Expresate!: Spanish 2 Cuaderno de Vocabulario y Gramática
Expresate!: Spanish 2 Cuaderno de Vocabulario y Gramática
1st Edition
Rinehart, Winston and Holt
ISBN: 9780030744976
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Page 115: Vocabulario

Exercise 11
Step 1
1 of 8
This exercise is about solving a crossword puzzle. To solve it, clues are given, which are descriptions about the words that complete the crossword.
Step 2
2 of 8
1. This is a vertical word. They tell us that it is an object that is needed to jump out of an airplane: **paracaídas** (parachute).
Step 3
3 of 8
2. This is a vertical word. They tell us that it is a place with many trees and animals, we could think of *selva*, *bosque* or *jungla*. However, the only one of those words that has five letters is **selva** (jungle).
Step 4
4 of 8
3. This is a vertical word. As a clue, they tell us that it is an activity that people who take walks in the countryside do. If we remember the vocabulary from the chapter, an activity that matches that description and the number of letters required is **senderismo** (hiking).
Step 5
5 of 8
4. This is a vertical word. As a clue, they tell us that it is a place from which a lot of water falls from the mountain. This must be a **catarata** (waterfall).
Step 6
6 of 8
5. This is a horizontal word. They tell us that Mount St. Helens and Mount Vesuvius are examples of these.

Both are volcanoes located in the United States and Italy, respectively. Therefore, the word that occupies this space is **volcanes** (volcanoes).

Step 7
7 of 8
6. This is a horizontal word. They tell us that they are hot waters and that in this space there are two words. Remembering the vocabulary of this chapter, a tourist attraction is the **aguas termales** (hot springs).
8 of 8
|Spanish |English |
| Paracaídas.| Parachute.|
|Selva. | Jungle.|
| Senderismo.|Hiking. |
|Catarata. |Waterfall. |
|Volcanes. |Volcanoes. |
|Aguas termales. |Hot springs. |
Exercise 12
Step 1
1 of 5
For this exercise, we must remember the vocabulary seen. We have to complete the sentences with appropriate words.
Step 2
2 of 5
1. This sentence reads: *I met many people because I was staying at a youth hostel. ________ from a Uruguayan girl and an Argentine boy.*

In this case, as we are talking about, the person stayed in a youth hostel, we can assume that the final idea is that this hostel belonged to a Uruguayan girl and an Argentine boy.

|Spanish |English |
| Era …| It was …|

Step 3
3 of 5
2. This sentence reads: *I like the sea and I want to visit many tropical islands. That’s why I’m going to ______*.

In this case, the person comments that he/she really likes the sea and tropical islands. Based on that, we could think that what he/she is going to do is take a cruise, since this is a way to get to know several islands at the same time and enjoy the sea.

|Spanish |English |
| … tomar un crucero. | … go on a cruise. |

Step 4
4 of 5
3. This sentence reads: *We haven’t seen each other for two years. ______*.

In this case, the second sentence ends with the expression *de menos* and the person comments that they have not seen each other in two years. Therefore, we can be sure that the words that fill in the blank are *Te echo*, to complete the expression *te echo de menos* (I miss you).

| Spanish| English|
|Te echo … |I miss you. |

Step 5
5 of 5
4. This sentence reads: *I have to send an email. I’m going to _______*.

In this last sentence, the person comments that he/she has to go somewhere to send an email. This place must be a *cibercafé* (cyber cafe).

|Spanish | English|
|… un cibercafé. |… internet cafe. |

Exercise 13
Step 1
1 of 7
In this exercise, the sentences on the left are descriptions about the words or phrases in the box on the right. We must understand what each of the sentences says and identify which concept of the box corresponds to it.
Step 2
2 of 7
1. This sentence reads: *Place where they can buy a plane and make reservations.*

If we check the phrases in the box, the only one that corresponds to this description is **c) oficina de turismo** (tourist office), since, as the sentence says, it is the place where tourists go to find maps, tourist guides and make reservations at a hotel or hostel.

Step 3
3 of 7
2. This sentence reads: *Place where they can swim in the sea, sunbathe, dive and play.*

In this case, looking at the activities that they say can be done there, we are talking about option **f) costa** (coast). The coast is the place where it limits a land surface and the sea or ocean, and in which many activities such as those described can be done.

Step 4
4 of 7
3. This sentence reads: *It is a trip on a large ship, which has rooms and restaurants.*

In this case, the given description clearly belongs to option **d) crusero** (cruise). When taking a cruise, the person goes on a trip in a large ship with rooms, restaurants and even swimming pools, where he/she can do many activities.

Step 5
5 of 7
4. This sentence reads: *It is a very large place, it has open spaces and there they can observe nature.*

Among the remaining words in the box, we can find the option **a) parque nacional** (national park), which matches this description. National parks are usually protected natural spaces, which tourists can visit following the rules of the place and keeping the spaces in optimal conditions.

