Law of Attraction Essay Example
Law of Attraction Essay Example

Law of Attraction Essay Example

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  • Pages: 9 (2356 words)
  • Published: September 14, 2017
  • Type: Essay
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The Law of Attraction emphasizes the importance of having a positive mindset in order to lead a positive life. People who declare themselves happy attract happiness, while those with negative perspectives do the opposite. Can positive thinking transform one's life? Despite the potential for attracting positivity, why do some people not take advantage of this opportunity? To address these questions, I conducted research exploring various possibilities.

Throughout my exploration, I discovered that understanding the Law of Attraction is crucial for manifesting a positive lifestyle. This research aims to convey Dr.Wayne W. Dyer's idea: "Change your thoughts - change your life...". Instead of feeling trapped in a predetermined existence, most individuals unconsciously create their own reality by utilizing the world's most powerful law – the Law of Attraction.

By possessing accurate knowledge


about the Law of Attraction and employing effective techniques associated with it, along with maintaining a positive mindset, anyone has the ability to significantly improve their lives.To support my thesis on positive living, I will first define the Law of Attraction and explain its relevance to my research.In my analysis of literature sources, including religious texts and self-improvement books,I will assess the credibility of authors and their connection to my research topic.

In addition, I will provide a concise history and explanation of the Law of Attraction. Moreover, my aim is to integrate spiritual concepts with scientific principles related to this law by exploring positive psychology, atomic energy, and the intersection between religion/spirituality and science. Throughout my research body, I will also include studies that have failed in accurately applying the Law of Attraction. Finally, I will synthesize the theories presented and conclude wit

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personal reflections.

Based on my findings, it is my belief that educators should be mandated to obtain a certificate in Law of Attraction Instruction before teaching at any level. Defining the Law of Attraction involves acknowledging it as a belief where individuals attract into their lives whatever they focus their attention and energy on, regardless of whether it is positive or negative (Looser 7). While there isn't one definitive definition for this law, its essence lies in like attracting like. As one among many universal laws, it asserts that our thoughts manifest themselves in our reality. The universe does not differentiate between right and wrong; therefore both desirable and undesirable aspects of life are attracted. If someone focuses on succeeding in a class and applies the Law of Attraction principles, their desire will manifest in their life. Conversely, if they concentrate on avoiding failure in the class, they will ultimately fail.The Law of Attraction refers to the negative energy that arises from human emotions, causing worry about undesirable outcomes and obstructing the manifestation of desires. This vibration can be directed towards what one lacks or wants, but worrying about how the universe delivers desires should be avoided as it creates doubt in the subconscious mind. While some may find mastering the Law of Attraction easy, true mastery requires understanding its history and proper application before considering it simple. Recognizing the importance of practicing correctly leads to natural comprehension. Enlightened Journey Enterprises emphasizes comprehending and consciously applying the Law of Attraction, also known as Cause and Effect or Sowing and Reaping, in order to attract desires into one's life. In this section, a literature review will be

presented to support this theory, including a brief history, research on like attracting like, and positivist theory. Additionally, field research will be provided to validate the application of the Law of Attraction. The origins of this law can be traced back to 19th Century New Thought movement in America.Various influential figures subsequently led splinter movements associated with the Law of Attraction. Michael J. Looser, a Canadian Certified LOLA Trainer and author of "Law of ATTRACTION: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't," presents a timeline that contradicts this concept. He references books such as "1906 - Atkinson, William Walter Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World," "1926 - Holmes, Ernest Basic Ideas of Science of Mind," "1949 - Howell, Dry.Raymond Working with The Law," "1962 - Holmes, Ernest Basic Ideas Of Science Of Mind," and "1990 - Jerry And Esther Hicks The Art Of The Law Of Attraction" (Looser). However, despite these works' contentions against it, teachings from Jesus dating over 1500 years ago can also be attributed to the concept behind the Law oF attraction. The Law of Attraction finds its roots in Holy Scriptures like the Bible, which states that humans are temples of God and His Spirit resides within them. By critically thinking about this idea, it becomes clear that God represents life and the same energy used to create the universe also gave rise to human beings and life on earth. Candace Pert, a pharmacologist and author supports this notion in her book Molecules of Emotion: The Science Basis behind Mind-Body Medicine by declaring that science is fundamentally a

