Marijuana is a psychoactive drug that works by artificially exciting natural receptors in the human brain to induce an altered state of reality or consciousness. Users under its influence report general states of mild euphoric relaxation when taken in comfortable surroundings. In this paper I argue deductively against the legalization of recreational marijuana use owing to its degradation of the productivity of an individual in society. I will present four negative effects of recreational marijuana use which inhibit a person’s function as a productive member of society: its effects on mental health, its effects on an individual’s memory capacity, its impairment of cognitive and motor skills, and its threat to public safety.
Marijuana use can easily be linked to negative side effects covering both physical and psychological scopes of an individual’s life. It increases the risk of developing lung cancer when smoked. Regular m
...arijuana users also show significant reduction in their mental capacity and I.Q. (Intelligence Quotient). While controlled use of marijuana in medical settings may have significant applications like in treatment of glaucoma or reduction of nausea and promotion of appetite in chemotherapy patients, doses administered in these contexts are rarely enough to induce a “high” which is synonymous with recreational use. Legalization of recreational marijuana use will lead to its increased unregulated usage at significant doses that negatively affect a person’s physical and mental health. This abuse is akin to addiction and abuse of prescription drugs which have positive effects in controlled settings but negative effects when abused for recreation.
Effects on Mental Health
Marijuana use has been shown to have a “considerably detrimental effect to mental health and functioning” (Emmett & Nice, 2009). Regular marijuan
use gradually increases paranoia leading to mental instability with symptoms of depression and psychosis. Users introduced to marijuana in their early years (prior or at the onset of adulthood) are six times more likely to develop psychotic illnesses in later years than their non-using peers (Emmett & Nice, 2009).
Marijuana use has also been shown to hinder healthy fetal brain development when used during pregnancy. It leads to lower levels of stathmin-2, a protein critical in memory formation and learning, in developing fetuses (Tortoriello, 2014).
Effects on Memory Capacity
All stages of memory function in the human brain are severely impaired by presence of cannabinoids (Ranganathan & D’souza, 2006). Encoding, consolidation and retrieval stages of memory work to convert short-term into long-term memory. Inhibition of these processes results in significantly reduced memory functionality in individuals who are under marijuana influence. This is evidenced in the forgetful stereotype society attributes to habitual marijuana users. It is also shown experimentally through reduced performance on memory tasks by subjects on marijuana compared to their performance when sober (Golden, Peterson & Haley, 2009). Poor working memories reduce academic and intellectual performance degrading an individual’s contribution to society.
Impairment of Cognitive and Motor Skills
Long term marijuana use has been linked to subtle but significant cognitive and motor skills impairment affecting everyday activities (Golden, Peterson & Haley,). Cognitive skills refer to the ability to recognize and pay attention to necessary stimuli while ignoring unnecessary stimuli. Motor skills refer to the coordination and movement of parts of the human body (especially legs, arms and fingers) in performance of special tasks.
Cognitive and motor skills are essential in performing specialized tasks like driving or operating complicated machinery. Marijuana
use impairs judgment (cognitive) and causes delayed response to stimuli (motor) resulting in reduced efficiency in the performance of these tasks. This has potential life threatening effects when performance failure in these tasks can lead to fatal accidents.
Public Safety Threat
Marijuana is highly psychologically addictive. This means users experience psychological withdrawal effects as opposed to physiological withdrawal effects common in substance abuse. Psychological addiction can easily motivate an individual to violence in the act of procuring their fix.
- Emmett, D., & Nice, G. (2009). What you need to know about cannabis: Understanding the facts. London: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
- Golden, R. N., Peterson, F. L., & Haley, J. (2009). The truth about drugs. New York, NY: Facts on File.
- Tortoriello, G., Morris, C. V., Alpar, A., Fuzik, J., Shirran, S. L., Calvigioni, D., ... &
- Courtney, M. (2014). Miswiring the brain: ?9?tetrahydrocannabinol disrupts cortical development by inducing an SCG10/stathmin?2 degradation pathway. The EMBO journal, 33(7), 668-685.
- Ranganathan, M., & D’souza, D. C. (2006). The acute effects of cannabinoids on memory in humans: a review. Psychopharmacology, 188(4), 425-444.
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