements, most likely because grades reflect both capability and hard work.

Personal accountability is about making the choice to do one’s own tasks. Anything that would take away from succeeding in education should be eluded at all costs. Personal responsibility is recognizing what you want to achieve in school, be aware that you need to manage your time sensibly between daily life and education and a skillful plan to best promote the information you are learning. The relationship between personal responsibility and college success is the foundation to personal development. Personal development includes activities that improve awareness and identity, develop talents and potential, build human capital and facilitates employability, enhance quality of life and quality of life and contribute to the realization of dreams and aspirations,” (“Personal development,” 2012). The key to personal responsibility and college success is obtaining charge of your life. When you Personal Responsibility4 Personal Responsibility grasp additional responsibility for your decisions and actions, you have the authority to establish the life

you desire.

You manage your own destiny. When improving self inspiration, it is difficult when you are not positive about what you yearn for or where you want to go. Education will help you to establish goals and ideas that are significant to you and give you a feeling of perseverance in college. By developing self control you will gather numerous methods for managing control of your time and liveliness, letting yourself progress more successfully toward your purpose.

Developing emotional intellect will reduce pressure and aid you in dealing with life’s tribulations in a beneficial way and will also aid you in enhancing your sense of security and keep you on path of where you want to go in life. When mastering valuable learning skills, you can bring up your scores by developing necessary skills like reading, inscribing, taking notes, learning things by heart, studying and completing tests. Have faith in yourself and your capabilities is at the core of producing the achievements you want, and structuring that sense of worth and self-assurance.

By accomplishing everything that has been written in this section, you will acquire plans for producing better individual, college, and professional success. A preliminary plan is simply a set of goals and coping tools used to encourage habits of responsibility. These goals and coping tools are more like ideas to build on. When practicing personal responsibility in education you can put into actions a few of these tools: search for and allow others to help, be receptive to new suggestions and Personal Responsibility5 Personal Responsibility heories, manage your time, build confidence within yourself and others, prevent yourself from being exhausted and recognize your priorities and

ambitions. These are only a few of many coping tools that can be used and are very effective. As with preliminary plans, personal development falls hand in hand with it. At the degree of the individual, personal development and growth may include the following: increasing social skills, expanding self familiarity, expanding self recognition, structuring and replenishing individuality, recognizing and developing potential, satisfying goals, and initiating a life venture and independence.

Once you have put your plan into action and follow through, you are more than ready to begin accepting personal responsibility in education, and life. In conclusion, personal responsibility is being accountable for your own actions and behavior, and being mature enough to accept the consequences of those actions. Personal responsibility and college success have many similarities. All in all, we are responsible for the choices we make in life. By putting a plan in action to help with accepting responsibility, you will be successful in every part of your life.

This plan will also help you enhance your personal development and growth. When you have authority and means, it is your duty to use them properly. It is critical to be conscious of where your responsibilities stop and where the responsibilities of others start. As I move ahead in my life, it is my anticipation that I will continue to use what I have learned on personal responsibility, that I will keep my knowledge, capabilities, expertise and skills up to par in furthering my education and professional career.


  1. Can you define personal responsibility? (2012). Retrieved from http://wiki. nswers/Q/Can_you_define_personal_responsibility
  2. Dyer, W. (1996-2009). Responsibility quotes: Leading thoughts. Retrieved from http://www. leadershipnow. com/responsibilityquotes. html
  3. Van Buren, A. (2012, January

15). Quote garden: Responsibility. Retrieved from http://www. quotesgarden. com/responsibility. html

  • Brookings: the sequence of personal responsibility. (2009, July 09). Retrieved from http://www. brookings. edu/articles/2009/0709_responsibility_haskins. aspx
  • Personal development. (2012, January 30). Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Personal_development
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