Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines Essay Example
Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines Essay Example

Extrajudicial Killings in the Philippines Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (435 words)
  • Published: November 18, 2017
  • Type: Article
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Extrajudicial killing is the political issue in the Philippines that the group chose. Extrajudicial killing is defined as the execution of a person or group of persons by state agents without due process of the law. The group chose a video presentation as the medium in order to cope up with modern times. The students would portray a certain situation in which extra judicial killing is exhibited. They chose this issue because it has been reigning in the

Philippines for such a long time that it has been embedded in the daily lives of the Filipino people. Extrajudicial killings became a way to silence people who are against the government. This problem led to severe graft and corruption because the check and balance cannot be conducted for the people who speak or know about It are silenced or abducted. W


hen you look at the government and Its citizens and see the different policies that are implemented and obeyed, you see the reason why or why not a country Is flourishing, this is the institutional theory approach.

The group views this political issue as institutional because In order to keep its citizens under its command, they would silence those who have Information that may disrupt the peace and stability. Hence, it became embedded In the culture so as they became accustomed to eliminating antagonists of the government In a snap. On that note, the group saw the problem in a cultural theory approach as well because It Isolates a particular value or tradition of people that whenever someone Is contesting your opinion, you have to dispose of them.

The group understood the difference between extr

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judicial killings and political killings. Many people think that these two words mean the same but actually, these words are similar but not exactly synonymous. It can be said that almost all extra judicial killings are driven by political motive or agenda while political killings do not always have political agendas Influencing It. The class In which the video Is presented Is expected to differentiate the meaning of extra judicial and political killings.

The group also hopes to shed some light on taboo epic and why It Is considered as a political Issue that everyone should be aware of. Extrajudicial killings, though had been denied, have long existed In the Philippines and still continues to reign In the political arena. Because of these killings, anomalies and corruption stay rampant without being reprimanded and exposed. This exercise should be eliminated so as to promote the check and balance In the Philippine government. Subordination. Org/resources/PDF/ReportonPhilippineEJK20012010. PDF on August 5, 2013 at 6:56 AM.

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