Step 6
6 of 7
5. This sentence reads: *Place that has tables and chairs, where you can have tea and other drinks.*

Let’s see: the words available on the box are *café* and *saltar en paracaídas*. If we read this sentence, we can be sure that the corresponding word is **e) café**, since, as we know, cafes are places where people can be enjoying drinks such as tea, coffee, among others.

Step 7
7 of 7
6. This sentence reads: *You need to be very careful not to hurt yourself.*

In this case, the only word available from the box that makes sense with the sentence is the option **b) saltar en paracaídas** (parachute jumping), since this is an extreme sport that must be practiced with a lot watch out.

Exercise 14
Step 1
1 of 11
In this exercise we must fill in the blanks, selecting the word in parentheses that best completes the sentence. For this, we will need to remember the vocabulary seen.
Step 2
2 of 11
1. The words given are: *Dear*.

In this case, we should note that the words are *Querido* and *Querida*. If we see the complete sentence, the email is addressed to Alina, which is a feminine name. Therefore, we can assume that it is addressed to a woman and the corresponding word to complete the greeting is **Querida**.

Step 3
3 of 11
2. The words given are: *I hope / I want.*

Remember that a typical phrase in Spanish to accompany the greeting is *Espero que estés bien*. So the word in the parenthesis that we must select is **Espero**.

Step 4
4 of 11
3. The words given are: *done / threw out*.

In this case, the sentence refers to Lola’s experience on her trip, and that she has ____ many things on her trip. The words given in parentheses are the past participle of *hacer* (to do) and *echar* (throw).

The verb that best completes the sentence is the past participle of *hacer*: **hecho**, to communicate everything that Lola has done.

Step 5
5 of 11
4. The words given are: *I went / I visited*.

In this case, we should note that the sentence is *______ la ciudad*. Both verbs could make sense for their meaning, however if we used *fui* we have to note that the sentence should be *____ a la ciudad*, as it should indicate where Lola went.

Therefore, we can be sure that the corresponding word in this space is **visité**.

Step 6
6 of 11
5. The words given are: *souvenirs / coffes*.

This sentence is about some very nice ceramic objects that Lola bought. Understanding this, we can be sure that the corresponding word in this space is **souvenirs**, as coffees cannot be ceramic.

Step 7
7 of 11
6. The words given are: *hiking / cruise*.

This sentence begins with the idea that Lola went to the coast, where she took a ______. If we compare the words given, it would not make sense for Lola to go hiking on the coast since this activity is usually done across country. On the contrary, it is very consistent that she has taken a cruise, since it is on the coast where they are usually taken.

For this reason, the corresponding word is **crusero**.

Step 8
8 of 11
7. The words given are: *parachute / volcano*.

In this part, Lola tells that on the cruise they went to an island where there was a _______. Between the words in the parentheses, it makes more sense for Lola to highlight that there was a **volcán** on the island, so that must be the word that completes the sentence.

Step 9
9 of 11
8. The words given are: *hot / rain*.

In this case, we must remember that Lola is saying that on the island she visited, where there was a volcano, they could see people who were in some waters. Understanding the conditions of the island, the most logical thing is that people enjoy hot springs in that place, so the word that completes the sentence to describe the waters is **termales**.

Step 10
10 of 11
9. The words given are: *I have / I miss*.

Here again we must see the whole idea of the sentence. Lola is starting the goodbye in the email and the sentence ends with *_____ mucho de menos*. We must remember that the phrase *Te echo de menos* is widely used to express that we miss someone.

Because of this, the word that fills in the blank is **echo**.

Step 11
11 of 11
10. The words given are: *greeting / souvenir*.

In this case, we must also remember that it is very common to send greetings to another person when we speak with someone. Among the words in the parenthesis there is also *recuerdo*, but it would not make sense for Lola to ask Alina to give Tere a souvenir of her part, if Lola has not yet returned from the trip and delivered the souvenirs.

For this reason, the word that we must select is **saludo**.

Exercise 15
Step 1
1 of 10
In this exercise we must use the words in the box to fill in the blanks and complete the conversation between two friends. To solve it, we have to remember the vocabulary of the chapter.
Step 2
2 of 10
1.This sentence reads: *How ______ ? I haven’t seen you in a long time.*

This is the initial greeting. Remember that when we see a person, it is natural to ask *¿Cómo estás?* (How are you?). So the word for this space is **estás**.

Step 3
3 of 10
2. This sentence reads: *Very good. Tell me, what _______ do you have from Miguel?*

In this case, remember that to ask about someone, we can use the expression *¿Qué noticias tienes de …?* (What news do you have from …?). Therefore, the word that corresponds in this space is **noticias**.

Step 4
4 of 10
3. This sentence reads: *You’re not going to _____*.

In this sentence, the person is going to tell you what they know about Miguel. First, to indicate amazement about what Miguel is doing, he/she uses the expression *¡No lo vas a creer!* (You’re not going to believe it!).

