All Solutions
Page 46: Gramatica
The first situation is that you were in muscle pain (“Me lastimé el musclo“).
2) Tómate el jarabe y no te agotes.
3) Vete al médico para ponerte una escayola.
4) Ponte una currita.
2) La tengo rota.
3) Los tengo hinchados.
4) La tengo herida.
5) La tengo torcida.
We must indicate where the subjects of the sentences fell.
a) In the preterite tense of the third person of the verb -caerse-, *i* (third person singular) and *ie* (third person plural) are replaced by **y**.
b) For the rest of the cases, the *i* is written with an accent: **í**.
Since here we have the third person plural, the preterite tense of *caerse* is **cayeron**.
|Spanish |English |
|Ellos se cayeron de las escaleras. |They fell off the stairs. |
In this case, because it is the first person plural (we), the preterite tense of *caerse* is **caímos**.
| Spanish| English|
|Ivette y yo nos caímos de la bicicleta. |Ivette and I fell off the bike. |
Here we have the third person singular. For this reason, the preterite tense of *caerse* is **cayó**.
|Spanish |English |
| Julio se cayó de la cama. | Julio fell out of bed.|
In this case we are talking about the second person plural, so the preterite tense of *caerse* is **caísteis**.
| Spanish| English|
|Alma y tú os caísteis al agua. | Alma and you fell into the water. |
This case is with the first person singular. The preterite tense of *caerse* in this case is **caí**.
|Spanish |English |
|Me caí en la bañera. | I fell into the bathtub.|
In this case, the preterite tense of *caerse* is **caíste** since we are talking about the second person singular.
| Spanish| English|
|Tú te caíste del caballo. |You fell off the horse. |
This last case is about the first person plural. Here the preterite tense of *caerse* is **caímos**.
| Spanish| English|
| Nosotros nos caímos a la piscina. | We fell into the pool. |
(2) te caíste
(3) me caí
(4) leyeron
(5) construimos
(6) se cayó