Posts by Isabel Padilla:
question The net assets of a corporation are equal to: A. Contributed capital. B. Retained earnings. C. Shareholders’ equity. D. None of the above. answer C. Shareholders’ equity. question Two of the three primary account classifications within shareholders’ equity are: A. Preferred stock and retained earnings. B. The par value of common stock and retained […]
Read morequestion It is important to limit the number of supply chain partners in the product development and commercialization process. answer False question By working closely with its clients and understanding their needs, A Plus Z has improved its service encounter to a level that was not thought possible in mass retailing. Which of the eight […]
Read moreAnswer: Who helped expand the power of the presidency?
Read morequestion What is the difference between a change in demand and a change in quantity demanded? answer A change in demand is caused by a change factors other than price – the entire curve moves. A change in the quantity demanded is caused by change in price only (ceterius paribus). It causes a movement along […]
Read morequestion The exclusionary rule is illustrated by which supreme court case answer Mapp v. Ohio question The supreme court’s decision in Roe v. Wade was based on the answer right to privacy question Eminent domain is the power of government to answer take private property for public use question Selective incorporation answer considers the provisions […]
Read morequestion Components of a chart review answer Check Orders: Activity Level – Bed Rest, OOB to Chair, Ambulate, Activity as Tolerated Clearance from involved disciplines WB Status and Activity Restrictions History of Present Illness Operative Reports Lab Values Imaging (MRI, CT, X-ray) Progress Notes Orders that are Red Flags: -Xrays/MRIs of spine or extremities Especially […]
Read morequestion Endorsement answer licensure granted by the board persuant to the provisions of 486.081 or 486.087 question Practitioner of record answer 458 md 459 osteopathic 460 chiropractor 461 podiatrist 466 dentist question Board of PT practice # of members answer 7 question Board of PT practice members answer 5 PTs (at least 4 years) – […]
Read morequestion Sensory Register answer Information comes into you and reaches your senses (sensory memory); Information is constantly coming in; If you don’t pay attention to it ever so briefly,FORGOTTEN; usually last briefly question Attention answer focusing awareness on a narrowed range of stimuli or events question Selective attention answer critical to everyday functioning; imagine how […]
Read morequestion About what percentage of clients with uni polar depression receive treatment from a mental health professional each year? answer 50 percent question A therapist using free association and dream interpretation discovers that as a small child her patient had been left alone by her mother on several occasions, and concludes that the patient is […]
Read morequestion Dr. Castellanos regularly uses free association, dream interpretation, transference, resistance, and interpretation. Dr. Castellanos has been trained in: a. humanistic therapy. b. psychoanalytic therapy. c. behavioral therapy. d. cognitive therapy. answer b. psychoanalytic therapy. question The three essential components of client-centered therapy are: a. transference, interpretation, and resistance. b. catharsis, dream interpretation, and insight. […]
Read morequestion Neither of 2 alleles is dominant (e.g., blood groups) What is the genetic term? answer Codominance question Nature and severity of the phenotype varies from 1 individual to another. What is the genetic term? answer Variable expression question Not all individuals w/ a mutant genotype show the mutant phenotype. What is the genetic […]
Read morequestion Facilitation answer Meeting- set of activities carried out before, during, and after meetings to help achieves its own outcomes question facilitator answer leader to help ensure team achieves goals question six roles of a team answer organizer, innovator, doer, challenger, team builder, connector question marketing answer The activity, set of institutions, and processes for […]
Read morequestion Definition answer Any instance in which individual suddenly becomes ill and requires immediate attention question First aid answer Designed to render immediate and temporary care to persons injured before arrival of health care practitioner question Emergency situations answer Choking and breathing crises, chest pain, bleeding, shock, stroke, poisoning, burns, wounds, sudden illnesses (fainting/falling), illnesses […]
Read morequestion 1.0 (Product Centric) Objective: answer Sell products question 2.0 (Consumer Oriented) Objective: answer Satisfy and retain customers question 3.0 (Value Driven) Objective: answer Make the world a better place question 1.0 Enabling Forces: answer Industrial Revolution question 2.0 Enabling Forces: answer Information technology question 3.0 Enabling Forces: answer New wave technology question 1.0 How […]
Read morequestion What is the total amount of solid material dissolved in water? answer Salinity question What is the average salinity of the ocean? answer 3.5% question What is the most common salt in seawater? answer Sodium chloride (common table salt) question What are the two sources of salt in the ocean? answer The chemical weathering […]
Read morequestion When looking at the periodic table, Each row is a ………… answer period question When looking at the periodic table, each period starts with a very a………. ………. in group 1 and ends with an b…………. …….. in group 8 answer a reactive metal b unreactive gas question When comparing the weights of atom, […]
Read morequestion tropical answer If you were standing at 20 degrees north latitude, you would be within which latitudinal geographic zone? question meridian answer A line connecting all points along the same longitudinal angle is called a question Meridians answer They cross parallels at right angles. All meridians are the same length. They are used to […]
Read morequestion what is the estimated avg requirement, (EAR)? answer the requirements expected to satisfy the needs of 50% of people in an age group/gender. (50% risk of inadequacy with this amount of intake) question what is the recommended dietary allowance, (RDA)? answer the daily dietary intake level of nutrient expected to meet the requirements of […]
Read morequestion Early 1800’s answer secret groups working for unification: Carbonari “coal burners”, and Young Italy. Both worked for Risorgimento (“Resurgence”) question 1848-49 answer Each of 9 Italian states have revolutions, only Sardinia was successful. Mazzini takes power in Rome but is eventually tossed out; motivated many Italians to unity. Should they be under rule of […]
Read morequestion Recent evidence suggests that genetic factors play the biggest part in the development of _____ cancer answer breast question Exposure to the human papillomavirus (HPV) increases risk for ____ and ____ cancer. answer cervical; oral question Which of these best explains the recent drop in cancer death rates in the U.S.? answer Both a […]
Read morequestion A(n) ________ is an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual’s evaluations, aspirations, or behavior. answer reference group question Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions. answer value-expressive question Which of the following is an example of utilitarian influence? […]
Read morequestion A target market is a group of people who have a need, purchasing power, and the desire and authority to spend money on goods, services, and ideas. answer False question The forces in the marketing environment are totally uncontrollable. answer False question Richard has acquired a supply of canned fruits and vegetables. He does […]
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