Many students are faced with the problem of finding ideas for writing their essays. This website contains a database with more than 50 000 essay examples, using which you can easily find inspiration for creating your own essay on Hinduism.

Here you will find many different essay topics on Hinduism. You will be able to confidently write your own paper on the influence of Hinduism on various aspects of life, reflect on the importance of Hinduism, and much more. Keep on reading!

Telangana Region Essay Example
3125 words 12 pages

The states of Telangana and Andhra Pradesh share a connection. India shares its borders with Maharashtra to the northwest, Karnataka to the west, and Chattisgarh to the northeast. The former Andhra province, which encompassed the eastern part of Orissa, coastal Andhra, and the Rayalaseema region in the south, merged with Telangana in 1956 to create […]

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Hinduism India
Gitanjali: Rabindranath Tagore Essay Example
990 words 4 pages

Gitanjali is a collection of 103 Bengali poems that have been translated into various languages, including English and other European languages. The term “Gitanjali” signifies the nature of the book. It is a combination of two words: “git,” meaning song, and “anjali,” meaning offering, resulting in “Songs of Offerings.” This book is highly regarded and […]

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Hinduism Music Poetry
Vast literature on Caste system in India Essay Example
1724 words 7 pages

In this chapter, the focus is on exploring different literature related to the caste system that dominates Indian society. Various writers might have differing opinions on this subject matter. Louis Dumont’s book Homo Hierarchicus (1980) explains that hierarchy in Indian society is based on the relationship between purity and impurity, which is a religious concept […]

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Caste System Hinduism India Literature
Birth Of The Pious Soul Theology Religion Essay Example
5253 words 20 pages

Birth of the pious psyche The Datta family from Calcutta was well-known for their wealth, philanthropy, intellect, and independent disposition. Vishwanath, Naren’s father, served as a lawyer in the high Court of Calcutta and had a proficient command over English and Iranian literature. Bhuvaneswari Devi, his wife, came from a traditional Hindu household and possessed […]

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Hinduism Soul Spirituality
Changing patterns in indias cast system Essay Example
4568 words 17 pages

The album of the modern universe is portrayed by category and caste systems, the mere contemplations of societal inequality in human society. Class and caste are the signifier of the societal stratification. The division of society into categories or strata, which form a hierarchy of prestigiousness and power, is an cosmopolitan characteristic of societal construction. […]

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A Hanging Caste System Hinduism India
The Social Practice Of Untouchability Sociology Essay Example
4179 words 16 pages

Untouchability is the societal pattern of projecting out a minority group by sing them as “ ceremonially polluted ” and segregating them from the mainstream. The excluded group could be one that did non accept the norms of the excepting group and historically included aliens, mobile folks, law-breakers and felons. This exclusion was a method […]

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Caste System Hinduism India Sociology
The Konark Temple Essay Example
265 words 1 page

The Konark Temple or The Black Pagoda is one of the most beautiful decorations in the Crown decorating the rich heritage and history of Odisha. It is located in the territory of Puri in Odisha. The ground for taking this peculiar site for this assignment was that every clip I visited the topographic point. I […]

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Hinduism India Judaism Temple
Dalit Empowerment in India Essay Example
2667 words 10 pages

During the late 19th century, a movement emerged in India to empower Dalits, also known as untouchables. This initiative aimed to uplift marginalized groups who were historically oppressed and considered the lowest class. Unfortunately, Dalits have faced discrimination, violence, poverty, illiteracy, ignorance, and hate crimes for an extended period of time. They are consistently treated […]

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Caste System Empowerment Hinduism India
The History Of Indra And Purusha Theology Religion Essay Example
1313 words 5 pages

The Indo- Aryan society believed in many Gods. The Aryans believed that many natural events were being influenced by their Gods. These people besides seemed to follow some Torahs or codification of behavior to maintain order in their society. They besides had a caste system. The early Aryans did non utilize composing but they composed […]

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Hinduism History India Theology
Lord Ganesha The Remover Of Obstacles Theology Religion Essay Example
1903 words 7 pages

Lord Ganesha is a Hindu deity who has an elephant head and a human-like body. He has the power to eliminate obstacles and ensure success in all human endeavors. This is why Hindus worship Ganesha before starting any religious, spiritual, or worldly activity. According to Hindu mythology, Ganesha is the first son of Lord Shiva […]

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Hinduism Obstacles Ritual Theology
The Lord Of Obstacles Theology Religion Essay Example
1184 words 5 pages

When I told visitants that I need to compose a paper for my school about everyone was willing to portion their narratives and they showed regard towards me. Priest was happy to speak to me and spent an hr with me to give circuit to the temple before the Ganesh Chaturthi festival began in the […]

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Hinduism Obstacles Temple Theology
Berhampur Tourism Essay Example
1208 words 5 pages

Berhampur Tourism Berhampur is a prominent commercial center located in the Ganjam district of Odisha. It is positioned in the southern part of the state and centrally situated to the south of Chilika Lake. The city is renowned for its highly esteemed hand-woven silk. Berhampur, also known as the Silk City, is renowned for its […]

