Health and wellness. (Practice) – Flashcards
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Compare and contrast mental health and emotional health...
Mental illness is related to a person's ability to deal with the demands of daily life. We all face ups and downs; coping with these fluctuations is a measure of our mental health. Emotional health refers to one's ability to express feelings in an appropriate manner. Emotions are part of being human, but an inability to express them can lead to difficulties in life.
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Explain how poor physical health may affect your social health...
Poor physical health can result in an unhealthy body composition, which in turn, may lower your self-esteem. A low self-esteem makes it more difficult to create healthy social bonds. Poor physical health may also make it more difficult to participate in many social activities.
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Which of these factors does NOT significantly affect our wellness?
Number of siblings.
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Physical health refers to the degree of functionality of a person's body...
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Identify the characteristics of a physically healthy person...
A physically healthy person eats healthy food, exercises regularly, avoids harmful habits, prevents injuries, and gets adequate rest each day.
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Explain how hereditary diseases are passed from one generation to another...
Hereditary diseases are passed from one generation to the next through the human structure called DNA. Children have very similar gene structures to their parents, so traits, appearance, and diseases are often passed from patents to children.
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