Cognive Processing of Moral and Social Injustice among Races Black And White Essay Example
This is a journal article written by Andrew, from university of Lowe together with his collogues. In this article the writer tries to show out the racism taking place between black and white people and its effects to the society. This has been done through several experiments which involves white participant. In the experiments the role of participant is to categorize between threatening and nonthreatening faces, words or objects. This is after several demonstrations during these experiment which show clearly the racism between the black and white races. In his writing, the writer has also demonstrated how the racism has grown deep into the hearts of the both racism by their reactions during these experiments.
Key words: process dissolution, stereotypes, threat, weapon identification
Summary of the Article
This is a summary of the article “D
...oes Seeing Faces of Young Black Boys Facilitate the Identification of Threatening Stimuli?” by Andrew R. Todd from Department of Psychological and Brain science, University of Lowe.
A big part of Andrews focus in this article is the racism between the black and the white. This is seen in the experiment where white are the participants, blacks especially men are stereotyped as if they are violent and hostile. Since it is evident from the research theory that all children as seen as innocent a without threat. A big question which Andrew rises is “whether youth can serve similar to threat-attenuating cue”. Africans men with babyish face ate treated like children; they are perceived to be non-threating stimuli. Andrew, our writer tries to compare this perception of Africans with a babyish face with social judgment of Living that black men whose rises to power position ar
usually baby-faced even more when compared with white men who equal in power. From this claim, we can conclude that; from our article, baby-faced Africans have negative racial stereotypes. ( . March, 2012)
White scholars have participated in Experiment 2a the number was 63and for Experiment 2b the number was 68 for course credit. We exclude that the data from 1 participant in Experiment 2a and 1 participant in Experiment 2b who has below-chance accuracy on the weapon has an identification task; retaining their data is not giving out any meaningfully alter the results, except that the interactive effect of age of prime and target object on RTs in Experiment 2b is no longer significant
Other significant effects in our Experiments 2a and 2b remains significant. Computer malfunctions are showing substantial data loss for 3 additional participants in Experiment 2a and 1 participant in Experiment 2b. Together, these exclusions leave final samples of 59 .Experiment 2a and 66 in Experiment 2b.
In our experiments: 1,2a and 2bb, participants are done with them, they have completed identification of weapon task .they have categorized objects as weapon or non-weapon. This has been after brief presentation of young black boys of various races (black and white). Another experiment three has also been carried out, in these experiment thetas is to recognized words as threatening or safe immediately after seeing the faces of various ages and races. In procedure 3, the outcome of interest is the response times (RTs) and error rates. (Cooper, 2009) This experiment 3 is has used procedure-dissociation-procedure analysis so as to estimate independent contribution of automatic and controlled processes on task performance. The sample sizes by consulting existing
research in which weapon identification task is being used with response deadline. Now the process of weapon identification is over. Participant has rated age and race-ethnicity of the face in each photo as well as how threatening the face as they appear. Participant has rated all the faces used in experiments 2a, 2b and 3. From the results of the experiment we can see that the racial bias in weapon identification described earlier is driven entirely by differences in estimates of automatic processing.
There is a stronger implicit relationship between black children and adult related objects. A relationship between black children and white children and child related object is also seen. From this experiment we can affirm that Black children are rated as less childlike than which children of the same age. But we all know that our focal hypothesis is of concern associations with threat stimuli. We all know that from the start of this experiment we predicted the participants are more difficult for identifying tools and less difficulty in identifying guns after black primes than after white primes. Again we can all see that several unexpected effect involving block order. Which does not mean that our general conclusion about all this experiments will be changed?
Furthermore, we can see Black Men are being discriminated according to their ages “racial stereotypes ate less applied in black young children of age five years and below. “Andrew tries to express the picture of a Black men towards which people when he claims that…”merely thinking about Black men can lead to misidentification of harmless object as weapon “this is irony since we all know that harmless objects cannot be
compare to a weapon , since none of the weapon is harmless. The writer warns against these racial biases since its forthcomings may be very dangerous. In the experiment we can see that the reaction of white participant towards the Black men is a threat stimuli and this similar reaction as seen when a face of a black young boys of five years of age or below. Again Andrew gives the works which gives solution to the strong links between Black threats. He gives (Fiske, Caddy 2002) as example for stereotypes of older adults. The level of trigger neural activity is very high (rapid threat detection) .this Racism between blacks and white in America is expressed at its chronic level. This shows that it is a vice in their society which has grown to maturity (Cooper, 2009).
