Parental Styles Essay
Parental Styles Essay

Parental Styles Essay

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  • Pages: 2 (476 words)
  • Published: November 10, 2021
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In bringing up his or her children, a parent is faced with several choices on the best way to do this. Depending on situational requirements and the character of the parent, he or she can choose whether to use an authoritative, neglectful, authoritarian, or permissive. Each of these methods greatly varies from each other.

To begin with, authoritative parenting is child centered and involves allowing a child to act on his on her way showing responsibility without constant supervision. Parents have high amounts of expectations on their children while providing petite in the nurturing and feedback characterize it. These parents issue strict orders and regulations which they expect to be adhered to, and will appreciate and reward positive behavior or reprimand and harshly punish undesirable behaviors. This mode of punishment is identifiable using harsh payments and yelling from parents in a bid t


o make the children grow into responsible adults.

On the other hand, neglectful or uninvolved parenting is characterized with a total unresponsiveness to a child’s needs. These parents provide basic needs to their children but are uninvolved in their children’s lives. In extreme cases, the guardians might even neglect the children's basic needs. Permissive parenting is distinguished by low demands from the parents with expectations of high responsiveness. In this type of parenting, the parents love and provide a few regulations and guidelines. Authoritarian parenting is identified by strict rules by the parents which must be followed with no reasoning behind this rule. Children must act in a particular way the parents demand without any explanations. Here, parents require total obedience high morals and are autocratic.

In my opinion, authoritative parenting is the best parenting method

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The reason behind this is that when the kids fail to achieve the targets set by their parents; the parents will help them in improving as opposed to punishing them. This process is responsible for raising happy children who have high success potentials. The parents are always present to monitor the activities of their children. For this reason, the children’s conduct improves. Though restrictive, parents applying this parenting method listen to their children and understand them. They also discipline their children with love. These parents aim at raising children who will be confident and socially responsible adults, with self controls and good morals. This process is opposite of the other methods, like the autocratic, authoritarian parenting. With the authoritarian parenting method, children are likely to be unhappy, with low self-esteem, and social competence. On the other hand, the permissive technique allows parents become too close to their children, taking the friendly position as opposed to the real parenting position. These kids are likely to perform poorly in school and are likely to be found in trouble most of the times. Worse, neglectful parenting ranks the lowest as children develop low self-esteem and lack control.

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