spiritual pursuit.Our subconscious mind serves as the ultimate communicator with the universe. Extensive research in quantum physics reveals that when atoms are aligned, they can generate a driving force similar to magnetizing metals through molecule alignment. This discovery suggests that there may be observable physical laws in different fields, even if they cannot currently be quantified. Greg Braden, an acclaimed author, emphasizes the connection between energy, thoughts, and surrounding matter. He believes that our thoughts and emotions are linked to desired outcomes through the Law of Attraction.

Positive Psychology is a new branch of psychology introduced by authors such as Martin Salesman, Carol Deck, and Phillip Zanzibar. Mainly Sentimentally explains that Positive Psychology aims to understand and effectively intervene in promoting thriving in individuals, families, and communities. The Law of Attraction has sparked interest in psychology and is the subject of field research interviews.

Correctly applying this theory can lead to amazing results. An interview with Trace Carols explores how to build thriving in individuals, families, and communities. Trace Carols is a certified Law of Attraction and Positive Thought instructor.The interview with Carols was conducted via e-mail, with reflections on his answers found in his book "Concern's Gift: Embracing Autism in this New Age", where he interprets the study of the Law of Attraction. During the April 15, 2013 interview, Carols discussed how positive thinking can have a positive impact when used correctly. As a certified Law of Attraction and Positive Thoughts instructor, her main focus is helping others align their lives by completing necessary classes and meeting requirements. Carols specializes in working with families who have children with disabilities, especially autism, as she herself is a

mother of an autistic child. Interested individuals can learn more about the Law of Attraction through workshops and accredited instructors. These training programs typically consist of 8 modules that establish a stronger foundation for living. On her website, www.Triceratops.Com, under the Blissful Heart tab, Mrs. Carols shares a quote: "We must allow the desire to flow to us, in any way the Universe will bring it to us..." This concept has been integrated into her own life as a mother of an autistic son. Following her son's diagnosis in 2001, Mrs.Carols experienced severe depression and contemplated suicide due to wanting relief from the pain.
However, one morning when she saw her son's smile, it reminded Mrs. Carols of her deep love for him and the value of her own life. She strongly believes that we should all make an effort to acknowledge and embrace the brilliance in everyone around us on a regular basis. Mrs. Carols understands that not everyone may find it easy to see the worthiness of life like she does, but she considers herself lucky for finding the will to keep going even during times of despair. This leads to the question of how the Law of Attraction can help in this process and whether our subconscious mind plays a significant role.

As an instructor, I am interested in how to guide my clients in connecting with their subconscious mind and letting go of limiting thoughts so they can achieve happiness. Personally, I fully agree that our subconscious mind holds immense power, accounting for 90% of our mental capacity. My initial approach with clients involves teaching them how to clarify their desires and overcome

any obstacles they encounter on their journey towards happiness. By identifying these hurdles, individuals are able to shift their perspective and release negative thoughts from their subconscious mind.

Upon further reflection, it becomes clear that connecting with our higher self heavily relies on the influence of our subconscious mind. In terms of influence, instructors have a profound impact on students at all levels – from preschool through college.Can we see school teachers as crucial for achieving a blissful life, considering knowledge's importance in the Law of Attraction? Now let's explore your perspective on your son's well-being and how it relates to gratitude. Understanding gratitude is vital in relation to the Law of Attraction. Being grateful for what you have attracts more positivity. Personally, I've found contentment in my son's condition and witnessed significant changes. Gratitude plays a vital role in gaining clarity and shifting perspectives towards change. Focusing on positive changes and expressing gratitude can accelerate manifestations. Introducing Law of Attraction teachings in schools is a great idea, but its feasibility depends on the community atmosphere. If people generally feel happy, incorporating these teachings shouldn't be challenging. However, understanding the Law of Attraction thoroughly before presenting it is important to avoid criticism from misunderstandings. Let's also brainstorm ways to incorporate this text into classroom lessons with an emphasis on positive behavior management strategies. We must remember that teachers greatly influence a child's development;The perspective teachers have on life will inevitably be reflected in their lessons. As students progress through school, teachers often prioritize academics more. However, this should not excuse the lack of optimism and motivation. At my son's school, I encouraged the teachers to explore

