Effects Of Quality Management For Organizational Excellence Essay Example
Effects Of Quality Management For Organizational Excellence Essay Example

Effects Of Quality Management For Organizational Excellence Essay Example

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  • Pages: 2 (525 words)
  • Published: May 14, 2018
  • Type: Article
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The adoption of quality management has become a crucial business practice in order to make business operations more effective and customer-focused. This practice ensures quality in the products and services offered by companies. (The Importance of Quality Management, 2010)

A range of quality management programs are available for entrepreneurs to choose from, such as Six Sigma, Theory of Constraints, and Total Quality Management. Despite their distinct approaches to quality problems, all these programs strive to deliver excellent products or services that satisfy customers' expectations. Due to multiple reasons, quality management is critical for businesses (The Importance of Quality Management, 2010).

This paper will investigate the influence of quality management on two organizations; one operates domestically and the other internationally.

Both companies are achieving success in improving their business operations and services through the im


plementation of a strict Total Quality Management process.

These companies have quality policies and plans that are influenced by their top and middle management. They implement a quality control program, which includes a comprehensive evaluation of their products and services. Criteria for assessment are based on customer preferences and budget, as outlined in "Total Quality Management: A Continuous Improvement Process" (1996).

According to Oakland (2003), the company's management formulates a program that involves selecting appropriate measures, reviewing plans, and setting up the process for checking out. Although prepared by middle management, the program is approved by top management in both companies. Subsequently, the company's management establishes essential processes to identify any deviations in the existing delivery system, as emphasized by Luthans (1998). In this process, middle management plays a critical role as each member is experienced in understanding deviations and

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conveying their significance to lower-level employees.

To easily resolve all problems at the initial level, it is necessary to comprehend the existing deviations.

Both American Airlines and Lufthansa have benefited from implementing Total Quality Management (TQM) by developing effective service management systems that enable more efficient service delivery that meets customer expectations. TQM has allowed American Airlines to understand and meet the needs of US customers while Lufthansa has become more knowledgeable in catering to diverse customers. (Harvey, 2008).

According to Summers (2008), this airline company has achieved global recognition by recognizing and catering to the unique preferences and requirements of various cultures. Their Quality Management measures not only meet their desired goals and market standing, but also serve as a means of ensuring service quality and self-confidence. The impact of Quality Management on Company Position Both companies' Quality Management initiatives have supported their reflective management approach at both the strategic and operational levels.

By employing TQM, companies are able to align their business operations with industry and customer demands. American Airlines has achieved significant success in this area, and its reputation is greatly influenced by its quality-focused approach (Harvey, 2008).


  1. Harvey, G. (2008). Management in the airline industry. Routledge.
  2. Luthans, F. (1998). Organizational Behavior (8th Ed. ). New York: Irwin McGraw-Hill.
  3. The Importance of Quality Management. (2010). Retrieved from http://www. ehow. com/about_5377881_importance-quality-management.
  4. html Summers, D. C. S. (2008). Quality Management: Creating and Sustaining Organizational Effectiveness (2nd Ed.
  5. ). Pearson/Prentice Hall. Total Quality Management: A Continuous Improvement Process (1996). Retrieved from http://www.
  6. foundation. phccweb. org/Library/Articles/TQM.


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