Importance of Strategic Intent Thinking for Personal Goals Essay Example
The Advantages of Strategic Intent Thinking
Although strategic planning and strategic intent thinking normally, aims at common thing, they are very diverse from one another. Strategic intent involves the development and unique and high-level business strategies with an aim of achieving competitive advantage for the organization (Kapferer, 2012). It helps organization to greatly, focus on novel capabilities in order to tap the future opportunities. Strategic intent principal purpose is to assist firms share common intentions to survive business competition and to adapt transformations in the business world. On the other hand, as explained by Miztberg (1987), strategic planning involves an analysis of the business operations. This analysis entails breaking the business goals into convenient parts, designing how the steps are executed, and estimating the expected outcome of each goal. From Miztberg definition, strategic planning process actually, elaborate goals and s
...trategies, which already exist. The strategic planning usually supports strategies, which have been developed via strategic thinking.
Both strategic planning and strategic intent aims at enhancing the organizations performance. Nevertheless, they have considerable differences. The strategic intent thinking is normally, intent focused. It enables the managers and stakeholders to fully, commit themselves if certain strategy works (Kapferer, 2012). Strategic intent thinking considers both present, past and the future. Conversely, strategic planning considers only the future. This implies that the strategy should not actually, be driven by future intent only. When developing a business strategy, the gap between present and future is very significant. On top of this, the strategic intent thinking is receptive to the business opportunities. This implies that the managers, who apply this thinking system, are capable of identifying future opportunities, and thus preparing to take
them in advance.
The implications of developing business strategy to encompass diverse types of the stakeholders and their perceptions and relations may be stifled in the strategic planning alone. The strategic intent calls for middle managers, top managers, workers, and the stakeholders to be actively involved and accountable to organizations success (Hamel & Prahalad, 2005). Strategic intent gives workers the only goal commendable of commitment, to remain the best globally. The stakeholders develop oneness and captivating share in creativity of goals and execution of business strategy in the strategic intent. From this discussion, the next topic of interest involves investigating how strategic intent impact Wal-Mart organization.
- Hamel, G., & Prahalad, C. K. (2005). Strategic intent. Harvard Business Review, 83(7), 148-161.
- Kapferer, J. N. (2012). The new strategic brand management: Advanced insights and strategic
thinking. Kogan page publishers. - Mintzberg, H. (1987). Crafting strategy (pp. 66-75). Boston, MA: Harvard Business School
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