the Law of Attraction and even suggested they get certified in it. While not mandatory, those genuinely interested in positively impacting a child's life were open to my free lessons [End of Interview].

After an enlightening interview with Trace Carols, new opportunities have emerged and many questions have been answered. There are correct and incorrect ways to practice the Law of Attraction for achieving desired outcomes. Each Law of Attraction coach has their own unique secret steps based on their individual studies. This research compiles various tips and techniques from different coaches to master the Law of Attraction.

Gratitude is the most crucial aspect in mastering the Law of Attraction. This research recommends creating a daily gratitude list and reviewing it before bedtime.

According to Judith Oriole, M.D., a positive energy psychiatrist, focusing on gratitude can shift fear and is a form of positive energy (Oriole). Expressing gratitude may seem simple but holds immense value.According to 13:12, those who express gratitude will receive more while the ungrateful will lose what they have. Oriole emphasizes that gratitude is crucial and can be developed by replacing negative thoughts with positive energy, focusing on blessings instead of problems (138). This practice of gratitude generates emotions that strengthen the Law of Attraction. While knowledge is important, actively practicing gratitude is essential for effectively implementing the Law of Attraction in one's life. In an interview by Oriole, IANAL Vaunt explains that positive emotional energy occurs when thoughts, words, feelings, and actions are aligned—also known as the alignment of atoms and energy explained by Looser. To effectively attract our needs and desires, it is necessary to put our thoughts into action at

every level. Failing to do so results in a negative feedback loop created by our subconscious mind. Life coach Kate Carbon states that the subconscious mind is directly connected to the infinite possibilities of the quantum universe. To reprogram the subconscious for desired outcomes, Carbon suggests three steps: meditation, visualization, and affirmation. Meditation enhances positive vibration and helps train the brain to focus better for inner peace and easier concentration on desiresVisualization is a technique that generates neural networks which produce clear and emotional images based on desires. Affirmation, on the other hand, involves straightforward messaging without hidden statements and creates new pathways in the subconscious brain. Anthony Robbins, a motivational speaker, believes in increasing positive reinforcement for improved living. In his book "Unlimited Power: The New Science of Personal Achievement," Robbins emphasizes the positive impact of communication in influencing others. Regina Brett, a columnist, supports this concept and suggests that focusing on positive perceptions expands their manifestation in reality when approaching situations with optimism. Success Coach Shay Sass supports the Law of Attraction and promotes it through articles on children's success. Sass highlights how "good hormones" like extinction, dopamine, and serotonin play a role in positive thinking and incorporates these ideas into classroom teachings. He also discusses the physiological effects of these hormones on mood and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy blood environment. Research shows that happy individuals have cells thriving in a growth-promoting chemical-filled blood medium, while stressed individuals experience their cells in a toxic environment. These findings raise questions about which environment children should be exposed to for a joyful life. Lastly, further research explores why some people fail to

utilize the potential benefits of the Law of Attraction.The main reason for the lack of utilization is a lack of awareness - many individuals do not know that this law exists. Interestingly, individuals unknowingly practice the Law of Attraction in their daily lives. To fully tap into the power of this concept, positive education is suggested as the solution. By providing educators with comprehensive knowledge, background information, tips, and techniques related to the Law of Attraction, it is believed that they can effectively inspire and motivate students. According to Trace Carols, it is crucial for educators to be certified in Law of Attraction before taking on a teaching role since teachers have a significant impact on a child's development and their perspective on life is reflected in the lessons they teach.

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