The word we must select in this case is **creer**.

Step 5
5 of 10
4. This sentence reads: *He’s having a ________ for the Caribbean!*

In this case, we can remember that one of the most popular activities in the Caribbean for its islands and landscapes is cruising. Therefore, the corresponding word is **crusero**.

Step 6
6 of 10
5. This sentence reads: *Do not ______ me! How good.*

In this case, in response to Miguel being on a Caribbean cruise, the person responds in amazement using the phrase *¡No me digas!* (Don’t tell me!).

The word needed to complete this sentence is **digas**.

Step 7
7 of 10
6 – 7. This sentence reads: *_______ that in the summer I went to ________ the jungle in South America?*

In this case, the person will tell the other about what he/she did in the summer and start the conversation by asking if he/she already knew what he/she had done. For this, the person uses the word **sabías** (6).

In this sense, he/she asks if the other knew that he/she had gone to _____ the jungle in South America. Among the words on the box, the one that makes the most sense in this space is **explorar** (7), since a common activity in these destinations is exploring the jungle.

Step 8
8 of 10
8 – 9. This sentence reads: *I did not know. _______ what _______ during your trip.*

In this case, the person responds by expressing that he/she did not know what the other had done in the summer. To find out more about her trip, we can assume that she/she asked him/her to tell her/him what happened.

For this, the words **cuéntame** (8) and **happened** (9) are used.

Step 9
9 of 10
10. This sentence reads: *Something exciting. The third day they took us to do _______.*

In this case, the only activity available in the box is **senderismo**, which makes sense that it was done given the conditions of the jungle.

Step 10
10 of 10
11 – 12. This sentence reads: *_______, a ________ that was nearby erupted …*

In this case, to indicate that something happened unexpectedly, the phrase *De repente* (Suddenly) is used, so the word that completes this space is **repente** (11).

Also, considering that the person indicated that _____ erupted, we can be sure that it is a volcano. For this reason, the word that completes this last space is **volcán** (12).

Exercise 16
Step 1
1 of 7
This exercise is about a conversation between two people. We should read the answers given by one of the people and write questions that make sense with the context. It is an exercise in creativity in which we must remember the vocabulary seen.
Step 2
2 of 7
1. This answer says: *You won’t believe it, but take baths in hot springs.*

Since the answer is describing an action (taking baths in hot springs), we can intuit that the question was about what someone is doing or likes to do. Let’s see some possible answers:

|Spanish |English |
|¿Qué hace la tía Sonia? | What is Aunt Sonia doing?|
|¿Qué disfruta hacer mi abuela en el viaje? |What does my grandmother enjoy doing on the trip? |

Step 3
3 of 7
2. This answer says: *Do not tell me!*

In this case, the answer is a phrase that expresses amazement or shock. For this reason, the question could be about whether the person knew about any situation. Let’s see some possible answers:

|Spanish |English |
|¿Sabías que Juan va a saltar en paracaídas? | Did you know that Juan is going to do a parachute jump? |
|¿Ya sabías que Marta tomó un crucero por el Caribe? | Did you already know that Marta took a cruise in the Caribbean?|

Step 4
4 of 7
3. This answer says: *No, I was thinking of going to an internet cafe.*

In this case, the answer is negative and indicates that the person was thinking of going to an internet cafe. We can think that who asks, could ask if he/she wanted to make a plan or if he/she was going to go somewhere else.

| Spanish| English|
|¿Te gustaría salir a comprar recuerdos? | Would you like to go out to buy souvenirs?|
|¿Vas a ir al centro comercial? |Are you going to the mall? |

Step 5
5 of 7
4. This answer says: *It was about ten in the morning. Suddenly a storm fell.*

This answer indicates two things: first, the time something happened, and then that a storm suddenly struck. The question might be about what happened in the morning. Let’s see some possible answers:

|Spanish |English |
| ¿A qué hora saliste de la casa que llegaste tan tarde al desayuno?| What time did you leave the house that you were so late for breakfast?|
|¿A qué hora te levantaste esta mañana? | What time did you get up this morning?|

Step 6
6 of 7
5. This answer says: *To the Iguazú jungle.*

Since the answer is about a place (the Iguazú jungle), the question must be about where the person will go or where are the plans he/she has.

| Spanish| English|
| ¿A dónde irás las próximas vacaciones? |Where will you go on the next vacation? |
|¿Dónde va a ser la exploración? |Where will the exploration be? |

Step 7
7 of 7
6. This answer says: *I learned about the animals and saw the falls.*

In this case, since the answer is about what someone did (learning about animals and seeing the falls), the question may be about what the person did. Let’s see some possible answers:

|Spanish |English |
|¿Qué hiciste en el campamento? | What did you do in the camp?|
|¿Qué hiciste en la exploración de la selva? |What did you do in the jungle exploration? |

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