From the article, writer shows clearly that anger is acknowledged less cheerfully on elderly Black men’s faces than the faces of White men’s faces. This makes helps us to conclude that old age reduces the threat from the black men towards which men. And here writer poses a disclaimer question trying to let the reader know that it is possible for to serve similar threat attenuating cue like their elders do. A sense of moral concern and care as children and baby-faced black men are taken to be non-threatening and this is what Livingstone too believes. Meaning that young Black children may be strong cue gesturing no threat. On the other hand, writer suggests an alternative hypothesis (negative stereotypes) to our hypothesis that youth might not be disarming enough to minimize biases. These stereotypes were mostly likely to be
applied on black children who were five years and below compared to white children. Again writer is trying to put more weight to his ideas by use of black juvenile offenders who were regarded as deserving of adult treatment by receiving harsher punishment relative to white offenders of the same age.( Collins, 2016) Furthermore the concepts of innocence of a child is more stressed to white children compare to black children.
From Jackson we can deduce this from how young black adolescents can cause threatening stimuli compared to white young adolescents are taken as still children and are not differentiated from the other children. From this analysis of youth, it is clear that youth may not be taken as a threat stimuli as the Black males are. Then it follows that the writer tries to establish test for racial biases in response to Blackman and Black boys. Here now we test our competing hypothesis by investigating racial biases together with stereotypes observed in both Black men and black boys. Now for us to narrow our point down to the hypothesis we are focusing potential bias in young boys of five years old. This age is what gaff et al (204) refers to as the population found with no racial bias in his past work. Here we are considering bias to be the function of both age and race (March, 2012)
Study Evaluation
We can see that biases which is commonly observed in the response to seeing black men’s is possibly to be found when the face of young Black face is observed. Here our target object stimuli comprises of guns and toy objects which are associated respectively with
adults and children.
American. The research also confirms to us that the level of racism is highly applicable to black men. Though the article does not talk about back female and young girl but we can assume that this racism is applicable to all the lines of these two races (black and white). We can see though not much stressed but there is evident of racism even in the experiment involving young boys from the two different races.
Andrew the writer tries using article make use of experiment so as to bring the theme of racism between the black race and the white race. From all the experiments which the researchers’ conducted; it can be noted that the racism between these two races is of long time and has grown almost too chronic level. From experience one; whenever the white participant saw a black man face, they perceive it as a threat stimuli. It is also clear to note that one of the effects of this racism is hatred between the two races. The write shows this at the start of his article that white people have stereotypes about black men that they are all violent and criminals.
Critique in the Journal Article
When the writer talks about the level of racism between the black people and the white, he writes it in such a way showing some point of irony, a good example is when writer claims that the most pernicious stereotypes is that whenever a black men are seen they are only thought to be violent and criminals. Here the writer only tries to criticize the Americans hatred towards black people and that’s why they can associate
them with evilness ….” Only violence and criminal activities”
Writer also criticizes the reaction of the white people towards the Black who are in power. The writer describes them as having baby-faced. They are being compared with children since we all understand that young black children are not discriminated compared to the adults. This baby-faced black people are the one in power and writer claims that they are highly positioned by the people to be even more praised compared to white people in the same position. What we all know is that these cannot be true since from the article almost all the black men are claimed to be violent and criminals.
Again the responses of participant of the experiment are also criticized. It is said when the face of Black men is shown. The responses were very fast since they were threatening stimuli to the participants. And whenever we have the face of white man shown the response is slow since it is non stimuli to participant. It could sound otherwise if the writer could claim that the responses were of either high tone or low tone.
- Cooper, L., & Diner, E. The 6th Annual Meeting of the Society of Personality and Social Psychology.
- Collins, G. M. (2007). Encountering stereotype threat in the workplace: how lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender employees meet the challenge of negative stereotyping.
- March, D. S. (2012). Implicit and Explicit Bias against Hispanics among White Female College Students Assessed by Indirect and Direct Measures (Doctoral dissertation, Texas State
- Todd, A. R., Them, K. C., & Neel, R. (2016). Does seeing faces of young black boys facilitate the identification of threatening stimuli? Psychological
science, 27(3), 384-393
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