Controlling Environmental Crime Essay Example
Controlling Environmental Crime Essay Example

Controlling Environmental Crime Essay Example

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  • Pages: 5 (1183 words)
  • Published: April 24, 2022
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Environmental harm refers to the consequences of extracting or disposing products to the environment. The law aims to regulate exploitation and limits excretion of dangerous fumes into the environment through policy. On the other hand, law enforcement considers environmental harm and law in a positive manner and aims to improve sustainability through inspiring a harmony between human activity and environmental self-reclamation. Environmental crime can be related to law enforcement in a diversity of ways. (Bisschop, 2012, p.240), environmental crimes can relate to electronic waste can be considered unnecessary evil by an economy that fails to afford the expensive purchase of new gadgets but is able to acquire used and adequately functional equipment.

In a similar situation, a developing economy may consider used textile to breach the gap in required basic needs. In another instance, environmental crime regarding bending of internationally commended production processes occurs where


an economy wishes to gain from less stringent regulatory guidelines. This is especially so if observing sustainable environmental processes are extraordinarily expensive. Law enforcement can ignore such procedures that would deem the utilization of commodities that seem readily and cheaply available within an economy. The law considers adoption of environmentally progressive strategies but equally note that some strategies are better fashioned to ensure economic growth than others.

According to Moore (2014), some environmental challenges can be responded to by fashioning human practices appropriately (206-207). Environmental crime can, therefore, be related to law enforcement through environmentally-focused policies, financially empowering objectives, and social sustainability. Employing law and the government resources of law enforcement has astounding effects on policy, finance, and society. Law enforcement considers ethical policy refinement in its dealings with entities. It mus

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equally appreciate the financial elements of environmental objectives. The societies place is protected through law enforcement dispensation of clear laws. As such, environmental merits of strategies are considered the prime factor when determining the interaction between entities and their operative context. The environment reflects environmental responsiveness o subject industries.

Business entities look forward to making a profitable business that would impress the shareholders. In the process of defining strategy in a manner that conforms to financial benefits, ethical issues arise. Institutions tend to take shortcuts and overlook relevant laws and unwritten code of ethics. The environment suffers much, and the society can also fall prey to such issues. Business ethics aims to create a bridge between shareholder goals and regulatory limitations while equally respecting social guidelines to business. The government has taken part in such processes of instilling discipline in the world of capitalist corporations. It inspires the development of a fair business and social environment through evidence based approach. Statutory laws provide relevant guidance as to what consequences would likely occur if specific events are noticed.

The government achieves success by providing support reward and establishing a check system. The government responds to positive changes as well as addressing mischief among profit-oriented organizations. Punitive measures are employed to tame business practices. According to Cunningham (n.d, 201), the recognition of consequence acts as a sufficient reason to have an organization change its way of business. It inspires a business culture to resemble what would be considered appealing in the social, environment, and equally profitable. Persuasive measures are such government responses that focus on motivating corporations to act in an environmentally responsible way. Institutions are encouraged to observe

environmental good and to adopt such strategies which seem to target environmental sustainability. The reality of the matter is that in the absence of a sustainable environment many business concepts would perish.

The government hopes to make organizations realize that they can benefit much by ensuring that their environment is catered for. The persuasive approach offers an incentive to observe such wisdom. Environmentally observant institutions earn favor and gain access to better profit margins when they are exempted from extensive levies.

The government’s responsibility to industrial development must be equally extended to the public and personnel resource that supports such industries. In light of the question of industrial disaster persuasive approach to controlling crime can ensure that popular crimes seize to happen and equally address the need to respond to already occurred crimes which seem senseless. Where crimes have occurred without a just reason It is important that the government through the justice system condemn such actions and result of punitive measures so as to instigate a healing process.

According to Annert, Bair, & Blasi, (2013, p.1), “the collapse was the most deadly disaster in the history of the global garment industry and, indeed, one of the worst industrial workplace disasters in history”. The case of Rana Plaza collapse would provide useful lessons on the matter of corporate responsibility to personnel. Profit making organizations need to realize that compensation for labor is a necessary investment and appreciates that they should believe in an environment that inspires career development. Concerning a safe working environment, the government should be responsible for its labor force by ensuring that policies and physical support to personnel defines interactions and ensures a sustainable business.

The Asian-based textile company had failed to provide support in the form of industrial observation.

The collapse of Rana building is a challenge that should have never been observed. The reality of the situation is that frequent inspection of a working environment and equally relevant response where an employer is deemed to contravene popular law is important. Law enforcement can only be considered effective if it can match needs to responses and consequences to rewards. If the subject building had been inspected and persuasive measures employed a corrective response would have been noted. It would be much helpful to adopt persuasive measures as opposed to emphasizing on the enforcement of punitive measures. In ordered to limit industrial disasters it is important to understand an industry from the entrepreneur’s standpoint, labor perspective, and environmental responsiveness.

The entrepreneur’s standpoint considers the challenges that affect an investor and essentially limit his or her willingness to observe corporate environmental responsibilities. A business entity must be successful in its endeavors to make profits and equally respond to its environmental responsibilities. Consolidation of such diversity of objectives increases the cost of business essentially implying fewer profits. It is equally so that the process of doing business is prolonged to cover longer time before capital can be exploited sufficiently. The labor perspective concerns a corporation’s success in observing the need for career development and employees safety in the process of establishing profitable strategies. Where labor needs especially safety related matters are considered adequately, environmental safety can be observed to occur automatically.

Industrial disasters such as Rana Plaza collapse would rarely occur. The event was caused by the utilization of a substandard structure for industrial production

of textile and clothing. The question of environmental responsiveness and industrial skill disaster collapse also presents due to a lack of respect for business ethics. Rana Plaza disaster presents a case setup where the government should adopt punitive measures to ensure that the loss of livelihood and damages sustained by the labor force are compensated. The textile company should have chosen better premises at the expense of a share of realizable profitability.

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