Health of Children Suffering From Gun Violence Essay Example
Gun violence is a major issue in today's society, demonstrated by the frequent incidents of shootings. The impact of this problem goes beyond adults and affects children who may witness, be victims of, or even perpetrate such acts. It is noteworthy that firearms are the second leading cause of death for individuals aged 15-19, with only motor vehicle accidents surpassing them (3).
According to the Second National Survey of Children's Exposure to Violence, approximately 25% of children have either witnessed or been a victim of violence involving a weapon. This survey also reveals that over 2 million kids in the U.S. have encountered assault with either a gun or knife. The American Academy of Pediatrics asserts that firearm-related homicides are among the primary causes of injury-related deaths for children aged one year and older. These statistics clearly indicate a
...troubling number of children who have been exposed to, or possess access to, lethal weapons.
The United States exhibits a higher prevalence of youth gun fatalities compared to other industrialized nations.
The increase in violence depicted in video games and the extensive media coverage (3) might be contributing factors to this pattern. Moreover, a higher percentage of Americans own firearms compared to individuals in other nations (6). This is probably because American citizens have the constitutional right to possess guns as stated by our founding fathers in the Second Amendment.
The main argument against implementing stricter gun control measures is the protection of the right to own guns. However, as more adults are owning firearms, there is an increase in children's exposure to guns. Children may come across guns in their own homes, at a relative's house, at
a neighbor's residence, or during visits with friends.
Gun violence can take different forms. However, most cases of gun violence can be attributed to parents, relatives, or friends who have not properly secured their firearms.
Approximately 30-40% of American households with children have guns, as per estimates (7). According to UptoDate, only 33% of gun owners who have children store their firearms safely (7). Proper safe storage involves keeping guns locked and unloaded (7). Failing to store guns correctly raises the risk of children obtaining access, potentially resulting in fatal incidents.
Gun violence, whether in the form of suicide or homicide, is often connected to intentional actions. As stated by UptoDate, firearms were utilized in 41% of pediatric suicides in 2015 (7). For adolescents, guns are frequently employed in suicide cases (6). Numerous studies have indicated that the presence of a gun in a household heightens the risk of adolescent suicide (6). Consequently, a young individual may display symptoms of depression, withdrawal, and disinterest.
Another possible association is accidental use, such as when a child unintentionally pulls the trigger. Among these accidental deaths related to firearms, males make up eighty-one percent of the victims. The most common age group affected is 11-14 year olds (7). This particular age range is characterized by a strong desire for independence and heightened curiosity. Sometimes, a child may simply be curious about holding a gun or pulling its trigger without intending harm to themselves or others. However, even without ill intentions, accidents resulting in fatalities can occur when a weapon is involved. In this scenario, the incident arises from natural curiosity in a child who has no ill will or malicious intent.
Observing gun
violence can lead to mental health problems such as anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and depression (1). Children may show signs of persistent nervousness, anxiety, and heightened alertness to their surroundings. They may also exhibit symptoms of depression mentioned earlier. It is crucial for pediatricians to remain watchful in identifying children displaying these behaviors. The American Academy of Pediatrics identifies specific established behavioral risk factors associated with carrying guns, which include being part of a gang, substance abuse, exposure to violence, and involvement in violent acts (6). Pediatricians should closely observe these characteristics.
To reduce gun-related injuries and deaths among children, it is crucial to educate parents and adults who have children in their homes about proper gun storage. The main cause of children obtaining guns is improper storage. Therefore, it is essential to store guns locked and unloaded, separate from ammunition that is also locked away. Moreover, the code to access the gun should never be known by a child.
In terms of primary prevention, clinicians should inquire about gun ownership and assess if the child has been exposed to guns or has easy access to them. While discussing general injury prevention measures like baby proofing the house, using car seats, and wearing bicycle helmets, clinicians can also provide education on gun safety for parents. Pediatricians are advised to discourage owning a gun; however, some parents may be unwilling to remove guns from their homes.
Increasing education about statistics on child and adolescent gun-related injuries and death, along with promoting proper gun storage, may prove to be an effective solution for certain individuals (3). The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that removing guns from households is a
more drastic but ultimately effective measure (3). This approach serves as the most comprehensive method of preventing gun-related violence in young individuals (6), leaving no room for uncertainty regarding a child's access to firearms, regardless of whether it is in their own residence or someone else's.
One suggestion for restricting access to firearms, both for children and adults, is to enhance gun control measures (3). This may entail implementing more stringent regulations on private ownership of handguns. By taking these actions, it is feasible to decrease the frequency of public shootings and subsequently diminish media coverage of such incidents. Some individuals argue that there is a correlation between gun-related fatalities and firearm laws (4). Australia can serve as an example in this regard; their government adopted strict measures on gun control following a mass shooting in the 1990s. Furthermore, they initiated a program encouraging citizens to surrender their firearms through a buyback initiative.
The United States should consider implementing a gun control program similar to Australia's successful one, as it has proven effective in reducing gun-related violence. Additionally, regulating the violent themes depicted in video games, TV shows, and movies is crucial. The American Academy of Pediatrics warns that the media often glamorizes using guns to solve conflicts. Pediatricians emphasize the need for parents to discuss with their children the difference between video games and real life. It is important for children to understand that using a gun in reality can have serious consequences unlike shooting one in a virtual game.
In America, gun-related violence continues to be a problem. Despite this, public shootings and the number of American gun owners have increased, posing a potential risk
for children who may encounter firearms. It is crucial that children are unable to access these dangerous weapons due to their lethal nature and because children are naturally curious, prone to making mistakes, susceptible to peer pressure, and often disregard consequences. Pediatricians advise parents to refrain from owning guns and promote safer storage practices while also supporting stricter gun laws as possible solutions.
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