Capital Budgeting Techniques in Bangladesh Essay Example
Capital Budgeting Techniques in Bangladesh Essay Example

Capital Budgeting Techniques in Bangladesh Essay Example

Available Only on StudyHippo
  • Pages: 2 (527 words)
  • Published: June 16, 2017
  • Type: Case Study
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Every nations need to import from abroad the required resources that might not have been adequately available within the country. However, import is the most primeval way of gratifying the famine portion of existing demand for products or services and accordingly, other nations for both monetary and trade maturity intention export the products to the needy population.

GSP is the facility in exporting which aid this international business by Implementing Duty Free access of fastidious goods to the precise Importing nation.The rationale of the study is merely wisdom about the export system of Bangladesh that strongly relates with the Generalized System of Preferences. The GSP was established based on an economic theory that preferential tariff rates in developed country markets could promote export-driven industry growth In developing countries. By nature, it is an explorative study ai


ming at having an overview of the roles and contributions of GSP In export and economical reimbursement of Bangladesh. The main thematic issues covered by this study are export situations nd activities of the country along with the GSP effect.Furthermore this study also aimed GSP admittance to explicit products and their contrast with the products exclusive of GSP with the list of countries which grants such benefits to Bangladesh In Its export purpose.

As a result, It reflects the significance of export with GSP. However, the report is found on export trade and the effect of GSP on it. Therefore, previous researches and studies are scrutinized under literature review part regarding this relevant issue. Several website and other pertinent reports & articles re studied and explored for data collection.

Therefore it designates that It Is a secondary information based report wher

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inferior information are gathered and exploited. Conversely this report Is an output of a descriptive study on the role of GSP in the export trade development of Bangladesh. The report is alienated into several eminent parts where it highlights on major thematic areas of the study in the chapters that focuses on background of GSP & export of Bangladesh, objectives, research methodology, limitations, export and GSP, advantages and limitation, along ith findings & analysis of the study.Additionally accumulauon of highest and appropriate information under the certain issue was enough critical to do where the biggest factor was that the report is based on secondary data, It was hard to synchronize them as those were so much scattered and elaborate. The finding Illustrates though GSP is a significant factor Bangladesh cant utilize It properly and sometimes the country is in the threat of losing it irrespective of the benefits it is providing.

Moreover, some appropriate suggestions with conclusion are provided at he end of the report.Nevertheless in the assessment of the entire world, Bangladesh as a developing county require GSP mandatorily but the present situation is extremely against the requirement which is barely preferred. And it can be said that Bangladesh comprises a developing economy for which it mandatorily needs more numbers of products with GSP facility which may help to achieve an advanced economy. This report encompasses concise and precious review on the export trade with GSP facility and its superior correlation with monetary progress of Bangladesh.

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