Tardiness means to be late, slow or sluggish and is a form of misconduct. Have you ever experienced being tardy to class? Does tardiness do any advantage to you? What do you get for being tardy? Does tardiness means that you are not smart? Why are there a lot of students who like being tardy? Some students suddenly decide to be tardy, is being tardy already their habit? What will be the consequence of that? What will be the effect of being tardy to the student’s future? A tardy students presents lack of responsibility.
Being tardy all the time to class shows carelessness and a waste of time, being on time is not only a duty for students, but also a part of good manners, respect and reputation. Hence, students should know how to value their time and do their best not to be tardy at all
...times. Tardiness is not much of an issue for students nowadays; to them it seems to be a normal thing. Nonetheless, some reasons that cause the tardiness among students can tell whether is being committed or not or being peer pressured.
Human Beings have different kinds of problems. These problems include: sleeping on duty, negative attitude to tasks, lack of initiative, sexual harassment, theft, quarrelling, absenteeism, lateness, etc. But Lauby as cited by Dafiaghor (2011) stated clearly that: As a Human Resource professional, I have dealt with plethora of employee issues: sleeping on the job, theft, sexual harassment… but I’ve found over the years, there’s one issue that plagues managers more than all these other issues combined… attendance and punctuality.
That is, peopl
not showing up at all… people not showing up on time. It turns out that many school problems are caused by tardiness. What then is Tardiness? One of the most frustrating problems in classroom nowadays is tardiness, but what is tardiness? Tardiness, as defined by Webster’s dictionary, is “to delay beyond the expected or proper time. It originated in the 15th century from the Latin word tardif or tardivus which means “slow”. Furthermore, Lauby (2009) puts it as a term used to describe “people not showing up on time”. Breeze et al. 2010) contributed by saying that lateness is synonymous with “tardiness”, which implies being slow to act or slow to respond, thus not meeting up with proper or usual timing. There are different factors that involve tardiness among students. They are: lack of time-management skills, lack of discipline, lack of responsibility, justified events that are outside the control of the student, lack of interest, peer influence, and low standard of goal (The University of Chicago Press, Vol. 38, No. 7, http://www. jstor. org/stable/1080227).
Significance of the Study Students who are always on time are said to be more likely to succeed compared to the tardy ones. This study provides the effect of poor attendance or punctuality, to increase the understanding of how absences or poor punctuality may develop and to explore good practice in attendance management. With this study, the researchers can recommend the college students different ways on how to avoid tardiness. As said above that tardiness is a frustrating problem in today’s classrooms, why did it become frustrating?
One, a lot of students miss the first five minutes of the
class and second, they disrupt the class upon entering the room minutes after the bell. This study will help you provide knowledge reasons on how to turn tardiness around and introduce a positive sweep. The researchers would also like to inform the students the benefits of being on time and the effects on their future job performance if they cannot correct their habit of tardiness. Moreover, the researchers will work on informing the schools their responsibility for students who demonstrate tardiness.
If school tardiness is not corrected, how much more work tardiness? Schools must learn to identify students at risk of job failures if habits of tardiness are not corrected. The purpose of this study is to delineate and discuss tardiness. This aims to answer the questions: What appear to be the root of tardiness? And what will be the effect of tardiness. Major Reasons for Tardiness Bergman (1978) cited that “there are major reasons for a student being habitually late to class is it is psychological and it has to do with scheduling. In these cases, students have either an overt or covert psycho emotional resistance to school attendance and as to scheduling, sometimes students schedules their obligations in such a way that there was an inevitable conflict between these and getting to school on time. Tardiness sometimes is an effect of lack of discipline and guidance from elder people. If people around you will not criticize your laziness, hence you alone will not notice that laziness starts to be your habit. Laziness At school, Laziness is closely related to tardiness. Students who are lazy are often tardy.
Why? They do not
have a motivation to go to school. If a student does not seem to enjoy what he/she is doing at school, the more reason to be lazy. Some students are just lazy to wake up early and get ready for school but some just suddenly thinks to come late to class because of their laziness while some are just not interested on what their teacher are tackling because some students thinks that what they are learning from some of their subjects today will not be useful to their future jobs. A student who is lazy at school results to more absences and tardiness (Andrews).
Laziness at school often tends to be habitual and will not be easy to change as time goes on. At home, we first learn everything at home and if laziness will be a habit at home it will be very hard to change. If this kind of attitude is not corrected at home, it will affect students’ performance in school, especially on their attendance. The more they act lazy at home, the slower they can come to school on time (Young). Home Influence Many college students are rather unstable when it comes to financial status. Financial stability can cause tardiness to students.
Students who are not financially stable have more records of absences and tardiness to class because of their lack of money to commit for their school fees or fare. For example, a student who wishes to go to school does not have enough money for a fare so he/she has to work early in the morning to work and get enough money to go to school but
some cases are not just solved by walking to arrive at the school on time, like when a student lives farther from their school they tend to find ways on how to have enough money to go to school. Some students have to look for people whom they can borrow money from and this is very time consuming.
