Major Causes Of Climate Change Essay Example
Major Causes Of Climate Change Essay Example

Major Causes Of Climate Change Essay Example

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  • Pages: 4 (1073 words)
  • Published: November 20, 2021
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Explore themes raised in the Caldeira article in the light of recent media coverage on global warming (severe storms, oil sands, melting arctic ice, etc.). Discuss the causes of climate change, its impact on our lives and on the planet and our power to combat it. Use at least two academic or news articles to supplement the course reading.

It’s obvious that Earth's climate is changing. Multiple lines of evidence show changes in our weather, oceans, ecosystems, and more. People tend to say that it’s caused by nature. Natural causes alone cannot explain all of these changes. According to analysis and statistics it shows that Human activities are contributing to climate change in a greater percentage though some people still deny that but it’s a real fact. Human beings are actually the most cause of this clima


te change this happens primarily by releasing billions of tons of carbon dioxide and other trapping gases, known as greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere every year that are being produced in our industries and also farms. If we will not manage this any time soon this might go to an extreme impact in our lives. Climate changes will continue into the future. The more greenhouse gases we emit, the larger future climate changes will be. Greenhouse gas emissions are not the only way that people can change the climate. Activities such as agriculture or road construction can change the reflectivity of Earth's surface, leading to local warming or cooling. This effect is observed in urban my opinion people should be thought well on this knd of an issue because these greenhouse thing is what most of the people us

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and survive with it in their daily life.

Greenhouse gases come from a variety of human activities, including: burning fossil fuels for heat and energy, clearing forests, fertilizing crops, storing waste in landfills, raising livestock, and producing some kinds of industrial products, which are often warmer than surrounding, less populated areas. Emissions of small particles, known as aerosols, into the air can also lead to reflection or absorption of the sun's energy. Also global average temperature has increased at a higher rate since the late 1800s. There are some regions of the world are warmed by more than twice in a month. These buildup of greenhouse gases in our atmosphere and the warming of the planet are responsible for other changes some of the these greatly impact; Changing patterns, Increases in acidity, Melting of glaciers and sea ice ,Changes in the frequency, intensity, and duration of extreme weather events Shifts in ecosystem characteristics, like the length of the growing season, timing of flower blooms, and migration of birds Increasing effects on human health and well-being.

Deforestation is also a major cause of climate change, human beings are cutting down trees and putting up infrastructure hence source of rivers and dams are some cases cutting down of tress also impacts oxygen that’s is being emitted by plants hence un conducive air is being inhaled by humans and animals.

Climate change is a major threat to agriculture. Where, how and when we grow food is vitally connected to our climate's normal patterns. Worldwide, farmers are struggling to keep up with shifting weather patterns and increasingly unpredictable water supplies. Farms are more likely to face attacks from weeds, diseases and

pests, which reduce yield. It’s also a major concern when people engage in such investment and after the entire struggle you end up losing everything hence increase poverty in a way.

Another effect is that Warmer, polluted air affects our health .this is a threat to human health and also to animals in general .A warmer atmosphere increases the formation of ground-level ozone – also known as smog – in polluted regions. Smog irritates lungs and triggers asthma attacks. Smoke from wildfires further degrades the air. Extreme summer heat means more deaths during heat waves. Warmer freshwater makes it easier for disease-causing agents (such as bacteria) to grow and contaminate drinking this case some people mainly survive or earn a living on domestic animals and when such scenario arises some of the animals might die and leads to loss earnings in the result of the named source.

Also Infrastructure and transportation are at risk. Hot weather, flooding and other extreme weather events damage infrastructure, put heavy burdens on electrical supplies and disrupt how we travel and commute. People will lose jobs due to not being able to access their places of work due to such stuff. Basically transportation is more crucial and a must thing in our day to day activities. When this stops there will be a great loss and deterioration in economy in any given nation.

The ice Arctic animals need is vanishing. As sea ice disappears, ice-dependent mammals such as walruses and polar bears struggle to survive. There is a statistics that were carried out In 2008, that polar bear became the first animal to be added to the Endangered Species Act list of

threatened species because of global warming. When such incidence happens whereby natural creatures are getting extinct then soon even human beings will vanish in some other ways and therefore something of concern should be done as soon as possible.

Another area that climate change has affected is Coral and shellfish. The heat stresses the algae that nourish the corals and provide their vibrant colors. The algae then leave, and the corals eventually starve – an event known as bleaching. As coral reefs are home to many other species, such as fish, their collapse would disrupt the entire ecosystem. Also, a more acidic ocean affects the normal calcium balance, meaning creatures with calcified shells, such as shellfish and coral, may not have enough calcium to grow.

Forests are more prone to deadly infestations. Milder winters and longer summers allow tree-killing insects to thrive. Meanwhile, trees weakened by prolonged drought have lower defense mechanisms. This cycle of warmer weather, weak trees and thriving insects is likely the culprit behind the massive. Tress greatly depends on climatic aspects and when the climate is interrupted the normal growth of tress will be affected and even can lead to diminishing of the whole forest. Substantial measures should be applied in order to control this.


  1. Desonie, D. (2008). Climate: Causes and effects of climate change. New York: Chelsea House.
  2. Malik, A. (2007). Causes of climate change. New Delhi: Rajat Publ.
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