Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Violence.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Violence. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Violence on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Violence, and much more. Keep on reading!

Media coverage of football hooliganism Essay Example
8937 words 33 pages

Football hooliganism can be seen as something of an easytarget’ for the media. With journalists present at every match across thecountry, the chances of a story being missed are slim. TV cameras also meanthat disturbances within stadiums are caught on video. Since the 1960s, infact, journalists have been sent to football matches to report on […]

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Crime Football Mass Media Violence
Anger in Beloved Essay Example
2678 words 10 pages

Anger, in all its sometimes raw, sometimes subtle, sometimes simple and sometimes sophisticated glory is an affect, which from the first line of Toni Morrison’s Beloved (“124 was spiteful”) takes center stage. The true multi-faceted nature of this affect often goes unrealized because we tend to recognize an emotion through its responses. Anger, in most […]

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Anger Beloved Violence
Terrorism 1261 words College Essay Example
864 words 4 pages

International terrorism is a pressing global issue that requires attention. The Montana militia, which was established in Noxon, Montana in February 1994 by John Trochmann, David Trochmann, and Randy Trochmann, plays a prominent role in this matter. Their main objective is to govern themselves and protect America’s freedom while attracting followers through their ideology. They […]

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Al-Qaeda Terrorism Violence
School Uniforms In Public Schools Essay Example
634 words 3 pages

Outline Thesis: School uniforms should be required in public schools because their use would lead to higher education, less violence, and lower cost to parents. I. Education A. Discipline toward learning 1. Less distractions 2. Less stress B. Better Grades 1. Attendance 2. Focus II. Violence A. Less hostility 1. Less peer pressure 2. Everybody’s […]

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College Education School Uniform Violence
Terrorism and the International Court of Justice Essay Example
4717 words 18 pages

International terrorism has changed in structure and design over the centuries. Jewish zealots conducted campaigns against the Romans in the first century AD, and the Hashshashin, a Shi’ah Muslim group who gave us the word assassin, systematically murdered thoseinpositionsand leadership during the 19th century (CSIS 1999: NP).The modern age of terrorism began in the 1960’s. […]

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Islam Justice Terrorism Violence
Holocaust As A Crime Against Humanity Essay Example
4393 words 16 pages

Introduction The Holocaust is the most horrifying crime against humanity of all times. “Hitler, in an attempt to establish the pure Aryan race, decided that all mentally ill, gypsies, non supporters of Nazism, and Jews were to be eliminated from the German population. He proceeded to reach his goal in a systematic scheme.” One of […]

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Holocaust Violence World War Ii
Morant Bay Rebellion Essay Example
1554 words 6 pages

A courthouse filled with white planters and judges, is surrounded by a mob of hundreds of black labourers, and set ablaze. A white flag calling for peace is put out, at which the people scoff. Anyone trying to flee is hacked to pieces. In the end twenty-five people are dead, including eighteen justices, magistrates, and […]

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Criminal Law Human Rights Rebellion Violence
Speech Summary Essay Example
510 words 2 pages

Hannah Smith 30 December 2012 Clinton Speech Summary The main idea of William J. Clinton’s speech “Remarks to the Convocation of the Church of God in Christ” is that the United States is becoming more violent every day, many innocent children are dying every day, and that he wants the American people to start doing […]

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Bill Clinton Child Christianity Violence
Children’s Violent Television Viewing: Are Parents Monitoring? Essay Example
4015 words 15 pages

ABSTRACT Objective Violent media exposure has been associated with aggressive behavior, and it has been suggested that child health professionals counsel families on limiting exposure. Effective violence prevention counseling requires an understanding of norms regarding parental attitudes, practices, and influencing factors. Both theories of reasoned action and planned behavior emphasize that subjective norms and attitudes […]

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Child Health Parents Television Violence
The Negative Effects of Music Videos on our Children Essay Example
1385 words 6 pages

Abstract: Several studies indicate a correlation between music videos and violent behavior of adolescents. The findings also show a connection between the imagery displayed in the videos and inappropriate sexual attitudes and conduct. The lyrics tend to have a significant corrupting influence on the youth. Particular genres such as hip-hop, gangsta rap and heavy metal […]

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Adolescence Children Interpersonal Relationship Music Violence
City of God (Cidade de Deus): An Analysis Essay Example
1647 words 6 pages

Thesis: Powerful and gripping it may be, but ultimately Cidade de Deus is a film of despair, offering a one-dimensional view of urban culture in a Brazil where social divisions appear too wide to bridge, and where millions are too brutalized by violence and poverty to contribute to any process of change. City of God […]

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God Violence
The influence of Hollywood on society Essay Example
982 words 4 pages

