Unionized and non-unionized organizations are quite different in how they regulate pay increases for employees. In 2-4 pages explain each one's strengths and weaknesses. What impact do unions have on the workplace and do you think union membership is going to increase or decrease over the next few years?
Unionized organizations
Union is a group of workers who have come together to make collective decisions about their work and their working conditions. Unions work based on the idea that group is stronger than an individual. As a result of early union bargaining there are a variety of benefits that workers can enjoy today.
Strengths of unionized Organizations
A union can provide a stable workplace. Employees who are members of a union typically enjoy greater job security than nonunion workers, and they oft
...en receive more beneficial compensation and marginal benefits packages. As a result, union workers might be more reluctant to leave the company to pursue other opportunities, especially to go to a nonunion environment. Greater stability means fewer turnovers for employers and a reduction in the costs associated with hiring and training new workers.
A union environment offers greater productivity. According to the U. S. Department of Labor, a 1997 study indicated that productivity in unionized workplaces was 10 percent higher than in comparable nonunion environments. The AFL-CIO website indicates that one reason for the higher productivity is that, because union workplaces experience fewer turnovers, companies are more willing to bear the costs of providing extensive formalized job training to new hires, making workers more proficient at their jobs.
Workplace Safety
frequently strive to ensure that workplaces are as safe as possible for their members by including improved safety standards as a component of contract negotiations with employers. While this provides obvious benefits for employees, it also can be important for employers. A safer workplace means fewer accidents and injuries, so companies pay less in workers' compensation claims and experience less absenteeism resulting from work-related injuries.
Disciplining Workers
Union contracts often stipulate procedures for disciplining employees.
For instance, employers need to adhere to strict guidelines and follow due process when terminating employees as opposed to letting them go with little apparent cause. This ensures employees are disciplined fairly and consistently. While union rules often make it more difficult for employers to terminate what they consider to be "problem" employees, they also protect employers against legal action taken by employees who believe their firings were unjustified.
Weaknesses of unionized organization Inflexibility: Union workers often set their work hours, and they must take a certain number of breaks during the day, no matter how heavy or how light the workload. It can be difficult for managers to bring in new ways of working, as all changes need to be agreed with the union first.
Rigid practices
This inflexibility also affects cross-training. Many unions stipulate that a worker has one role, and that they must not carry out any task that falls outside their job description. This can be frustrating for employers, especially when there are seasonal changes in work volume, and when workers are off sick.
Most non-unionized organizations have a flexible workforce that can rearrange tasks depending on the company's
needs, but this is often not the case with a unionized workforce.
Communication can be a challenge with union workers. Some union contracts require most, if not all, communication to go through union representatives, or at least be agreed with them in advance. This can mean that your team and union representatives don't include you in all discussions, which can be a real hindrance in building trust and credibility with your team.
Other unions will require communications to be delivered to team members jointly, by yourself and the union representative. The main drawback of this is the extra time that it can take to communicate with your team.
Union Contracts
Union contracts can also inhibit the effectiveness of a team or department, especially when people take advantage of the system. For example, many union contracts state that employees can have a set number of absences, or sick days, within a six-month period, before management penalizes them.
Some workers take advantage of this, and take every sick day that they're entitled to, every six months.
Unions can institutionalize conflict in the workplace, where union officials may think that they need to be seen to "stick up for members" to justify membership fees.
Non-unionized Organizations
A non-unionized organization is a place where there is no unions attached for the interference in the company. A place where the employer makes all the rules, sets all the wage rates, and makes all the decisions on things like discipline, promotions and hours of work.
The worker has no rights to change all these things. Strengths of non-unionized organizations
style="text-align: justify;">Non-unionized workplace doesn’t have to pigeonhole employees into traditional roles of management and staff. They can operate a cooperative workplace, allow workers to reach their potential by taking a leadership role to help their business succeed.
If the company is facing losses and going towards its bankruptcy they can lay off their workers and doesn’t have to pay a large penalty for closing down plants.
- If you are to operating a business that is unionized, you should understand the National Labor Relations Board regulations or hire counsel that can guide you. If you are not unionized, you need not concern yourself with counsel or learning legal regulations pertaining to unions. Weaknesses of non-unionized organization
- Non-unionized workplaces offer lesser salary than unionized organizations.
There is a possibility of unfairness within the organization. The unfairness in getting benefits, rewards and recognition, equal opportunities etc. What impact do unions have on the workplace? A union is a group of people who agree to be treated as an organization with a designated representative to bargain for them with a given employer over the terms of the organization’s members’ employment. The terms include the wages, worked hours, benefits, and work rules. Various unions often affiliate with each other to generate more influence on the workers.
The U. S. Department of Labor assists the unions in establishing themselves and
policing the relationship between the union members and employers. Unions function as labor associations. The association restricts the number of workers in a company or industry to drive up the remaining workers' wages. The average union member earns more than the average non-union worker. These days, unions win higher wages for employees only at those companies with competitive advantages that allow them to pay higher wages, such as successful research and development (R&D) projects or capital investments.
Unionizing significantly changes the workplace in addition to its effects on wages or jobs. Employers are prohibited from negotiating directly with unionized employees. Certified unions become employees' exclusive collective bargaining representatives. All discussions about pay, performance, promotions, or any other working conditions must occur between the union and the employer. Do you think union membership is going to increase or decrease over the next few years?
I think the union memberships in various workplaces are already declining and it will continue decline in the future. Global competition in traditionally unionized companies, changes in the American economy and workforce demographics, federal employment law replacing traditional union roles are the factors affecting the declination of the unions in the organization, most of all today’s workers are less interested in unionization as they get their favorable rights and freedom from the federal legislation itself. They don’t need to form any union to get justice.
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