Hence, a student becomes tardy. Featherstone et al. (1992) studied 530 middle school students and found that, “... students from intact, two-parent families had fewer absences and tardies, higher grade point averages, and fewer negative and more positive teacher behavioral ratings than did those from reconstituted and single-parent families” Students are often late to school for they have their own problems with their families. They tend to carry that burden as they go to school which can lead to tardiness or worst, absenteeism. Though family problems must not be carried to school some of the students still do.
In some cases, tardiness is usually imitated from other family members. For instance, a child who sees his/her father go to work late voluntarily or involuntarily learns such habit. This is supported by Peretomode (2001) and Egbule (2004), when they elaborated the concept of nature-nurture as it affects an individual’s habits. Another cause of tardiness of a student is their engagement in untimely chores or activities. These are activities that are necessary but are done in a bad time which causes tardiness in school. In some cases, most parents ask their children to run some errands first before they can go to school.
Another example is when a student fails to finish homework and works on
it before school starts thus leading to tardiness. Activities like these inevitably cause lateness to school, either voluntarily or involuntarily. Furthermore, Oghuvwu (2008) concurred to this when he opined that “lateness is common as a result of students’ involvement by parents”. Students also deal with a lot of problems. They have to finish assignments and reports not to mention studying for quizzes, recitations, etc. Student’s stress is not only caused by school responsibilities but also their emotions.
Such stress can cause tardiness to students for they tend to sleep late which leads to coming to school late. Some students cannot handle stress and tend to be irresponsible to their academics commitments. Thus, students become tardy to school or sometimes they are absent for a period of time. Oversleeping is a bad habit which is closely related to laziness. The more you sleep, the lazier you can get. A person only needs at least 7 hours of sleep a day. If you exceed that number of hours, there is a big tendency for you to wake up late and eventually, come to school late. Oversleeping is a result of fatigue and weariness.
If a student is very tired the whole day the more he tends to oversleep and become tardy at school. One reason of oversleeping is drunkenness; some students still drink during special occasion knowing that they have a class on the next day. This then will be a cause for their tardiness. Other Reason of Tardiness Some students are committed in numerous responsibilities and obligations. It is not inevitable to have a conflict of schedule if one student has several obligations to
organizations and alike, if this event happens a student must sacrifice one of his obligations to attend to another.
We cannot deny that some students nowadays chooses their extracurricular activities over academics responsibilities for the reason that they are more interested to their extracurricular activities and they find it more fun and exciting. For example, a varsity player has training before his class and the training ended late, he will probably be late for his class because he has to do several things before coming to class. Another example is a devoted officer of a campus; an officer is sometimes late to his classes because he has a lot of errands to run for the campus organization.
This proves that conflict of schedule is one cause of student’s tardiness. Traffic jam is a very obvious reason for being late. No matter how hard you try to be on time, when traffic jams strikes, there is nothing you can do. Traffic jam is very inevitable especially if you live near busy highways. If you want to avoid tardiness, the best you can do is wake up earlier than your usual time and leave home earlier to avoid traffic jam. Peer influence can also contribute for one’s tardiness. Peers can greatly influence one person’s behavior and habit.
According to Voydanoff & Donelly; The successful formation and navigation of interpersonal relationships with peers is a process central to adolescent development in all cultures. In European-American cultural contexts, an ever-increasing amount of each day is spent in the company of peers, from 10 percent as early as two years of age to 40 percent between the
ages of seven and eleven (1999). High school students spend more than half of their time in the company of their peers (Updegraff, 2001). Thus, peers play a highly influential role in teen’s life and is a great factor of one’s behavior.
Lack of effective punctuality policy is also one of the causes of tardiness. Students would come late to school if they think that there is no consequence for their tardiness. For example, a college student would not mind if ever he/she is late for a minor subject but would panic terribly if it was his/her major. Individuals are likely to be more punctual, if they perceive obvious “rule of law” in terms of punctuality (Clackmannanshire Council Online, 2010). Another cause of tardiness is too much body care and excessive facial/body make-up.
Most individuals are obsessed by their appearance and making themselves look good before leaving their houses. Oghuvwu (2008) even stated that “lateness is common among females more than males”. This could be as a result of the fact that females care about their appearance more than males do. Effects of Tardiness Tardiness in high school differs from college. During high school you are either excused or unexcused for your tardiness but in college being on time is your full responsibility. Somehow, tardiness has the same effects among students except that high school students get either suspended or detained for their consecutive tardiness.