Toward the end of his tenure as President, Bill Clinton said “Our children are being fed a dependable daily dose of violence – and it sells”. He was referring to the genre of action movies which are targeted at male teenage adolescents. To place this statement in context, Clinton was speaking one month after the […]

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Child Hollywood Juvenile Delinquency Society Violence
Is the rape simulator video game good or bad for democracy? Essay Example
1082 words 4 pages

Throughout history, violent and refined forms of entertainment have coexisted. In Ancient Rome, gladiator fights were a popular pastime before the advent of modern mediums like television and video games. Saint Augustine observed that people not only enjoyed violence as passive spectators, but also developed a fascination for blood. Today, societal norms and laws prohibit […]

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Censorship Democracy Rape Violence
Power and Mystery of Naming Things Essay Example
974 words 4 pages

Analysis of “The Power and Mystery of Naming Things” Eve Ensler’s essay, “The Power and Mystery of Naming Things” was published on April 2010 on the Web. Some issues can be considered on her essay and worth to be discussed as follow. Her specific audiences are mostly whole range of women around the world. She […]

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Mystery Shame Silence Violence
Violence In America..Will It Ever End? Essay Example
4734 words 18 pages

Today in St.Paul, two individuals were violently killed during a dispute that arose from a phone call, as reported by a news presenter on the ten o’clock news. Concurrently, cases of abuse towards spouses and children are escalating. According to a news presenter on the ten o’clock news, there were two violent deaths in St.Paul […]

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Aggression Child Violence
Internal and External Violence in Short Fiction Essay Example
1450 words 6 pages

Specific time periods, such as World War II, and the Post-Civil War era bring to mind images of hate, death, and violence. Not solely external violence or violence that is carried out, such as murders, war, or blatant displays of violence such as those in Ellison’s Battle Royal, but internal violence as well. Internal violence […]

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Anger Violence
Tough Guise Essay Example
581 words 3 pages

The Media and Tough Guise In Jackson Katz’s video Tough guise: violence, media, and the crisis in masculinity, Katz presents the media as culprits in creating a culture crisis in masculinity. In the video, Katz uses the movie The Wizard Oz as a way to describe the use of the term “tough guise”. In the […]

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Database Masculinity Sexism Violence
Workplace Violence Essay Example
686 words 3 pages

The following text has been consolidated and rephrased, while maintaining the and their contents: Workplace violence is when employees are subjected to the use or threat of force, whether at work or outside of work. This can include verbal abuse, threats, physical attacks, and even murder, which unfortunately leads to many job-related deaths. It is […]

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Employment Health Violence
The Dolzura Cortez life story Essay Example
1080 words 4 pages

A person’s life can tell us so many stories about the world we are living in and how it can affect and change people. The Dolzura Cortez life story that had been put into movie tells us so many stories and realities that are currently happening nowadays. In the movie it shows us how the […]

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Abuse Disease Life Violence
Terrorist threat to commercial sector Essay Example
1628 words 6 pages

How real do you think the terrorist threat is to the commercial sector? Explain and justify your opinion In my opinion the terrorist threat to the commercial sector is a very real one which should not be overlooked. The commercial sector within the UK consists of a multitude of different industries that as a whole […]

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Terrorism United Kingdom Violence
Causes and effects of gangsterism Essay Example
1211 words 5 pages

Time has changed so do social issues. Problems arising among the youth are at an alarming state. Main problems like smoking, gangsterism, and illegal racing are affecting the country’s development. Gangsterism is common in a developing nation such as Malaysia and we have heard a lot about it occurring in schools. It has been reported […]

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Adolescence Children Criminology Gang Organized Crime Research Society Violence
Advabtages and disadvantages of electronic media Essay Example
814 words 3 pages

Electronic Media is a rich resource of services, supplies, creative and innovative solutions to everyday domestic and professional demands. We are living in the era of electronic media. None can avoid and escape from it. It is prevailing profound effects on advertisement, education, information, politics and other social activities. If we look around us what […]

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Education Electronics Internet Violence

Popular Questions About Violence

What are the five types of violence?
There are five different types of violence and abuse: physical, emotional, economic, spiritual, and sexual. Abuse and battering is about the need for power and control.
What are some examples of violence?
A perpetrator of violence will often use a number of tactics to control and intimidate someone. Here are some examples (it's important to remember that violence can take other forms as well; these are just a few examples): Physical e.g. slapping, hitting, choking, stabbing.
What are the causes and effects of violence?
The effects of school violence can lead to division and severe mental and physical trauma for both perpetrators and victims alike. The main cause of school violence is a combination of weak community relations and a lack of a firm hand within both schools and communities.
What is the definition of violence?
Definition of violence. 1a : the use of physical force so as to injure, abuse, damage, or destroy. b : an instance of violent treatment or procedure. 2 : injury by or as if by distortion, infringement, or profanation : outrage.
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