Angelo Act Ii Essay Example
Angelo Act Ii Essay Example

Angelo Act Ii Essay Example

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  • Pages: 1 (175 words)
  • Published: December 7, 2017
  • Type: Paper
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In Act II Scene two, the Provost and Angelo engage in a conversation about Claudio's punishment. Inquiring about Angelo's decision to have Claudio killed, the Provost points out how prevalent the vice is among all groups and wonders if such a severe punishment is appropriate (2.). The entire exchange is contained within a

tag.Angelo confirms with a reply of "'Did not I tell yea? Hast thou no order? Why dost thou ask again?'" (2.2.745) that he had previously stated a certain fact in the text (2.740).

In the context of the


play, the differing views on justice between Provost and Angelo are highlighted through their responses regarding Claudio's fate. Provost displays compassion for Claudio, while Angelo exhibits a lack of empathy. Angelo's reaction may stem from a lack of understanding of compassion due to a strict upbringing or a newfound power that has led to corruption. The interpretation of Angelo's character may depend on whether he is perceived as essentially moral, succumbing to temptation, or truly evil, as portrayed by Shakespeare.

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