College students do not get these kinds of punishment; they only are responsible for what they had missed during the times that they were not present in class. Students don’t recognize how their lateness affects others. On
Self Do you always find yourself rushing to school just to know that you are late? If so, you must know that being tardy in school is one of the reasons why students fail in class. They either miss an important lecture or miss a test. Most of the teachers do not repeat what they already discussed for the late attendees so that person shall study the lesson by himself.
Strict teachers do not allow late students to take the exam when they arrive. Thus, students who fail to report on time would not have a score for that particular exam. Students who come to class late can interrupt the flow of the discussion, distract other students, hinder learning, and generally erode class moral. In addition to that, tardiness causes low performance on school. Students could sometimes feel the extent of their lateness and at times, they just decide to absent. This has a very great effect on the individual’s academic and other achievements.
If such behavior continues, a student might face failure in different subjects. According to Ali (2007), this could lead to loss of confidence and engagement in premature sexual activity for students, leading to pregnancy, resulting in a phenomenon called storm and stress among adolescents. Also, Catt F found out that “it is always the same group of people showing up early and the same group of people showing up late”. If left unchecked, lateness become chronic. Chronic tardiness affects ones behavior as well; being tardy is a sign of disrespect. Have you ever thought that being late on a meeting is being disrespectful?
Yes, it simply tells others
that you do not value and appreciate their time. If one does not overcome chronic tardiness, it will be their habit and it will not do well to their behavior too. It shows that a person cannot trust you for your words and that you are not being a reliable person. Being behaviorally late proves that you do not have good manners and gives you a bad reputation. The first thing that you must develop is the concern for the time of others since we do not have the right to waste the time of others. It is also a bad manner to keep others waiting for you. It shows inconsideration and selfishness in your part.
Tardiness as a behavior is not a sign of being a good student, tardiness hinders success and if tardiness will became a habit then this will be a huge impediment for you to be a successful person in the near future. If tardiness will be corrected then it will show that you have a respect on other people and that you respect yourself enough to keep your words. It proves that you can be trusted and you build a strong reputation for your character. As to job performance, tardiness is one root of failure and it simply implies that you are not professional enough to comply with your words as well as to your responsibilities.
Tardiness often a result to lousy job or poor performance for you has not been able to use your time properly for the given task. If you are on time on meeting or whatever, you have a greater chance to perform well
on a certain job. On the other hand, being late decreases your chance to have a better performance on a specific duty for you. According to Pierre; “A local businessman who said he was having problems with workers arriving late and calling in sick asked to look at the high school attendance records for some of his current employees.
After checking the attendance records, he found that - down to the person – 10 the students who had problems attending class were now the adults having problems attending work. ” (2000, p. 50) Thus, it simply implies that if tardiness is not corrected, tardy people will have a higher chance of being fired in their future jobs for companies do not tolerate tardiness. Studies show that students who have perfect, or near-perfect attendance and are not tardy have much better grades and overall success at school than students who miss many days and are tardy.
An occasional tardy is not really a big problem, and sometimes cannot be avoided. However, consistent tardiness creates not only the problems discussed above, but also does not help to prepare students for future success in middle and high school, or for the job market. (“Tardiness hinders students and schools success”, 2007, p. 1) Other Effects of Tardiness Your parents get disappointed when you are tardy in school because they are aware that you will miss a lot of things and that what they’re working for is somehow wasted because of the time you miss.
They are also aware that your grades will be also affected by your chronic tardiness problem. Parents sometimes get mad at you
for being late to your classes but they do not do that because they like scolding you and things alike, they do that because they care for you and that they want you to correct your habit of being late to class. Parents are the ones who taught you good manners, so they get blamed for your bad behavior of being late to class or even group meetings. Parents often get insulted when they are blamed for what their child are doing and they do not like that so what they do is try to correct their child’s behavior.
As to the teachers, faculty members often feel disrespected when a student is late, they feel that the student doesn’t value his or her time. They get disrupted every time a late student enters the room and they often lose the momentum on teaching. Teachers do not tolerated tardiness among his students. For that reason, the teachers sometimes give punishment for the late student or do not admit them to class so that the students will learn to come to class on time. Tardiness of a student has a big impact on schools as well. The main goal of schools is to attain achievement in different fields.
For example, a school is joining a statewide competition but then their representative fails to arrive on time leading to disqualification. It would be a very big problem for schools if this kind of behavior is not corrected. Thus, Ali (2007) clearly stated that “… showing up 10 min late could add up to lots of lost revenue for the company (school) and the individual”. Furthermore, ETC’s
(2009) attendance and punctuality policy clearly states that “regular and punctual attendance is of paramount importance in ensuring that all students have full access to the curriculum… valuable learning time is lost when students are absent or late”.
For the peers, your behavior is a big impact to them too. Being always late might affect your peers to they might get influenced or they might stay away from your for they do not want to be influenced by your unruly behavior. Peers are easily influenced by you for the fact that you always spend time with them and without you noticing that you are already influencing the habits that you do.
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