Youths Today Are Less Resilient as Compared to the Past Essay Example
Let me first define resilience. It refers to one's ability to cope with or handle stress and pressure. There are a few reasons why teenagers of this generation tend to be less resilient, and one reason is due to the fact teens now are living in the "Strawberry Generation", which simply means that this generation have grown up being overprotected by their parents and in a environment of economic prosperity; in a similar manner how strawberries are grown in protected green houses and command a higher price compared to other fruits.
This is due to the fact that youths today grew up in a generation that they are always provided with things which is not a necessity like an Ipad or a smart phone etc. without needing them to work for it. Hence, when they are going
...out to the society to work, they will always be the less resilient generation compared to the people from the past generations. As youths today, cannot adapt to the changes or to face the reality that they are no longer kids that are being protected by their parents anymore!
As soon as they encounter hardships that they have not experience before, for example being scolded by supervisors due to their incompetence in work or due to some unreasonable supervisor, for example the recent case of a supervisor abusing his worker, in this case youths today will just resign as they know they still have their parents to support them, to give them backup.
Compare this to the people of the past generation, if that situation above happens to them, will they resign t
solve the “problem? ” The answer is NO! Since they have families to support, they cannot afford to lose the job, because they are depending on the income to feed the mouths of their family and the utilities bills. Thus, youths today are labeled as “Strawberry generation” & “Less resilient” due to the core values they are taught when they were young.
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