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Database Hinduism
Asian Religions Affect Sex And Marriages Theology Religion Essay Example
695 words 3 pages

There are multiple reasons why people are interested in the various faiths of the universe. Some argue that this interest is a result of living in a democratic society that values diversity. Others believe that education plays a role, as it enables individuals to engage with different cultures and beliefs. An influential scholar named Wilfred […]

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Buddhism Hinduism Marriage Theology
The Spirituality And Architecture Theology Religion Essay Example
1108 words 5 pages

Spirituality is an ultimate or an alleged immaterialA world. The kernel of spiritualty is the hunt to cognize our true egos, to detect the existent nature of consciousness. In other words, it is a changeless find of the unbelievable, our existent ego, and a pursuit of our true being, why we are, who we are […]

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Architect Architecture Hinduism Spirituality Truth
The Idea Of Liberation In Hindu Philosophy Theology Religion Essay Example
4131 words 16 pages

Liberation is unimpeachably a important topic in any faith. In Hinduism, one of the major universe faiths, there are four aims of human being ( purusharthas ) . They are dharma ( righteousness ) , artha ( wealth ) , kama ( desire ) , and moksha ( release ) . While the first three […]

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Hinduism Philosophy Theology
Dance as a form of worship Essay Example
2313 words 9 pages

Chapter1 [ K1 ] Introduction Worship is when 1 shows gratitude or gives congratulations to the Godhead. It is the award that one wants to demo to God. Each single expresses his/her feeling of gratitude to the Godhead in a manner that he/she wants to. These different signifiers used in worship like music, sculpture, picture, […]

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Eucharist Hinduism
Sufism in India Argumentative Essay Example
1297 words 5 pages

Imam Ahmed Raza Khan, a prominent figure in India, is well-known for his association with Sufism. During the 14th century, he played a crucial role in the growth of Sufism and Sunnism. His aim was to combine traditional Islamic values with contemporary society. Imam Raza taught his followers about the admirable qualities of Prophet Muhammad […]

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Hinduism India Islam Spirituality
Classical India Change and Continuity over Time Essay Example
478 words 2 pages

Time From 300-600 CE, there were major changes in classical Indian civilizations as new religions were formed, political power was increased, and advancements in math and science were made. However, trade routes continued to flourish while the caste system was supported by the Hindu religion. These helped the patriarchal society flourish in the 300 years. […]

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Change Hinduism Jainism
The Bagavad Gita: Q &#038 Essay Example
603 words 3 pages

Arjuna questions his decision to not participate in the battle and expresses concerns regarding various aspects of his war mission. His main worry revolves around the idea of having to kill his own relatives and mentors, who are positioned on the opposing side in Kurukshetra. Arjuna reflects upon how someone could be so lacking in […]

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Hinduism Philosophy
The Value of Philosophy by Bertrand Russell (Chapter XV of Problems of Philosophy) Essay Example
1137 words 5 pages

Rubric: Explain Russell’s take on the central value of philosophy. In the final part of your answer, provide a reasoned evaluation of some aspect of Russell’s defense of philosophical inquiry that includes some discussion of an example or two that you think illustrates the importance of philosophy in relation to living and acting in the […]

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Hinduism Karma Value
The Spaces between Stars by Geeta Kothari: An interpretation based on Hindusism Essay Example
756 words 3 pages

Hinduism is one of the oldest religions of the world. It evolved in the Indian subcontinent over 5000 years ago and has a rich body of literature. Unlike monotheistic religions such as Christianity or Islam, Hinduism is polytheistic, with thousands of deities and gods being worshipped. Even in terms of ethnography and culture there is […]

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Hinduism Interpretation Karma Stars
Christianity and Hinduism Essay Example
36 words 1 page

Hinduism and Christianity are two religions that have been around for thousands of years. These religions have developed philosophies on certain subjects that can be compared in order to show their similarities and differences.

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Hinduism Karma

Popular Questions About Hinduism

What are 10 facts about Hinduism?
10 facts about hinduism. 1. Hinduism is a religion of 330 million gods. 2. Hindus believe that the soul can be reincarnated, undergoing a cycle of rebirth. 3. Hindus hold the belief of the four Vedas high in their mind. This is considered the most ancient scripture throughout the world.
What are the 5 main beliefs of Hinduism?
Hinduism. Prominent themes in Hindu beliefs include the four Puruṣārthas, the proper goals or aims of human life, namely Dharma (ethics/duties), Artha (prosperity/work), Kama (desires/passions) and Moksha (liberation/freedom/salvation); karma (action, intent and consequences), Saṃsāra (cycle of rebirth),
Which is better Hinduism or Buddhism?
Buddhism is better than Hinduism in today's world. Hinduism however is also good, but it was meant for a time when living is hard, competition is everywhere and everyone sought there own pleasures.
What Hinduism really is?
What Hinduism Really Is. anatana Dharma, popularly called Hinduism, is the third most practiced religion, mostly dominant in the country of India. It is the oldest known religion to exist with no one founder or time when it started. This religion is a simple yet complex one.
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